My Values, Commitments & Future Self

As you may have been reading about my journey in my last few blogs, I’m in the process of finishing up two life coaching courses that are powerfully opening me up to my Divine Feminine and helping me to let go of some old programming.

Thank you to Violet Lange’s The Pleasure Path and The Feminine Power 7 Week Essential Course For the Awakening Woman by Dr. Claire Zammit from Evolving Wisdom.

I’ve been stepping out of my comfort zone and asking for so much support, really honoring that this is the path of the feminine. It feels so good to be seen and accepted and to have so many woman in my life that are just bad ass goddesses!

I have many POWER STATEMENTS that I’ve written throughout these courses and this is my favorite recently!

“My very existence is more than enough to be worthy of being loved, supported, safe and respected. I am a radiant, powerful goddess. I hold the light and expansion of my awareness in every cell of my being. I am a unique design ready to up-level and express my gifts. I am ready to give myself permission for all my gifts to be fully received. I believe in me. I shine my light into the World.”

I am feeling so ready to commit to the things that I value the most:

  1. Love/Intimate Connection – I show up as presently as I can with the people that I’m connecting with in that moment. I offer loving kindness in all moments. I commit to creating connection to people without any agenda. I am uplifted by partnership. I am heard and seen. I powerfully listen.
  2. Gratitude/Appreciation – I voice my love, gratitude and appreciation to every person that I am in relationship with as often as possible.
  3. Healing – I service all those that I touch with deep healing for them to reveal more radiance and light. I educate myself in the most powerful healing tools in existence.
  4. My voice – I voice my feelings, desires and wants.  As a speaker/coach, I hold space as a powerful auditor, facilitator and wisdom teacher. As a singer, I  share my songs, write and sing.

I see my ‘Future Self’  as:

  • A creator of powerful community and experiences that embody the qualities of the Divine Feminine.  The creator of nurturing, intimate and connected community, whereby creativity, transformation and healing are natural states of being.  Full potentials are realized and rippling out goodness to the world.
  • One who is authentic in her communication. One who voices and presences herself, her feelings, wants and desires.
  • A goddess, shaman, medicine woman that offers deep healing work and insightful wisdom to the broader collective to shift our consciousness.
  • An abundant wealth creator that circulates wealth to help women rise.
  • An author and singer.
  • A super duper sexy, erotic lover!
  • An incredible Mother to my son Yeshua.

When I write this all the hairs stand on my arms. It feels powerful and true.

“Our power to manifest is equal to our power to generate our own evolution.” – Claire Zammit.

What would you like to powerfully step into?

How can I help you unlock your desires and rise up?

Reach out, write, tell me more!

✨ Gracefully put yourself first

✨ Practice radical self love

✨ Free your authentic voice

✨ Create inspired actions 

✨ Clarify your vision

If you are ready to create breakthroughs and reclaim your
passions, power and purpose then I invite you to schedule a free 15 min chat to begin your journey.

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