
Awakening to the Divine Self

I have a long-time client that has undergone massive transformation this year.

We will call her “Awesome” to give her a name because her story is.

At the beginning of last year, she set some intentions to dive into her deepest fears and get more in touch with her Higher Self + Purpose.

As a 20 + year yogi by passion and a high-powered music executive by profession, “Awesome” did not know what her intention and Spirit had in store for her.

We started the New Year with a Shamanic breathwork session that pierced the 3-D veil. “Awesome” shot into an alternate dimension to the feet of what looked like an Alex Grey version of Ganesha and back again.

Ganesha, is the Lord of New Beginnings and the Remover of Obstacles. And this is how the story begins.

Right after this experience “Awesome” came down with a rare condition that was attributed to a disease that she was most fearful of in her adult life. She couldn’t believe that her extraordinary out of body experience led her into the depths of this suffering. And with this came great fear.

As her coach, I empowered her to reframe the experience as exactly what she asked for in terms of her healing – to dive into her deepest fears. The key here was to not allow the fear to overtake her, but to let the fear be thy medicine.

We felt this was a grand opportunity to surrender and to learn how to trust her health, mind, and body. It was a lesson in learning how to address the inner child and to let go of some old emotions. It was an initiation to step into her power and break through old conditions of the past.

As she reframed her perspective, and to the doctors overwhelming surprise, the condition left her body within 2 weeks and she stepped into a deeper connection of trust with herself and her connection to the Divine Plan. It was an absolute miracle.

What was even more unexpected is that this pattern continued throughout her whole year.

Her husband became sick with a fatal disease. After we had coaching sessions accompanied by huge emotional releases, I helped “Awesome” realize again that this was addressing one of her biggest fears, which were being alone, and the co-dependency she felt with her husband.

Subsequently after her healing, her husband recovered and went into remission. Another miracle.

We were astonished.

It was like Ganesha + Kali were in a marriage cutting off the heads of every fear she had in her personal life and then it started to translate into her career.

Eventually the year ended with a work severance and release of her house!

The best part about the severance and the release of the house, was the time and energy for her next major healing discovery.

She realized many of the actions she was taking in her life were from her pained childhood. She was always proving herself. She had this addiction to seeking the top of the mountain that she could never reach. No matter how high she climbed, truly she could not reach it. Nothing was ever enough to fill the void that was missing inside of her from her childhood.

The biggest fear of all that she had to face was that she was unloved and unworthy and that she would not amount to anything.

“Awesome” recognized that the incredible success and material wealth that she built was based on actions created out of the pain of her inner child. She was unaware of the subconscious programs that were ruling her decisions and life. Again, fear set in. When your whole world is revealed to you and you wake up in it, conscious and awakened, this can be scary and surprising and slightly disorienting.

The silver lining in this discovery is that we were able to shift it and heal.

She is now aware that she can take actions and climb ladders of success from a more nurtured, loving and compassionate place within, connecting her to her heart, passions and purpose.

It gave “Awesome” an understanding of her priorities. It gives her a true understanding of the Spirit realms. Previously she would have called herself a bit of a skeptic.

It gives her a sense of fulfillment, heart-centeredness, compassion, forgiveness and motivation from a more healed and loving place. And moving forward, she will not need to do anything to prove her value.

What I gained in this process is a more embodied understanding of the Divine orchestration of life. I now trust at a deeper level in letting go. I have witnessed through the whole year what it means to surrender and be courageous. I see the importance of a guide and mentor through the process of awakening. I truly witnessed what receptivity creates – the most stunning synchronicities.

I deeply bow to “Awesome” for showing up. Her strength and consistency are unparalleled.

I tell this story to honor her Higher Self for the Divine dance she co-created with Spirit for all to admire.



Photo credit: Shawn Hocking


5 Tips for Beating Sleeplessness Without Medication

Written by guest blogger/author, Gabriel Patel

Sleeping poorly? Waking up tired? Feeling groggy all day? You’re not alone. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that over one-third of Americans fail to get enough sleep on a regular basis. Since sleep deprivation causes disruptions to various brain functions, people who don’t get enough sleep often face challenges with decision making, problem solving, lowered immunity, mood control, and memory. They also have a heightened risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. Although prescription sleep aids can help, they come with many side effects and can be extremely addictive. So, instead of heading to the pharmacy, try out these natural sleep hygiene tips for healthy ways to improve your sleep.

