What would you do if you had permission?

What would you do if you had permission?

This is an interesting question that I find is coming up lately with my clients and my own personal work.

I have a client who is on her healing path and stuck in an old familial story of “I am different” or “weird”.  This story actually stems from way back in her lineage. Passed down from generations of people who came to the U.S. from overseas and looked different.

Even though she was born here, the need her parents had to ‘fit in’ continued as a pattern in the way she was parented.  She was told how to act, how to be, what she “should” do and how she “should” operate in this culture.

What’s interesting is that this exacerbated the Ego’s original story and created pressure to become an identity that is even more separate because its not authentic to her.

Now, she doesn’t even “know” who she is. (Her Higher Self does, or she wouldn’t be in my program.)

To me, this is awesome!  Truly, a beginner in life, as my intuitive healer James Stellar would say. To her, a bit scary.

In doing somatic body sensing meditations, Shamanic lineage deprogramming meditations and Shamanic Resourcing, we started to see a shift in her perspective.  Then I asked her, “What would you do if you had permission to do and be whomever you wanted?”.

That nearly shot her to the moon.

It was a revelation.  In that moment, she gave herself permission to be herself.

Recently, when I was on the phone with my life coach, I was having a lot of confusion around something in my business.  I had an intuitive hit that I needed something to shift, but I wasn’t taking action.  After a quick brainstorm with her, I received permission to make the shift.

Sometimes in life we just need to give ourselves permission. That simple word, can create a massive shift.

We get very caught up in comparison, contrast, perfection or the ‘shoulds’ that we are given.  We forget, or we weren’t taught, that we can actually change our perspective.  Permission overrides the Ego and helps us to drop in and trust ourselves.

Having the reflection of trusted mentors, coaches, teachers and community groups are wonderful for this reason.  When we can see ourselves in others and hear our desires reflected back to us through relationship, we actually see and understand things differently. It widens our perceptions.

If you need to navigate how to give yourself permission or learn other empowerment tools — sign up for your FREE Shamanic Priestess discovery call. In an hour, we can find out what support you need on your healing journey. Click Here

✨ Gracefully put yourself first

✨ Practice radical self love

✨ Free your authentic voice

✨ Create inspired actions 

✨ Clarify your vision

If you are ready to create breakthroughs and reclaim your
passions, power and purpose then I invite you to schedule a free 30 min chat to begin your journey.

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