
My Dark Night of the Soul + How it Birthed Unleash the Priestess!

Are you done feeling emotions that trigger self-hatred, self-sabotage and other destructive patterns? When will you stop living the life of your past and change this?

I recall one of my dark nights of the soul.

I was working my ass off and doing what I thought were all the right things, but nothing seemed to get into alignment.

It was like I would take a step forward and two steps back.

I was successful in many ways. Getting what I wanted in many ways. Yet, I would make a bunch of money, then lose it all. I would get a great opportunity and something would go awry. I would have expansive breakthroughs through all the healing work I was doing and then everything would fall apart. I’d be wrecked for days. I thought I was in great relationship yet it turned sour. We broke up and my child was now with separated parents.

Things were in chaos.

I couldn’t see the shadows lurking in the dark.

The thing was when things were good, I was good.

Then when things would turn, and I was not so good.

What I realized is that when things were good, I subconsciously couldn’t receive it. When things started to show up or go my way, I would sabotage it. I would butt up against my old stories, lack mentality, money issues, fear, overwhelm, and pain.

My inner child chose not to believe things were good because I still believed I wasn’t worthy of any of it. I felt in some way that I needed to be punished for my past.

I also believed that healers and teachers are bound to never make money! (Ugh). I was out rescuing everyone to prove my worth, until I was so depleted I was labeled with chronic fatigue.

It was time for another consciousness upgrade!

I decided to get coaching and work with more intuitive healers.

I knew it was going to be a financial commitment, a big old fear of mine, which is what kept me from doing it. And, I’m so glad I did.

What I found was that I was stuck in some old patterns of feeling not good enough, and past conditions of abuse, criticism, and judgement. I was giving up so much of my power away subconsciously.

That’s why I couldn’t make money either. I felt I didn’t deserve it.

On top of that I packed on a few big resentments through all that rescuing and I didn’t feel loved or supported. And truly the kicker… I was suppressing my voice and not expressing my feelings out of fear of what others would think!

What I realized was that underneath it all, I was still a pissed off and pained little child that was screaming for self-love, attention and support. I was mad at what I couldn’t create in my life and was not able to see the way through.

I needed to make some real bold changes.

I had to take a stand for myself. I had been helping everyone but myself for too long.

I had to be willing to forgive, to commit to change, to create discipline and accountability. I had to truly love myself and take the time to do so.

What I realize now is that through this whole journey, I was being initiated into my sovereignty as a priestess!

I was being given my blueprint for my coaching programs, “Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive!”.

I just had to do the last final piece of really deep work!

If you are hitting up against walls, glass ceilings, money problems and not getting your relationships or work in alignment, what do you think is happening?

Is the world against you? NO. NO. NO!

Here’s something you don’t want to hear.

It’s your CHOICE to live there!!!! [Book a Power Priestess Session Now!]

It’s hard to create the abundant life that you imagine for yourself when old patterns and linked behaviors like procrastination, isolation, complacency, judgement, shame, guilt and fear are in the way.

Are you READY + WILLING to take the deep dive + heal?

What if you could up-level your personal + professional life through transformative self-care practices and discipline that work?

What if you could learn how to build your self-confidence and RECLAIM your POWER?

There is another side to your narratives and I know how to help you get there in a loving, compassionate way, with a proven methodology that works.

I have been helping hundreds + thousands of people heal over the last 15 years.

I have clients that have experienced such radical shifts that they CAN NOT EVEN IMAGINE their old lives after just 12 weeks!

They don’t even think the same way.

I’ve witnessed my clients experience radical shifts like leaving their big corporate job to follow their dreams; open new healing businesses; teach more classes when they had no voice; decide to divorce because their in a toxic situation; leave their parents’ home and live on their own; and move across states to be with a new love!

It’s amazing what you can do when you feel empowered, loved and supported.

When you have a cheerleader in life and you become the beginner again.

I didn’t believe I could shift all these things until I did it for myself.

Then I watched the synchronicities flow.