1. Exercise Regularly

Did you know that you can track your fitness progress by analyzing your sleep? Physical activity—even in small amounts—can result in a huge improvement to your sleep quality. Exercise increases the amount of time your body spends in the deepest, most restorative level of sleep that is vital to healthy daytime functioning. Getting your body moving can also help you fall asleep more easily at night because it burns up excess energy in your body, preventing restlessness at the end of the day. Ideally, you should aim for at least 150 minutes of physical activity every week.  You don’t have to pay for the gym, you can try this no-gym workout resource to get in peak shape. Getting outside in the natural sunlight for a morning jog can help reset your natural sleep-wake cycle, while working out in the afternoon can help your body relax more easily in the evening.

2. Make Your Bedroom More Comfortable

According to The Alaska Sleep Clinic, a comfortable sleep environment is paramount to a good night’s sleep. Your bedroom should be dark, cool, and quiet. If it’s not, consider putting up blackout curtains, purchasing a white noise machine, and turning your thermostat down in the evening. If your bed isn’t very comfortable, you may want to buy a new mattress and replace your bedding with something soft and breathable, like bamboo or organic cotton sheets. It’s also a good idea to remove clutter, workout equipment, and electronics from the bedroom and stick to calming décor.

3. Go to Bed at the Same Time Every Night

Our bodies run on a natural sleep-wake cycle. When we follow a regular bedtime, our bodies have a much easier time falling asleep at night and waking up in the morning. So, try to go to bed at the same time each night and stop sleeping in on the weekends. Aside from improving your sleep quality, this will also help your body regulate other functions, including digestion.

4. Cut Back on Caffeine

If you’re sleep-deprived, you may be relying on caffeine to keep you going during the day. Unfortunately, consuming caffeine as early as noon can prevent you from falling asleep at night. Feeling restless in the evening or waking up frequently during the night may be indicators that caffeine is disrupting your sleep.

5. Fix Your Nighttime Habits

Most of us have bad bedtime habits that prevent us from falling or staying asleep. For example, watching TV in the evening encourages us to delay our bedtime—while the light from the screen prevents the production of sleep hormones in the body. This goes the same for your phone, which should be put away at least 30 minutes before you hit the sack. Practice a calming bedtime routine to help your body relax and free your mind from any stressors or nagging items on your to-do list. Some great before-bed activities include yoga, meditation, reading, or taking a warm bath. Finally, avoid snacking on fatty foods or those high in sugar, since these prevent sleep onset. If you look forward to your bedtime snack, reach for a banana, some almonds, or sugar-free oatmeal instead.

There’s nothing more frustrating than lying awake at night, unable to sleep as you watch the clock tick closer to your early-morning alarm. Although it’s normal to have difficulty sleeping once in a while, particularly during times of stress or upheaval, chronic sleeplessness can quickly get in the way of your physical health and mental functioning. Instead of turning to addictive sleeping pills, use these wellness and lifestyle tips to help you slumber more soundly.

photo credit: unsplash


A Synchronicity Story: Facing Money Fear!

How often do you find yourself on the edge of wondering, “How on Earth is this going to work out?”

What do you do when you find yourself doubting your intuition?

Do you experience indecision and procrastination or power, trust and courage?


I want to share with you my amazing synchronicity story that has become a powerful lesson for me in trusting my intuition confidently and overcoming fears around money and lack of support.

This is about money + support showing up at just the right time!


Life gives us infinite opportunities to practice our inner work.

It never ceases to amaze me.

I knew this year was going to be one of major changes and transitions, so in preparation I really committed to my self-care practices – moon cycle intention setting, journaling, coaching, breathwork, yoga and others.

I knew that making this a priority for me was going to be key to getting grounded versus being in old stories of overwhelm or fear.

I also knew that it would put me in touch with the whisperings of my heart and Spirit.



My son’s father and I made a conscious choice to separate our living situation this January 2019, after moving into the same house to support each other and our son’s move to a new state (LA to OR).

I felt in my whole being that this was the right decision for us to start 2019 with a clean slate, but the timing was tricky. It was December and I was gone traveling half the month.

I put some roommate postings out at the beginning of December.


I put some more out mid Dec.


I knew something was in resistance and then left for a vacation with my family.

I let my time with my family be one of presence.

I watched my ego and fear slip in and try and take me down around fear, money and overwhelm.

This time, I didn’t let it.

I said to myself, “I’m going to trust my intuition and that this is in Divine alignment.”

When I returned from my family vacation, I revised the postings slightly.

