Nicole Red

7 Keys to Actualizing Your Spiritual Business Visions!

As a spiritual entrepreneur, I bet you have a deep desire to actualize your visions through clarity, alignment, and focused intention.

Yet sometimes you get bogged down in the details and get overwhelmed. Have you ever sat down to write, make a video, or a post and instead find yourself scrolling Facebook, distracted and eating chocolate? Do you feel confused and indecisive on your path or unclear of your purpose?

As a female soulpreneur your energy, emotions, body, mind and spirituality DIRECTLY impact the success of your business.

WHO you are BEING is just as important as WHAT you are DOING (if not more).

You are a magnetic energetic being.

If you are feeling unclear and indecisive that is showing up in your business as doubt, needs for external validation, and sabotage.

I love to teach women how to view their shadow work through the development of the chakra system, because this is where all the limiting beliefs, emotions and blocks in our system are that affect the whole of our being.

I will teach you how to study your physical body, energy, emotions, and unconscious and conscious thoughts through this architecture to get back into balance.

The chakra system is like a pulley system. If one is out of balance, you need to readjust the whole.

So let’s say in this case, you are in doubt, overwhelm and anxiety which is making you feel fear, confusion and lack of focus.

1-  First, you need to get grounded to override the overwhelm. Breathe. Connect to the Earth.

2 – Then tune in and listen to your feminine womb wisdom. Feel into your creative center. Speak to your womb, and ask her who you need to be in efforts to attract what it is you want. Tap into your seat of desire and inner essence.

3 – Pull your desire up to your solar plexus. Harness your energy and overcome your inertia, so you can connect with your power center of enthusiasm, will and vitality. Where your gifts and talents reside.

4 – Once you feel your confidence and can access your energy, you can move into the heart of your service. Here, you have the opportunity to connect with WHY you are serving your tribe. Really feel it and be it.

5 – Now connect to your voice, your authentic truth and your vibe.

6 – Access your intuition, meditation and clarity of purpose.

7 – Connect with the Cosmic Divine Guidance….AND THEN BRING IT ALL DOWN INTO THE BODY to manifest it.

YES!  You are now fully plugged into the matrix as a CLEAR CHANNEL.

I wish it were as easy as stated above.

There is a lot more to this than this brief description as you are a multi-dimensional, multi-facted, multi-layered energetic system. 😉  This could take a few months of teachings, implementation, tools and integration, but you get the idea.

When you are creating from a grounded, connected and deeply soulful place confusion and overwhelm are gone and you have unleashed your creativity, confidence and clarity.

From here, you can take INSPIRED ACTIONS.

In my “Unleash the Priestess Within Program” I empower you to understand your shadow work so you align with your creative power, activate your soul’s purpose and make a bigger impact in the world.

I teach you how to powerfully and gracefully put yourself first and practice radical self-love so you have the energy, momentum and focus to serve from a more conscious place with confidence and clarity of purpose.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact me for a quick 15 min chat!


How to Move From Your Head to Your Heart

It is said that the longest distance you will ever travel is the 18 inches from your head to your heart.

As an integrative coach and healer, I witness this challenge daily.

Let me tell you a story about one of my clients.

She is a high level corporate executive running a very financially successful business, she is in her head analyzing, computing and strategizing everything (including her personal relationships) with her masculine logic.

It was hard for her to de-stress and get her into her body. She was challenged by allowing her emotions to flow. It was difficult for her to feel. It was hard for her to receive the feminine ways of nurturing, love, and support for herself.

I brought her to the best healer, Nature. (Mama Gaia, feminine energy).

After hugging a few trees, meditation in front of a waterfall, hiking and lying on the celestial body of Pachamama, this connection with Nature started to help her unwind.

We also did other powerful self-care practices like intuitive energy healing, breathwork and coaching…then she started to feel all the things she was hiding from in her life by living in her head.