I watched my business thrive.

I created my coaching programs because I am so passionate about healing and helping people see the common pitfalls, roadblocks and dark nights as initiations on the yogic path of self-realization. And with a mentor its so much easier to navigate.

I combined my personal trauma-informed emotional healing work with some kick ass visionary and practical tools from both East and West.

You need to heal your internal environment before the external one comes into alignment.

When you align with your power to find your purpose.

And once you heal and find that purpose, and power is present – YOU FLY!

There is nothing stopping you from living the abundant and amazing life that you imagined for yourself! Truly.

Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive is a highly customized integrative online coaching and personal healing program that combines the ancient wisdom teachings of yoga, shamanism, reiki, and empowerment coaching for a full body-mind-spirit transformation.

I’ve got a few 1×1 coaching spots opening.

Book a Priestess Power Session Now!

With gratitude,
xo Nicole Doherty


“The program with Nicole, helped me to take the phrase “you can do anything you put your mind to” and shift it to not just words, but a deep seeded understanding that I can truly do anything I put my attitude to. The tools you equipped me with by being a reflection of my own power helped me to realize that I had that power all along. When I started the program I was insecure, codependent on a unhealthy relationship, and grieving the loss of my father. Now after having completed the program I feel truly free to use life, my mind, emotions, and body as tools to create the life of my dreams. Instead of being afraid of the dark parts of my past I can use them as tools to understand how I relate to life and not let them define me anymore. “~ Sarah Vale


Plant Medicines

Thank you Ayahuasca.

Today I want to give homage to my most beloved sacred plant teacher, Ayahuasca.

I’ve been off the grid with my dedication to this medicine and in hiding for too long. Yet, there are many all over the world that are speaking about this powerful plant and now I feel safe to speak my truth.

She’s been my main non-human teacher since 2009. She chose me to work with her through a series of incredible sychronicities that led me to Peru on 1/1/11 to work for 3 months with 7 shamans at the Temple of the Way of Light. Check out that numerology! I experienced a kundalini awakening that altered my entire universe and flipped my perspective upside down.

In 2012, I began receiving Light Language codes, the language of sacred geometry . “Light Language is higher dimensional frequencies that ‘speak’ directly to your DNA and energy field, finding a resonance that activates and balances you on profound and practical levels – its an initiate of ascension (Valerie Ester).”

Since then, I’ve been on a healing path serving the her teachings as best I can through my work, and bow humbly to this path. I’ve helped hundreds upon hundreds of individuals on this same path of Awakening. I learned how to offer transformative healings and to hold impeccable space as a result.

As many whom have worked with this medicine know, she’s been weaving her dynamic web through the World to awaken the collective human consciousness and lightworkers are uniting to raise the vibration of the planet. She’s asking for Balance – to Save this Beloved Planet – and to Remember Love again.

Oddly enough. I parted ways with this medicine for a while to integrate after 10 solid years of service and apprenticeship. She still works with me on a spiritual level every single day and I feel her guidance always and everywhere.

In my last ceremony, she offered me a near death experience – a choice – to stay or go. I chose a resounding “YES” to stay on Earth with my son. She gave me no choice really it was a stern ask because all I could feel was terror vs the light that I would have expected. This was one of many Ego Deaths I recognized later. My ego was unable to fully surrender to what could and may have been the Light on the other side.

My integration has shown me that she took me to the depths of my own fear to clear it because it is what exists in me and most of us on this planet at our root. I still had layers and levels to work through into fully TRUSTING the Divine. And what resulted in the last 2 years has been some of the most profoundly deep healing I’ve had to date.

She continues to support and guide me from a deep place within. I am eternally grateful for all the blessings she has offered me, even though sometimes they came packaged in fear. She still guides me in what I offer my clients and deep healing takes place as she holds space with me, as me and through me.