No responses!

I had to pay the whole rent for January 1st, $2030.




To my surprise, I didn’t freak out. In fact, I felt really grounded.

I trusted that this decision was what needed to happen.

In meditation, I kept feeling that everything was good.

I asked Spirit in meditation to keep me grounded and anchored.

I felt this was an opportunity to trust and to not let myself dip into fear.

I got the next whispering about what to do next.


Once again, I put out more postings this time arranging it slightly differently based on a meditaiton I had and a clearer intention.

I got the perfect roommate for one of the rooms.

She could move in for part of January.

I prorated her rent $177 for the last few weeks of Jan so I got some of my Jan rent back! 

Still short a roommate and was surprised about having to pay $1500 in rent for Feb? Hmm?

YET here’s the kicker and the amazing part!

I get a call from my business partner, there is a check in the mail that looks like a claims settlement and should he open it. I laughed because any time I’ve gotten one of these its been like a dollar.

Well, guess what?

It was $847!

Prorate from new roommate for Jan = $177
Claims check of  = $847
= $1024


Soooo….January ended up getting paid for (just not in the way I EXPECTED, lol).

That same day, I found a roommate for the second room.

She was a friend and co-worker of my first roommate, ready to move in by Feb 1st.

The amazing part is that in the end, I didn’t lose any money in the process of making the shift and finding roommates.


I gained trust in my intuition.

I made a clear choice.

I listened.

I didn’t get overwhelmed or in fear.

I took the actions I was informed to take by Spirit.

I made conscious choices instead of fearful ones.

And the Divine and I co-created this masterful exercise to help me integrate this into my being at a deep level!


I have made commitments to myself this year that have dropped me into deeper layers of healing and forgiveness AND such a stronger connection with Spirit guides and my Higher Self.

My meditation practice anchors me in such connection and support from the unseen realms.

What I recognize now is that the consistency, practice, discipline, accountability, and responsibility offer me the stability and foundation needed to trust and make great choices.

Next time you make a choice and a commitment watch your subconscious programming around things like fear, money, and lower chakra tendencies.

It’s an opportunity to challenge your growing edge, do your inner work and step into your power!!


PS…If you need any support or want to learn how to get to this level of understanding setup a discovery call so you can learn tools to bust through your old programming head on!

abigail low @unsplash (featured image)
simon Rae @unsplash (image 1)
kat yukawa @unsplash (#2)
stephan sandian @unsplash (#3)


Feeling strapped by time and money?

Let me tell you something…your lack of time or money is actually an excuse for not getting your needs met.

I know what you are thinking…”this is going to be another story about the ‘so called’ illusion of time and money, but its freakin’ real for me lady!”

I hear you. I am in and out of these programs too. 😉

Getting your needs met is about healing yourself, stepping into your power and living your purpose.

Let’s look at time.

Lately, I’ve been witnessing so many women who are “time-strapped”.

Look, I’m a single mom, with two start-up entrepreneurial businesses and have only so much time in the day too. I get it.

Yet, what makes women feel time-strapped, limited, or overwhelmed is often fear and a few other culprits related to it.

You may recognize these as your new time excuse.

  • fear of success or failure
  • perfectionism
  • lack of commitment to sitting in meditation or a daily practice that connects you to your Higher Self/God
  • inability to prioritize or manage time efficiently
  • a feeling of “not good enough” or “unworthy” or “less-than” that keeps you playing small
  • stuck in comparison
  • creatively overwhelmed with trouble executing

Do you know that time stretches when you sit down to meditate (see how long 15 min feels!)?

How much time would you save if you didn’t have to edit all those videos and just hit FB live?

Where does the time go when you are leaking your energy all over social media and not applying yourself to your goals?

Read the list above and be truthful.

Are you not getting your needs met because of time?

Let’s look at money.

This money thing, I’m so over it. Aren’t you?

It goes up, down, left, right, completely sideways and prosperous (and then the car breaks down.)

To me, I’m realizing its an exercise in how much I can trust myself and life and surrender.

Money is how much you value yourself and your offerings.

You may recognize these as your money excuse:

  • fear of success or failure
  • need more skills certifications and letters behind mine name to prove I’m worthy and able
  • lack of trust in the ability to use it, manage it
  • everyone else is more in need than me, I can put myself last
  • I’m “not good enough to receive it” or “don’t deserve it”
  • money is the root of evil and shouldn’t be connected to healing or service

Our relationship with money is related to our ego addictions and shadow stories as much as anything else.

