
What’s your addiction?

What’s your addiction? 
Food. Sex. Drugs. Shopping. Facebook. Caffeine. I am familiar with them all.
Seems as if almost all of my clients have suffered from one form of addiction or another. That’s what brought me to my Shamanic work and to the plant medicines. I’ve been sober now since 2011.
How can you release addiction?
Recently, I had a huge breakthrough with a client, one of the issues she has with herself is being overweight.
As we dive deeper into her family history, we are discovering that her core wound is a story of “needing to hide”. Her family instead of dealing with emotions, had a tendency to escape, hide and shuffle everything challenging under the rug.
Our breakthrough is that she is also hiding beneath her skin, beneath the weight.
In her family they did not express emotions. In fact, they rarely said, “I love you.”  The only way they spent time was around a table with food. She said, “I think food was family.”
Thus, food became her and her family’s way of relating and food was the addiction to hiding from themselves and their emotions.

I looked up the word “addiction” on Psychology Today and found this quote rather fascinating:

“…most addictive behavior is not related to either physical tolerance or exposure to cues. People commonly use drugs, gamble, or shop compulsively in reaction to being stressed, whether or not they have a physical addiction. Since these psychologically based addictions are not based on drug or brain effects, they can account for why people frequently switch addictive actions from one drug to a completely different kind of drug, or even to a non-drug behavior. The focus of the addiction isn’t what matters; it’s the need to take action under certain kinds of stress.”

Some addiction is chemical dependency, but interesting to recognize that most of our society lives under the imprint of stress, so no wonder why we are all addicted at some level or another to these non-drug behaviors.

What if we could unplug and remove the stress?

My client and I are working on creating great habits that she can use as her go to’s whenever she’s in a state of overwhelm, triggered or emotional and wants to reach for food or hide beneath the stress.
As she has been managing her stress and meditating almost daily, she’s not only feeling way better, she’s loving herself more, making huge shifts in her life and releasing tons of judgement.  She’s totally on fire.
If you want to learn more about Shamanic Healing Arts practices that can help remove addictive behavior and manage stress — sign up for your FREE Shamanic Priestess session. In an hour you will shed light on your real obstacles. Click Here

Infinite blessings on the path to awaken to the Divinity in all,



“Our power to manifest is equal to our power to generate our own evolution.”
– Claire Zammit
Shot of a young businesswoman with her eyes closed sitting in her office

What about you is toxic?

“I am not smart enough.”

If you have been reading these blogs you probably have heard something similar, “I’m not good enough”.  This was my story, as part of another story.

Many of us walk around with what are called “toxic traits” coined by David Simon in his book, “Free to Love. Free to Heal.”
Our consumer society thrives off of these beliefs so that it can sell you more things to help you “improve” who you are.
You are too wrinkly…buy this cream!
You are too fat…freeze if off!
You are too frumpy…buy this purse!
The fact is if we learn to really love, accept and approve of ourselves exactly as we are, we don’t really need much. 

When we don’t need much we also start living in harmony with Earth. We recognize in Shamanism the concept of sacred reciprocity or ‘ayni’ which means living in harmony with the Earth and not creating a ton of waste. When you love yourself, you start to recognize the importance of loving all beings that we are connected with.

When you are in your story, you are in Ego and in resistance with life. When I was in this “I’m not smart enough” story,  I would let other people’s opinions supersede my own truths, considering I wasn’t smart enough to hold my own. It kept me inert for a long time and got me in trouble.
The blessing in this story as I look back was that I overachieved to compensate for “not being smart enough” and pursued information like an addiction which is now how I can share the wisdom I hold. 
And now, because I have healed this story, I pursue information not to gain approval from anyone, but to share wisdom in the service of other beings’ healing process.
Find out what toxic traits you still hold about yourself.  And see how these are playing out in your life. If you don’t know, sign up for your FREE Shamanic Priestess session and find out. Click Here 
The thing is… if you want to lose weight, you don’t run around telling yourself how bad you are, what you lack and how ugly you are and then expect results.
Accepting yourself and loving yourself for who you are is the key to positive change. 
When I work with my Shamanic Empowerment Coaching clients we get to a place of understanding, gentleness and care with the Self.  We set up self-care practices.  We learn to love ourselves like we would love a child. Then, we can start to see results.
Stop abusing and criticizing yourself and see what happens.

Infinite blessings on the path to awaken to the Divinity in all,



“Our power to manifest is equal to our power to generate our own evolution.”
– Claire Zammit

How can I forgive?

“How can I forgive this?”
That was something I have said to myself over and over again.
There are some things that have happened to me that seem irreparable, yet I have been able to forgive.
What I have learned over the years, is that you can’t change the past, but you can change your mind about it now in the present. 
How do you do that?
It’s become part of my life’s work and what I love to share with my clients.
Deepak Chopra helped me with this one a while ago when I was going through a breakup. He said, “Forgiveness is for me. Forgiveness sets you free.” 
The thing is, people make decisions based on their needs and their level of awareness at the time of an event.  That doesn’t always mean that its the best for you. Things can be unexpected.
Yet, if you hold on to these feelings of resentment from the past, you are just punishing yourself in the present.  The person that you are not forgiving isn’t walking around being punished by you because of your feelings, that’s happening to you.
Old stories formulate emotions. If they aren’t released and forgiven, then they can remain trapped in your mind-body system.  Each time the mind relives these stories, those same feelings can be elicited.  If we don’t release them, and forgive them, the negative beliefs can form “dis-ease” or disease in our bodies.
So why not give it up and let it go?
The best thing I’ve found about my forgiveness process is that when no stone is left unturned, you have so much freed up energy and no one to hide from. There is only beauty left in your life, friendships and love.
Rest assured the final say is with karma and God.
If you want to learn more about forgiveness and letting go — sign up for your FREE Shamanic Priestess session. You may just learn there are a few more things to forgive and forget. Click Here

Infinite blessings on the path to awaken to the Divinity in all,



“Our power to manifest is equal to our power to generate our own evolution.”
– Claire Zammit


Young woman yawning, close up

My mom drives me crazy.