What she showed me is that my life’s path at this moment I’m to offer the teachings of the medicine using completely holistic methodologies like breathwork, energy medicine, coaching, yoga, etc. so that people who are unable/unwilling to work with this plant medicine could find the same outcomes of Remembrance, hence creating the empowerment coaching + intuitive healing programs that I offer individually and with Alan at The Sacred Valley Spiritual Retreat.

The Grandmother and I co-created the title, “Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive” to service women into self-realization, or awakening to their own Divine Union with God, as God Within. To me, its all about Remembering Who We Really Are and seeing ourselves with Loving Eyes and a Powerful Humble Heart. I want women to Love themselves pure and simple and to have long term, sustainable practices and community that keep them on their path.

Every day as I coach my clients and do healing work, I hear the stories that have suppressed women from our power and the belief systems that are in place. I know that there is a Divine Path that brings us back home when we learn to heal, forgive, surrender and take responsibility for our lives.

I desire for you to live in JOY, CELEBRATION, TRUTH, ABUNDANCE and more. As we bring this Earth back into balance in the feminine way and create global feminine systems and businesses that are nourishing and in harmony with Nature, we create community with our gifts, share and love again. We can bring this world into Global Peace when we heal, create and relate from a place of Love vs Fear.


A Workaholic’s 7 Steps To Recovery

I am a recovered workaholic.

I used to go-go-go.  It would take a lot for me each day to not work all morning, day and night.

I would stack appointments with no breaks, not eat, barely drink water and end my day depleted and unable to sleep. Making time for myself was unheard of.

I did everything in my power to serve and please those around me and then I’d get caught up resenting all the things I was doing. I couldn’t get out of this loop.

As a coach, I have so many women clients that fall into this category.  I hear it every day. 

One of the gifts of my program, Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive, is to turn an eye toward what is keeping you from self-care and love.

Most of what you do is unconscious.

You are programmed as a child from your parents, teachers and society. You were taught to compete, climb ladders, and please others in efforts to get more of what you wanted.

Most women like you, have a wish to provide because you grew up in the era of women moving into the workforce and being able to have more rights and opportunitiesThis is wonderful, yet, what you learned was that you had to do everything you were told to “make it” and often that was at the expense of your own well being.

On top of being a career women, you may also still hold the role of the head of family household, kids, etc. So you have two jobs!

Where is your “YOU” time?

It’s time to question your motivation as a workaholic.

You probably have another unhealthy addiction called the “Rescuer” syndrome.

This is the part of you that needs to fix, save or overstep your responsibility because you can do it best. It keeps you in control of managing expectations. It feels safe.

Yet, in most cases, this is based on your childhood wounding story that says you are not good enough, worthy or important (or any other variation of not feeling heard, needed or loved.)

This is what is the motivating force behind your workaholic behavior.

Like any addiction its a habit that keeps you blind to your pain.

Unfortunately, you can no longer hide.  The gig is up!

One of my core wounds from childhood was feeling unheard, unseen and disregarded.  My parents were classic workaholics filled with pain.  In fact, most of my memories of them they were talking about work, constantly fighting and I didn’t feel seen at all. I was forced to study things I wasn’t interested in. I was living the life they wanted because it suited them. I felt like I wasn’t taken seriously.

As I got older, I fell into the same coping strategies that my parents did. I was so unhappy, depleted and unsure of what I was doing in Corporate America.

It was not at all aligned with my passions or purpose.

Then, my dad died. It took this huge weight off my shoulders to be honest. Although I love him and miss him every day, I finally was able to give myself permission to do what I wanted to do!

I went on my journey of self-realization. 😉

When my son was born, even though I’m a single mom, I was determined to find a way to be able to be present for Yeshua.

I created a salary for myself that supports my son, my lifestyle and leaves me afternoons to play with him daily – all available to me because I MADE MYSELF FIRST PRIORITY.

As a Yogi, Healer, Coach and Recovered Workaholic I know that when I am happy, everyone around me benefits.

I know that as I heal and do the inner work to love myself, I create healthier discipline, self-care and boundaries.