It took a few sessions but she finally gave herself permission to admit the scary parts she was avoiding.

We practiced forgiveness of her lineage patterns she was perpetuating.

She started to accept and appreciate herself and understand the ways she was operating from a place of compassion.

She was able to relax enough to connect with the little girl inside that was screaming for attention.

It is through relaxation that we can let go of our grief, shame, sadness and guilt that we hold in our bodies and our hearts.

When we live in our minds and heads we muscle our way through life re-creating the very things we are fearing in the first place.

It was in slowing down and connecting with heart that she had real honest breakthroughs and was able to see was stopping her in her life and relationships.

She was finally able to connect the dots and create a compassionate and truthful focus toward her self-healing path.

How beautiful this was to see her drop into her feminine essence.

In honor of the heart and the divine feminine we honor this energy for our emotional healing.

I received these beautiful gifts from her on Mother’s Day!




































Find out how you might be hiding so you can live in your heart! Set up a Priestess Power Session if its time to find the right path for you!

“Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive” is a highly customized integrative online coaching and personal healing program that combines the ancient wisdom teachings of yoga, shamanism, reiki, and empowerment coaching for a full body-mind-spirit transformation.

Breakthrough your limiting beliefs, unleash your priestess power and share your healing gifts with the world!!!!

water element

{Free Meditation + Water Ritual} To Manage Fear of Change + The Unknown

Does this sound familiar to you?

…You want to trust in the flow of life, but there seems to be a boulder blocking your river of abundance.

…When someone tries to support you, you find it difficult to surrender, trust and let go.

…Your creative projects are at a standstill because you are not flowing.

…When change is on the horizon in your life, you feel anxious or overwhelmed.

…When you open yourself up to a partner, you can’t really ‘let your hair down’ because you have some feelings of guilt or shame in the way.

…You think to yourself, “OMG, that’s that same relationship pattern repeating itself.  Why do I always end up with these people?”

…You can’t access your emotions easily, or you can’t stop the damn that has broken and your emotions feel scary.

…Your libido is less than stellar and you can’t find ways to access pleasure.

These can be conditions/experiences present with a sexual chakra energy imbalance. 

This can be caused by:

  1. Disconnection with the Water element of flow,movement and change
  2. Early core wounds in your childhood experience with Masculine/Feminine energies outside of you + balance of your own masculine/feminine within
  3. Societal programming pressures around needing to have the ‘perfect’ relationship or fit a certain masculine/feminine archetype

What can you do to balance your energy system and heal your sexual center?

I am offering you a very simple practice today that can help you feel more purity in your body, detox some old emotional energy, and connect you with the water element and flow.

Qualities of the 2nd Chakra:

  • Water/Orange Color
  • Moon Element/Mamakia
  • Relates to your emotional body
  • Imbalances relate to issues with mother/father, balance of masculine and feminine energies (ying/yang), creativity, abundance, sexuality movement, healthy relationship to desire/needs
  • Shame
  • Fear around change/unknown

How do these qualities relate to me?

The unknown can feel scary. How do you manage it in times of life, relationship or career transition?

How do you leap and trust that the net will appear?

1.  First you need to get grounded, connected to the Earth and resourced from within. You need to remember that you are supported to fulfill your highest potential. You need to remember your “Why” – your right to be here!

2. Secondly, it’s important to connect to your sacral chakra’s energy of flow, water and the essence of “Who you Are” – your birthright to be YOU.

When you connect to your mission and your essence, you realize that there is a very divine blueprint that is within you. And part of the process of living your life’s mission is to surrender your pain and attachments and live in the now of listening.

The water energy relates to your emotional body and your ability to be fluid or not within. Emotions are energies much like water that are meant to move and transform. If you hold on to them with the stories of the past, you get stuck and rigid and start paddling upstream.

