
4 Simple Steps to Overcome Perfectionsim

Have you ever struggled with perfectionism?

How often do you feel you have to be “right” and does this actually make you feel “wrong”?

Perfectionism is the ego’s procrastination tactic and stems from fear of rejection.

It’s an old ego story that developed from a feeling of being wronged, punished, rejected or invalidated in some way.

This story inhibits the creative process which is about making changes, finding contrast, being mutable and navigating the unknown.

You learn from your experiences.

I know that when perfectionism rears its head for me, tasks that could be simple turn into laborious ones.

How much do you think you have to know before you do something?

Does it prevent you from moving forward?

What kind of pressure do you put on yourself?

When you are stuck in this loop, you lose sight of the joy of the creative process.

I love this quote from Julia Cameron, from the Artist’s Way,

Perfectionism is the opposite of humility, which allows us to move slowly and steadily forward, making and learning from our mistakes. Perfectionism says do it “right”— or not at all.

Here are 4 simple steps to transmute this story:

1) Close your eyes. Smile. Place your hands on your heart. Say to the ego, “Thank you showing me my inner work!”

2) Direct your mind to your inner child and heart. Say, “I love you. I am enough!”

3) Breathe for a few minutes into your creative center, your pelvis, and say, “I open myself up to the joy of creativity that flows through me. I desire to share my gifts from Spirit authentically. Spirit…what can I offer in service to you?” Listen.

4) Open your eyes and take action from humility.

Move through your day in wonder about what’s flowing through you.

Spirit is working through you.

Let the creative process be fun and joyous.



P.S. Share this blog and comment. I’d love to hear from you. What processes do you use to help you transcend procrastination?

Photo credit: Ben White on Unsplash


5 Keys to Manifesting Your Desires

How do we manifest or bring the formless to the form?

I’d love to share with you what I consider to be the 5 most important keys to manifesting your desires.

I use these steps with much success with my coaching clients to align them with their soul’s purpose and actualize their visions.

Please share this blog on Facebook, tag me & let’s open it up to comments/discussion. 😉

1 – Desire

Desire is one of the Four Aims of Yoga, in Sanskrit her name is Kama (like the Kama Sutras). I love this yogic definition of desire below.

According to, “Kama literally means desire.  Humanity is a species filled with desire.  We live in an age where a large portion of the world is heavily focused on desire. Some desires are for the uplifting of humanity, some are for justice, yet others desire for a particular person to love them.  Some are consumed with sexual desire. Yet, others desire communion with Divinity.  There are a plethora of desires within humanity. It is said in the Vedas that creation as ‘desire first arose’ within Divinity.  While desire is largely vilified within the realm of spirituality and religion, it is a powerful motivator and tool when used properly, and can be a catalyst for great change within humanity.

What is a powerful motivator or desire that you have?

2. Intention

When you look up intention in the dictionary its an aim or plan.

What is the aim, the plan for this powerful desire? What do you intend with your energy?

What are you asking the energy of creation to bring forth and why?

How can having this in physical form help you to serve humanity and/or save the health of the Earth?

3 – Vision with your senses

Creating a vision through the senses and your imagination will start to make your desires and intentions real to you.

In Shamanism, Yoga, Reiki, and Somatic Therapy, we know that our imagination is one of the most powerful tools for healing.

You can imagine something as being different and actually completely change your experience. According to neuroscience, we can re-pattern our brain and create new neural pathways.

I know people who have shrunk brain tumors through imagination in meditation. They create a fully different reality through changing their belief system.

So when you are creating a vision, ask yourself:
What does it feel like if you were to touch it?
What could it look like in detail?
What taste does it have?
What smell arises?
What sound does it make?

Create a vision board, filling it up with images based on the feelings and experiences that you are uncovering about this sensory exercise.

4 – Yoga/Meditation

We want to get out of our analytic mind that overthinks, analyzes, judges and wants to control the process and the “hows”.

Manifesting energy, although matched with some action, is very much a creative and heart energy process.

Let’s look at manifestation in this model as a process of receiving that which is in the Quantum field and generated by the heart’s desires.

As a co-creative process with the Universe, we need to be offering the liberating current of energy from our bodies rooted in the Earthly desires up to the Spirit realms and we need to have the antennae/receivers on to bring down what’s called the manifesting current or bringing Spirit to 3D.

It takes about about 15-20 minutes to drop into the theta brain wave state so that we can get into our creative brilliance.

In this space, we can be open to receive images, messages, downloads, knowings set forth from your desires and intentions.

5 – Let it go!

For me one of the hardest parts. 😉

We get so attached to our “how’s” and “whens” that we forget our limited human mind can’t see into the ingenuity, brilliance and limitless possibilities that the Universe IS.

