From Chaos to Order

Are you feeling a bit squeezed? Like your in a race with time? Or being spun in a washing machine? Do you feel resistance? Are you witnessing death/illness/unrest? Are things dismantling?

Change is Now. Restructuring is upon us.

To re-count an older blog I wrote, we are in the year of infinity and change is definitely upon us.  It’s about BELIEVING, KNOWING, getting comfortable with UNCERTAINTY and TRUST. It’s ACTIVATION time light workers!

The New Earth and New Thinking is to set off your desires (and really let ’em rip), Surrender and Believe. Know that the Universe is working with you for the Highest Good of You and for all of humanity. Any challenges that come your way are gifts to help you come more fully into alignment with your Higher Self.

When you practice this New Thinking and really Believe, you will be absolutely amazed at what appears! One of the main obstacles that you need to watch is the Ego. When you actually receive these Blessings, watch your Ego struggle and create Chaos in its disbelief!  “Deal with the enemy in your household (mind)” as Agape’s Rev. Michael Beckwith describes in this video here.

This is what is happening right now in the World. Chaos. From Chaos we find Order. Destruction and restructuring is happening around the entire planet.

Jump on board and live your dreams!! The time is NOW. The Universe and momentum is supporting radical shifting and now is the time to make meaningful shifts. The crystal children are coming in at rapid rates.  They are the race of healers and telepathic beings that will help support the New Earth and its New Thinking!

THE GOOD NEWS IS... there is help if you aren’t feeling supported or are not sure what to do.  Recently, I finished with a coaching client and this is her account of the power LIFE COACHING.

“I came to Nicole at a time when I was spinning my wheels. I’d made some big changes in my life which unexpectedly brought on anxiety and confusion, rather than the predicted increase in day-to-day happiness. Working with Nicole, we teased out what truly fulfills me and brings me joy and peace. 
Not only that, she helped me make small changes and complete short exercises each week that ensured my anxiety decreased and I was making progress toward uncovering my truest of dreams.  The weekly exercises are life long tools that I will not only continue to use, but also treasure.
Most importantly, Nicole helped me to come up with an attainable plan to get me out of my current situation and doing what I love.  All in all, I’m blown away by how much and how quickly Nicole was able to help me. The best part is she taught me how to better serve myself and my dreams for the future.
 If you have any inkling to try this, do it!  This is one of the best things I’ve done for myself. Nicole is gifted not only in her ability to heal and nurture, but to make things happen.  When I look back on the past 6 months, I view coaching with Nicole as the catalyst that re-united me with my purpose. Powerful stuff if I do say so myself! ” 
~Michelle C., Executive & Life Coaching Client
Watch this great video from Deepak Chopra about Chaos and Order from his Rabbit Hole Series!

✨ Gracefully put yourself first

✨ Practice radical self love

✨ Free your authentic voice

✨ Create inspired actions 

✨ Clarify your vision

If you are ready to create breakthroughs and reclaim your
passions, power and purpose then I invite you to schedule a free 30 min chat to begin your journey.

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