The sacral chakra is the dance of the Masculine + Feminine energies and your sexual life force energy. When you are balanced in the Yin/Yang, you will flow easier because you can access the appropriate energy to support the whole. You can be receptive and relaxed for creative inner guidance (yin) and take action and be motivated to produce (yang).

When your emotions get the best of you and you get trapped you can migrate into fear, shame, guilt and other lower frequencies that don’t support the knowing of life being for you. An imbalance in this chakra can show itself as fear of the unknown.

Here is very simple practice BELOW can help you cleanse, feel more purity in your body, detox some old emotional energy, and connect you with the water element of flow and trust.

Water Purification Ritual +  Meditation Practice (19 minutes)

  1. You can listen to this FREE meditation/lesson about the 2nd chakra from my dropbox HERE
  2. Take an Epsom salt bath* ( 2 cups/40 min). Could add essential oils. I like Citrus Bliss from doTerra for sacral.
  3. Connect with the purifying quality of the water
  4. Hydrate during and after. Then lather yourself with good oils to seal it all in.

*Epsom salts boost magnesium which regulates over 300 enzymes in your body. It reduces stress, eliminates toxins, pulls heavy metals. Reduces pain & inflammation. Helps regulate blood sugar.

If you like these processes, these are the types of tools that I might offer my clients during their highly customized 7- week Shamanic journey through each of their energy centers.

At each energy center we go through a variety of processes to find what is stuck at all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritually) and work to move it through the system.

With this knowledge, we can deprogram and re-balance the energy centers for overall life balance.


Letting go of “I’m not good enough.”

“I am not good enough.”

“I am not important.”

“I do not matter.”

These are common limiting beliefs I hear as a women’s empowerment coach and intuitive healer.

I believed these stories at certain points in my life too.

Most of my clients suffer from similar forms of self-loathing or sabotage which is why they reach out for personal and professional transformation.

Do you want to change your belief systems and shine your light? 

Do you want to reclaim your power?

In healing and energy work, these narratives are related to a root chakra deficiency. You may feel unsafe, in fear and mistrusting of life which can create a sense of overwhelm, dismantle your power and skew your belief system away from YOUR RIGHT TO BE HERE.

In Western psychology and coaching this relates to inner child healing work and core wounding.  I also like to call this our ego’s victim nature.

In my version of East meets West coaching + energy healing, I will work with you on the ego/victim nature,  core wounds and emotional pains you suffered as a child.

As a team, we dive deep into your lineage to understand your modeling, emotional intelligence, belief systems and narratives that have led you to create these self-defeating patterns running in your subconscious mind.  According to research, about 95% of your thinking is old programming in the subconscious.

Your programming is creating discord, obstacles and resistance with the spiritual part of you that knows what it WANTS,  WHAT IT IS and WHAT IT DESERVES.

The way to overcome this resistance is to turn the conscious mind toward the subconscious and create a rainbow healing bridge. We can use tools like meditation, energy work, emotional clearing, emotional intelligence, healing, shadow work, affirmations, forgiveness, gratitude, and new disciplines.  This takes devotional intention, spiritual commitment and work!

Do you want to create the loving, joy-filled, abundant life that you imagine for yourself?

When is it the right time work on this resistance?

You might experience resistance in a variety of ways.  As an example, you may feel like you take a step forward and then you take two steps backward.  Or you may have big wins and then big contractions but nothing feels steady.  You may feel instability in your money or client streams. It might feel like you have huge ideas, but can’t execute them.

If you were to ask me when I was in the prime of my story of “I’m not good enough” what was happening in my life, I blamed or criticized anyone or anything for my problems. I was holding onto big resentments. I was in fear, pain and separation. Rarely could I own that I was creating these experiences in my life. I was living in my shadow. I didn’t see that my external experiences were a mirror for my own thinking patterns.

It’s important to look at our shadow and heal with support.

As a coach, I play a powerful neutral role as your reflective mirror to show you how you are operating subconsciously and to empower you to create change.