We need to trust that once its out there in a clear way, that the Universe will be the reflector and will match our heart’s truest desires.


Thank you for listening!

Please share this blog on Facebook, tag me  & let’s open it up to comments/discussion. 😉



photocredit: Andressa Voltolini at unsplash


3 Steps to Develop Trust in Yourself

Trust is big word.

Do you know what it means?

In the dictionary it’s defined as a ‘firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.’

So I looked up the word, “belief”.

In the dictionary its defined as to ‘accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of.’

So trust can be defined as, “a firm acceptance of the truth in the reliability, ability, or strength of someone (ourselves or another) or something.”

When clients come to me for healing and coachign, they admit they have a hard time trusting themselves and others.

If looking at the above definition you might ponder, what in their lives created a wavering in their reliability, ability or strength?

I say, the belief in the ego experience.

Your beliefs systems are a product of your childhood environment. You accept the opinions and attitudes of your parents, childhood friends and society. You ingest behaviors.

The ego is an artificial sense of who you are. It’s an idea based on other people’s opinions. You begin to believe this is who you are and and then think of yourself in this way.

You have a hard time accepting the truth about yourself as a reliable, strong, and powerful creator.  Yet, your true essence is Love – limitless, boundless, and free.

You believe so deeply in this Ego identity that you cannot often see your True Self.

The ego in and of itself is neither good or bad; it just is. It’s a stage in our development that serves its purpose…it needs to be progressively shed in favor of the re-emergence of our true self from the mists of childhood. ~Shefali Tsabary, PhD.

You are now witnessing the societal collective egoic programs that have been running for a long, long time that say, “you are not enough”.

You are awakening and remembering the non-dual truth of Love, yet you live in the nature of dualism, ego and lack consciousness.

You are undergoing a big shift – understanding the Divinity in all things and seeing yourself in the other.

You are beginning to understand that you have the ability to bring God intelligence into manifest.

You are witnessing that you impact “the other” greatly and that you have this innate power and intelligence inside of you.

How can you step forward into trust?

Or as defined above, change your beliefs to become ‘firm in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of yourself and the other?

This brings me to the Yoga Sutras and the concept of Kriya Yoga.

Kriya Yoga is what is said to release our suffering that is rooted in self-ignorance (ego which keeps us separate) and lead us to Self-realization/God.

Kriya Yoga is also referred to as the concept of “skill in action”.

Creating “skill in action” has three steps.

These are 3 Steps that will help you develop trust in the other and yourself:

1) Discipline/Self-Purification/Heat/Body ” – Tapas = Strength

2) Self Study/Reflection/Mind – Svadhyaya   = Reliability

3) Devotion/Surrender to God/Soul – Isvara Pranidhana = Truth


You can become trusting of yourself when you do your inner work.

You can show yourself how to build strength in your body, by purifying and practicing and disciplining yourself. Through a physical practices like yoga, you can start to overcome the stories and beliefs of your limited mind.

When you self-reflect, you discover reliability through making conscious choices and closing the gap on your subconscious programs through self-awareness. Yoga has been defined as bringing the subconscious to the conscious and creating union. This way you take ownership for yourself and control the monkey mind. You become aware of our reactivity, judgments, and ego and become discerning and responsible.

When you surrender to a spiritual belief system that all is Divine, Love and in Perfect Order then you release a lot of the pain and suffering that feeds the Ego of separation. When you surrender to the beauty of all as equal under the eyes of God, then you can see the truth that Love flows through you as YOU.

This is a mind-body-spirit approach to developing trust in yourself and the other.

I will share a testimonial from a client who went through my Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive integrative healing and coaching program.

This is what it feels like to develop trust in yourself!

I had no idea what to expect from this program, but I believed in Nicole and her ability to help me find whatever it was I was looking for. I needed a guide, someone who was spiritual but also successful and pragmatic in her approach to healing. I recognized all of my own potential and saw glimpses of who I could become, but felt as though I was somehow preventing myself from acting on this potential. Envisioning the life I could have made me happy, but I was depressed about feeling disconnected from the path that would guide me there. I was stuck and I needed help. My intentions for the program were vague: I wanted to be happy with my work, I wanted to accept myself as I am, and I wanted to get rid of my attachments to past experiences. Through my work with Nicole, these intentions became clear and powerful. Exploring what happiness means to me, who I am, and what experiences I was holding onto gave me a greater sense of self-awareness and a greater appreciation for the experiences of others as well. I am more accepting of myself, which naturally has led to a greater feeling of connection with and acceptance of the world around me. Once this was realized, everything else had a tendency to fall into place. This program was challenging, but I am left feeling proud of myself for taking a risk and investing in something that has essentially granted me freedom. I would recommend Nicole’s program to anyone who is looking to take back her power and move beyond whatever self-imposed barriers are keeping her from following the path that was meant for her. ~ Misa, Coaching Client



How To Clear Toxic Relationships

I invite you to participate in a very powerful shamanic meditation process that will shift you out of the energy drain of a toxic relationship and help you forgive and reclaim your power.