“My mom drives me crazy!”
How many times have you said this to yourself?
As a new mom, I cringe at the thought of my son saying this about me, but the fact is mom’s push our buttons.
And the other fact is, children push ours.
I don’t know a single person that I see in my healing & coaching practice that hasn’t had issues with their parents.
Isn’t that the Divine design really?
I believe that we choose our parents.  We chose a particular point in time and space to incarnate upon the planet.  And as karma would have it, your mom and dad were two people that you knew could offer you the lessons that would evolve your soul.
But we forget this.
You will spend a lot of time blaming and accusing your parents for all your stuff.
The point is this, just like coaching, the Universe can’t just give you the answers, or you don’t embody and learn the lessons. So you need to live it so you can be empowered.
Isn’t that brilliant?
God’s the ultimate life coach!
In Monday’s note I mentioned that we are programmed in our early years. We create belief systems about ourselves, then we create evidence, or experiences, that match what we think about ourselves to corroborate our stories.
What are your parents still doing to you? 😉 What do you need to forgive and move past so you can live your life? What stories do you hold on to from the past?
I’m happy to help you get over your parents — sign up for your FREE Shamanic Priestess session. I promise it will not be like talking on the phone with your mom. Click Here

Letting go of “I’m not good enough.”

“I am not good enough.”

“I am not important.”

“I do not matter.”

These are common limiting beliefs I hear as a women’s empowerment coach and intuitive healer.

I believed these stories at certain points in my life too.

Most of my clients suffer from similar forms of self-loathing or sabotage which is why they reach out for personal and professional transformation.

Do you want to change your belief systems and shine your light? 

Do you want to reclaim your power?

In healing and energy work, these narratives are related to a root chakra deficiency. You may feel unsafe, in fear and mistrusting of life which can create a sense of overwhelm, dismantle your power and skew your belief system away from YOUR RIGHT TO BE HERE.

In Western psychology and coaching this relates to inner child healing work and core wounding.  I also like to call this our ego’s victim nature.

In my version of East meets West coaching + energy healing, I will work with you on the ego/victim nature,  core wounds and emotional pains you suffered as a child.

As a team, we dive deep into your lineage to understand your modeling, emotional intelligence, belief systems and narratives that have led you to create these self-defeating patterns running in your subconscious mind.  According to research, about 95% of your thinking is old programming in the subconscious.

Your programming is creating discord, obstacles and resistance with the spiritual part of you that knows what it WANTS,  WHAT IT IS and WHAT IT DESERVES.

The way to overcome this resistance is to turn the conscious mind toward the subconscious and create a rainbow healing bridge. We can use tools like meditation, energy work, emotional clearing, emotional intelligence, healing, shadow work, affirmations, forgiveness, gratitude, and new disciplines.  This takes devotional intention, spiritual commitment and work!

Do you want to create the loving, joy-filled, abundant life that you imagine for yourself?

When is it the right time work on this resistance?

You might experience resistance in a variety of ways.  As an example, you may feel like you take a step forward and then you take two steps backward.  Or you may have big wins and then big contractions but nothing feels steady.  You may feel instability in your money or client streams. It might feel like you have huge ideas, but can’t execute them.

If you were to ask me when I was in the prime of my story of “I’m not good enough” what was happening in my life, I blamed or criticized anyone or anything for my problems. I was holding onto big resentments. I was in fear, pain and separation. Rarely could I own that I was creating these experiences in my life. I was living in my shadow. I didn’t see that my external experiences were a mirror for my own thinking patterns.

It’s important to look at our shadow and heal with support.

As a coach, I play a powerful neutral role as your reflective mirror to show you how you are operating subconsciously and to empower you to create change.

What if you could learn ways to deprogram these unhealthy patterns of your lineage, change your thoughts and manage them better?

According to the Upanishads, the ancient Yogic texts, we could change our destiny if we change our thoughts, “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny.”

If you would like to learn how to change your thoughts and belief systems, maybe it’s time to ask for support?

If you don’t, nothing changes.

What could you do if you truly believed in yourself?

What could you do if you were willing to let go of the stories of the past?

What if you felt like you were good enough or you did matter, what would you create and voice?

I’m happy to help empower your thinking through a FREE Priestess Power session. I promise it will be one of the most revealing calls you’ve ever experienced. Click Here

P.S. Join my free, private Facebook group #UnleashthePriestess to connect with other women who are empowering each other to evolve and thrive by sharing their deep healing processes!

Infinite blessings on the path to awaken to the Divinity in all,

“Our power to manifest is equal to our power to generate our own evolution.”- Claire Zammit