What if you could learn ways to deprogram these unhealthy patterns of your lineage, change your thoughts and manage them better?

According to the Upanishads, the ancient Yogic texts, we could change our destiny if we change our thoughts, “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny.”

If you would like to learn how to change your thoughts and belief systems, maybe it’s time to ask for support?

If you don’t, nothing changes.

What could you do if you truly believed in yourself?

What could you do if you were willing to let go of the stories of the past?

What if you felt like you were good enough or you did matter, what would you create and voice?

I’m happy to help empower your thinking through a FREE Priestess Power session. I promise it will be one of the most revealing calls you’ve ever experienced. Click Here

P.S. Join my free, private Facebook group #UnleashthePriestess to connect with other women who are empowering each other to evolve and thrive by sharing their deep healing processes!

Infinite blessings on the path to awaken to the Divinity in all,

“Our power to manifest is equal to our power to generate our own evolution.”- Claire Zammit


Unleash the Priestess + Thrive!®

Breakthrough your limiting beliefs, unleash your power and share your healing gifts with the world!

Can you relate to the following?

  • You know you have great potential, yet you experience self-imposed limiting beliefs about your worth and what you deserve. Your “I’m not good enough” story prevents you from being in your power.

  • You know your current job is not working for you and that you want to work in service of people’s healing and do something you love, yet you get paralyzed with fear, worry, or doubt around money and stability.

  • You are experiencing a life shift (i.e. divorce, career, relationship), and you have trouble trusting yourself, your intuition and the unknown and need healing and mentorship.

  • You are awakening to your path of service as a full time mind-body healer or yoga teacher, yet you don’t know how to step forward into this role because you think you lack the skills or don’t trust your ability.

  • As a child you had visible, audible and tangible connections to Spirit, but you lacked the guidance in the physical world to work with these energies with purpose and intention.

  • You know intellectually that the Universe supports you, yet you may feel alone, unsafe, unaccepted and are seeking a spiritual community that supports and understands you.

  • You have many creative, entrepreneurial visions, yet you find yourself disorganized, overextending yourself, procrastinating, and overwhelmed and nothing gets done.

  • You have worked with therapy for traumatic experiences in your life, yet you are open to that one more therapeutic piece that creates the spiritual connection that finally shifts you out of guilt, shame and grief to truly forgive.


Do you know why these challenges are awesome, interesting and exciting to me?

It shows me that you are at the precipice of a true awakening
and ready to heal.


What if you could learn how to deprogram yourself?

What could you accomplish and how would you be different?


The Great News Is…You are the Creator of your Experience!

It’s time to heal your past, awaken your inner healer and take action!


Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive is a highly customized 1×1 integrative online coaching and personal healing course that combines the ancient wisdom teachings of yoga, shamanism, reiki, and empowerment coaching for a full body-mind-spirit transformation.


I would love for you to sign up for my “Waitlist” with your name + email. Enrollment opens soon.
Click here and write this in the subject! “Unleash the Priestess”


Why you will love it!

This is for you if:

  • You feel ready to move past your limiting beliefs and programs to step powerfully into service

  • You feel committed to creating more prosperity and abundance

  • You want to integrate your wisdom and confidently lead with their feminine power

  • You are committed to breaking through your own glass ceiling, speaking your truth and living your soul’s calling

You will:

  • Create breakthroughs around your core wound stories and shift your perception

  • Reclaim your feminine power and move with inspired action

  • Practice radical self-love and resource from this well of wisdom

  • Free your authentic voice so you can express your needs, wants and desires

  • Vision and thrive in all areas of your life

  • Become a prosperous full-time healer now (if that’s what you desire)

What’s Included:

  • 8 Live Calls

  • 3 In person or remote Shamanic Healing Sessions (depends on location)