Last year, I surveyed this newsletter list and I received some very interesting information about what you need and want.

One of the top challenges that you face is the need to clear toxic relationships, past lovers, and sexual shame.

As a survivor of sexual trauma, who harbored a lot of shame and guilt, I have first-hand experience of this process.

What I recognized during my own healing process is that the path to healing was to:

1) allow my anger/rage to surface
2) practice radical self-forgiveness
3) recognize the God-seed/Divinity in that human as your teacher

4) find appreciation for the teaching itself

In allowing your anger and rage to surface you unearth the toxic energies that are latent in your body. These emotions that we hold onto literally poison the body and create disease.

I love the practice of hitting a pillow or screaming in your car!

To practice radical self-forgiveness, in this meditation you will have the opportunity to speak your truth. To allow what was unsaid to be revealed.  This helps the mind to finish the process that was left incomplete. In this we don’t beat ourselves up for wishing something were different.

As part of this meditation, you will be asked to imagine into the Highest version of this person, the Higher Self, Soul, Divinity that exists in this person.

This powerful shamanic process maybe the first time that you are able to shift your perception to seeing and understanding the Divine teaching and the skills that you learned as a result of this relationship.

This is potent.

I’ve offered great results to my healing clients for a decade.

I have worked with hundreds of clients through pain and suffering.

I have seen instant results in my clients.

You can reclaim you personal power through this shamanic meditation.

If you have experienced sexual shame, guilt, or have someone to forgive, then experience this powerful shamanic meditation process that will shift you out of these negative frequencies immediately.Join your sisters on Wed Feb 21st at 1p in the Shamanic Healing Arts Facebook Group #shamanicpriestess and catch my live Facebook video.

I help entrepreneurial women heal their past, awaken the inner shaman, and unleash their priestess power to actualize their vision.

Come join a circle of priestesses heal in the collective frequency of love!

Are you sick of being too busy?

“I’m just too busy!”, Linda says in a state of overwhelm.

“That’s your problem”, I tell Linda.

That usually catches her Ego’s attention. 😉

To me, this statement means, “I don’t have control over my choices. I’m in a state of overwhelm.”

Or this story says, “I don’t deserve help”, “I don’t choose support” , “I don’t choose me”, or “I’m alone.”

It’s also a great excuse for procrastination, avoidance, or over-commitment instead of a clear, “No, I’m choosing me today!”

What does this sentence mean to you?

If you are happily “full” and you love what you are doing, turn the statement to “I’m wildly abundant”, so the Universe can hear your enthusiasm!!!! 😉

It seems like almost everyone I have worked with in my Shamanic Healing Arts coaching program is suffering from overwhelm or anxiety.

How this shows up externally for some people is overworking, isolation, not prioritizing themselves or their needs, or half-assing it.

Can you relate to this feeling of separation from the Self, and community – the very things that keep us in union, in love and in relationship to the Universe?

Believe me I get it!!!  This was a struggle for me.  When I had these types of thought patterns running in the background it was hard to create and envision the loving, joy-filled, abundant life that I imagined for myself.

I didn’t like this struggle and unease.

I didn’t like my subconscious programming running behind the scenes. This is a LOW frequency to be running!

Now that I know this story well enough, I can see when it pops up!

It says to me…

  • You are out of integrity with your self-care practices – use your tools STAT!
  • You are over-commited because you didn’t honor your “NO!” – be AUTHENTIC!
  • You are in a STORY about not deserving what’s coming through flow.
  • Your scarcity consciousness is creeping in – FLIP THE SWITCH!

I don’t want you to have to struggle as much as I have!

I’ve offered great results to my healing clients for a decade.

I have worked with hundreds of clients.

What if you could learn ways to close the gap on these unhealthy patterns that were taught to you as a child?

What if you could have a toolbox that could help you manage them better?

What if you could learn ways to quickly change the story?

What if you could be wildly abundant and thankful for it?

I help the “spiritualpreneur” woman heal her subconscious programming, access her highest vision, unleash her priestess power and create actionable results!

You can step forward for real change

Or not.

Hop on a quick 15 min free call with me, if you wish to help yourself.