Here are my 5 Steps to Recovery:

1 – Stay true to a spiritual practice. My practice keeps me present, grounded and calm.  I meditate and do yoga every day.

As a single mom this means getting up at 5:30am in the morning and just doing it. No excuses.  It’s my connection to Source that keeps me sane, on my path, receiving downloads, channeling new ideas, giving gratitude and practicing my inner healing work.

2 – Move your Energy + Eat Well.  Every day do something to move your body and your energy and feed it with good life force energy (living foods). We get very stuck in our energy bodies.  This type of congestion lowers your vibration and keeps feeling stuck, undernourished and dead on the inside. Move your energy and feed it good fuel to heal, feel more relaxed and get back into balance.

3 – Get Outside. Be in Nature.  When you are in Nature you are reminded that life is bigger than you and your problems. You start to realize that there is more to life. There is a grander Divine plan.  I get outside every day at least once to take in fresh air and reset my nervous system.

4 – Time management.  I’m really disciplined with my time. I schedule everything and I give leeway to let things move around as Source is co-creating with me!  I know where my day is going with intention and I take major actions every day.  During Yeshua’s time I plan nothing all afternoon so I can in play and be present with him.

5- Prioritize.  I utilize my time based on my priorities.  I know what are THE MOST important few things to handle each day. I leave the rest to my ‘future’ list.  I do have catch up days every so often, and will sometimes get babysitters to do handle them.

6 – Be Responsible + Manage Expectations . This is about being in integrity with myself and others. I am in the practice of not committing to things that I am not feeling responsible for. This is part of not rescuing. I can be generous, but if I feel like I am starting to resent, I know I’ve taken on too much. I am only responsible for what I know I can manage.  As best I can, I also let others know when they can expect results or actions from me.  When people are communicated with in a healthy way, its healthier for everyone.

7 – Email/Social Media.  This one is the hardest, but I have recently re-adapted Tim Ferris’ 4 Hour workweek idea.  I only check email 3 times per day.   We lose so much time wasting it on endless checking and re-checking  between social media and email.  Check 3 times a day, that’s it.  The world does not fall apart and you don’t get stuck down the rabbit hole.

I recently had a client adopt the mantra: I am more powerful than my phone. She gave up social media after she returned home from work at 8pm. Not only did she have time to talk to her kids, but she finally went to bed with her husband each night! A huge leap in her intimacy and personal relationships. She also slept way better and was more productive at work.

Nicole Doherty Certified Yoga Teacher Instructor

You can recover.

It may feel counter-intuitive to give up things in efforts to be more productive, but research shows that productivity increases when we take care of ourselves.

Living a balanced lifestyle is totally achievable.

Having a self-care and self-love practice is imperative to your well-being and is appreciated by your body-mind and everyone around you.

Reach out if you need help recovering!


xo Nicole


Shame = Fear Before Action

“Those of us who get bogged down by fear before action are usually being sabotaged by an older enemy, shameShame is a controlling device. Shaming someone is an attempt to prevent the person from behaving in a way that embarrasses us.” Julia Cameron, The Artists Way.

I love this quote. As a trauma-informed emotional healer, coach and student and teacher of shame, this is a tender topic and so worth diving into!

To add to the above definition, as I understand it, shame is ultimately fear of rejection by the tribe.

Last week prior to this full moon, I was feeling my clients’  deeply moving through shame energy as they were processing lineage core wounding narratives in their first two chakras.  Being so empathic I often feel what my clients are going through and subsequently, I use this as an opportunity to take action and do a deeper medicine dive into my own body-mind system.

I realized I was feeling blocked creatively and could do more inner work around using my own shame story as fuel to expose myself, my story and be more vulnerable as inspiration for healing others.  To me this ends up amplifying my own courage, power and grace.

The more we expose the icky feelings beneath the surface the more healing occurs.  The more we release shame in our sacral chakra, the more in touch we are with our Divine Feminine essence, intuition and creative life force energy.  In turn, this translates to opening all the chakras and particularly the throat chakra so we can speak our authentic truth.