  • Personal 1 x1 Email + Text Support

  • Lifetime Access to a Fully Customized Shamanic Healing Toolkit

  • Facebook Group

  • Bonus One Month Follow Up Check In Support


Client Testimonials

“I came to Nicole at a time when I was spinning my wheels. I’d made some big changes in my life which unexpectedly brought on anxiety and confusion, rather than the predicted increase in day-to-day happiness. Working with Nicole, we teased out what truly fulfills me and brings me joy and peace.  Not only that, she helped me make small changes and complete short exercises each week that ensured my anxiety decreased and I was making progress toward uncovering my truest of dreams.  The weekly exercises are life long tools that I will not only continue to use, but also treasure. Most importantly, Nicole helped me to come up with an attainable plan to get me out of my current situation and doing what I love.  All in all, I’m blown away by how much and how quickly Nicole was able to help me. The best part is she taught me how to better serve myself and my dreams for the future.  If you have any inkling to try this, do it!  This is one of the best things I’ve done for myself. Nicole is gifted not only in her ability to heal and nurture, but to make things happen.  When I look back on the past 6 months, I view coaching with Nicole as the catalyst that re-united me with my purpose. Powerful stuff if I do say so myself!”

~Michelle Case, Sales Executive turned World Traveler

“I want to write a special massive dose of gratitude to Nicole,  she’s been my coach over the last 12 weeks.
Nicole has been masterfully:
*helping me to reclaim my power
*guiding me back to my true vision for my life
*providing me practices and inquiries to get grounded and aligned with my truth
*unlocking strength and insight that felt dormant
*navigating with me a new sense of self that’s both softer and more expanded and true
*giving me permission to trust myself and my intuition

This past year has been the most tumultuous year of my life …getting married, moving, launching The Pleasure Path business, letting go of most of my family in our current way of relating, doing deep healing work with my teachers, letting go of all yoga teaching and reiki healing clients, changing my name to Violet…

I’ve never felt so much loss and I’ve never felt such a call to belong to myself, to get clear on what I want to create, and to be at choice. Nicole has helped me to find my power internally and connect to earth and God…to celebrate who I am versus running away or jumping out…to persevere and build faith. Nicole your guidance and wisdom are incredible and I’m so grateful for you !!!”

~Violet Lange, Harvard Grad, CEO of The Pleasure Path


About Your Guide

My name is Nicole.

I’m here to share my proven methodology to empower you to close the gap on your subconscious programming, unleash your priestess power and actualize your visions.

For over 10 years I’ve been studying, teaching and mentoring with highly respected teachers in the US and Peru. I’ve worked with thousands of students and clients over this time in their healing process.

As a survivor of abuse and sexual trauma, I’ve come to understand through my own deep healing journey that we all have very specific core wounds programs in our subconscious mind that we need to work through with attention, accountability, compassion, sincerity, and love.

I’ve become highly adept sensitive and intuitive through this journey and thus very skilled at customizing programs with incredibly transformational results.

Your journey begins with a deep alchemical healing process to discover your subconscious programming or core beliefs.

These programs affect all levels of your development through the architecture of the chakra energy system.

Each week we examine a new chakra through this programming lens to create and understanding of our beliefs and how that’s affecting our body-mind-spiritual balance.

Let’s create your life vision with tangible, actionable steps so you can thrive.
This is a holistic and integrated approach to coaching and healing. These spiritual teachings are grounded in processes that create real tangible results.

I’m thrilled to be offering this program to you!


A 12 week one-on-one highly customized personal Shamanic journey to empower to close the gap on your subconscious programming, unleash your priestess power and actualize your visions!


I would love for you to sign up for my waitlist with your name + email.
Enrollment opens soon. Click here and write this in the subject! “Unleash the Priestess”

“A healer does not heal you. A healer is someone who holds space for you while you awaken your inner healer, so that you may heal yourself.” ~ Maryam Hasnaa

Shamanic Healing Arts Academy®
An Evolutionary Shamanic Healing Arts Academy to Empower Women to Thrive!