As women, it’s especially about breaking through the victim, martyr, persecutor and rescuer syndromes!

We use money as an excuse to not commit to our healing, or not step into our power.

How much money would you save if you didn’t feel like you had to have 20 certifications to start your healing practice?

What kind of money would you make if you believed in your capacity and the voice of your Higher Self?

Describe the success you may have if you loved yourself, valued your abilities, asked for support and understood what you deserved?

Are you really not getting your needs met because of money?

The next step.

Commit to yourself.

This is a practice.

There is no magic bullet.

You can’t hear the whispers of your heart from the pain of your inner child, past stuck emotions and old lineage patterns.

You need to sit and connect with God.

Your purpose is within buried under a lifetime of muck.


When you heal, you have the ability to see with clearer perception.

You can make choices with more discernment.

You reclaim your power.

You become more responsible and less reactive.

You gain the ability to feel and operate with the heart of compassion.

You connect with trust, for yourself, others and life.

You find stability, abundance and the creative flow of the Universe.

You ask for support.

You connect with your Purpose.

And, Thrive.

If you are feeling stuck, reach out for a free 45 min consultation + free meditation. Let’s figure out out what’s in the way of you unleashing your priestess power!

Photo by Claude Piché on Unsplash

Bring courage, connection + intimacy back to your family

Is it hard for you to let go of your children as they leave for college?

Do you have fear or trust issues when it comes to them making their own decisions and being independent?

Would you like to re-connect to your children now that they are away from home?

Feel a sense of loss or nostalgia about your newly adult children?


This is a story of how we guided courage, connection and intimacy back into a family relationship in just one weekend at our center, Sacred Valley Spiritual Retreat in Mount Shasta.

We had a mother and daughter couples retreat recently, and their main objective was re-connection after the daughter left for college and mom was feeling the empty nest.

The mother was feeling disconnected to her daughter. The mom was very active in her daughter’s education and social life all through school as an educator and teacher.

The two were very close, but the daughter was feeling like she really needed the space to be on her own to make her own choices without mom’s influence. She felt her mom was overbearing and was pressuring her to make certain decisions she was not ready to make.

It’s hard as a mother to see your child break away, disconnect and let go. As a mother you may have fear that something will happen to them, that they may make painful choices and for this mom, she didn’t fully trust life to take care of them because she felt that was her job.

What happened for this mom that as her daughter left home, her own issues began to surface. She spent a lifetime avoiding her own pain and living to protect her children from the pain she experienced. We call that the rescuer ego addiction – feeling you need to ‘save or fix’ everyone and everything, which is a result of your own fear and needing to control life. Not only does it overstep personal boundaries and responsibility, but it enables others and takes their power away. And for the person rescuing it creates resentments and a disconnection to their own being.

This mom was now at a crossroads to figure out why she was so unhappy in her life and was looking to fill the void with rescuing and co-dependency with her daughter.

Her daughter felt her mom as a person who was very unsafe in her own body and subsequently felt very unsafe as well in the world. Not only did the mom not trust life, people or herself as a result of a traumatizing childhood, her daughter made every effort to find safety in being strong and doing activities like Karate for example to feel safe. In the end, she took on mom’s patterns and is also mistrusting of life.

This pattern does not help the daughter feel independent and confident in college. It is hard for her to trust her own choices, which she knows she needs to do.

Our work with this relationship was to identify for each of them why they felt unsafe in the world, where in the body this resides and what emotions were present.

We were able to identify the originating events in wherein lay the belief systems and emotional hooks that were causing them to have their current stories and the subsequent behaviors that they are operating from in their lives.

We created a very safe and loving container to begin the process of releasing these past traumas and shifting their perspective through powerful coaching dyad processes, honest communication and powerful modalities such as breathwork, guided imagery, meditation, yoga, hypnotherapy, Shamanic Reiki healing, and sound therapy.

The shift in perspective in hearing the “full story”, speaking their true feelings and needs was so powerful for both of them. Some of the most poignant was the guided imagery that helped them to “see” things differently in their own minds.

They felt so much lighter, connected and empowered as they left the center. They expressed that they felt they had really positive tools that they could implement in their lives and emotional honesty and intelligence that will help them to stay connected and grow.

If you are needing ways to re-connect or see yourself in this example, please reach out and set up a phone consultation with us, we’d love to help you reach success in your personal development and business endeavors.

Bringing you home to your heart!

Nicole + Alan