How does shame show up?

Shame can show up in a variety of ways as I have seen it with my clients  – body image, sexual abuse or misdirected energy, and societal controls as Julia mentions above.

Body Image

Brene Brown tells us that body image is the biggest shame that women feel.  As you know, you have been conditioned to believe that everyone woman needs to be the perfect 10.  Add, the filters, Photoshop, enhancements, etc and you’ve got a standard that makes you feel imperfect and embarrassed for being different and creates the ‘less-than’ or lack mentality. This feeds your core wound story around not feeling heard, loved, or seen.

Sexual Trauma

This comes in all forms.  Any time you feel you are in the minoritylesbian, transgender, bi, poly, etc. there is probably a narrative underneath that needs healing so you can come into full power in whatever form you wish to be.  Also, there is sexual abuse – any time you gave up your power, or your power was taken away you carry shame.  On top of this, there are distortions like when you were disrespected, taunted or teased regarding your gender.

Societal Controls

Julia reminds us in her book the familiar stories we heard. I know I did.  The “how dare you?” angry adult response to things that my innocent child did.  I have caught myself blurting this out loud to my own child unconsciously, thankfully only once when I was tired, impatient and frustrated. Oh that tricky unconscious (Shame on you, lol!).

The thing is – we are at fault, wronged and shamed all the time.

As Julia says above, ‘shaming someone is an attempt to prevent the person from behaving in a way that embarrasses us.”

I remember feeling this shame energy coming from peers and from myself when my son started biting as a means of communicating his big feelings when he turned 1.5/2 years old.  I was told over and over again that it was OK that it would pass, but soon became isolated as people did not understand, and I was not included in group activities.

I also felt shame around my failed relationship.  That shame was my own version of sabotage and victim fed by my core wounding story of abandonment. I then had a fear of rejection come up around the ‘normal ways’ of parenting, or the ways that many of my peers were seemingly doing it the ‘right’ way.

I additionally felt shame around my new body, which didn’t look like my ‘pre-birth’ body. My yoni felt disfigured and my extra stomach skin and pooch made me feel embarrassed.

There was a lot to process the last few years.

Feeling Rejection

The fact is, none of us want to feel rejection.

The fear of rejection is one of the biggest fears that is tribally wired in your brain. If you were rejected from the tribe as hunter-gather then the odds were this was your death sentence.  So you learned to co-habitat and create rules that fit what was best for the majority, whether or not that was good for you as an individual or not.

Within this structure you shut down the bright creative energy that resides within you.

If you were ever made to feel ashamed for being curious and out-of-bounds, then chances are you are afraid to step out of the box.


Remember the quote from Marianne Williamson,

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

I love this quote because it reminds us that its the power within us that is what frightens us because we have been controlled through fear and shame for so long.

In our current paradigm, the light is different.  The light is out of the “norm”.  We need to re-structure ourselves and society.

This also reminds me of my favorite acronym for FEARFalse Ego Appearing Real.

Our Ego is our wounded child’s creation, our illusion of separation.  It’s what creates this very real experience that we are having which shouts,  “I am different, alone, disconnected and rejected.” As I write and speak all this forward, it feels so good to connect and expose it.

I offer all our human moments to the fire. 

You are human and learning how to make your way back home. You are rising from the lower chakras of fear, separation, disrespect, shame, and guilt and finding your way into your power and your heart through exposing yourself. You are calling in vulnerability.

I offer the judger, inner critic, shamer and wounded child in you a deep embrace.

Instead of pushing her aside bring your little girl toward you. When your little child is feeling emotionally out of control help her to feel safe and secure so she can process her big emotions and feel healing.

Forgive. Surrender. Let go.

When you release your shame you walk into freedom to be who you are meant to be. You are here to live in your power and purpose without fear. When you are free you can take creative action as it moves through you.

I have loads of tools that I’ve gathered through experience working with thousands of people in deep medicinal healing environments for well over 10 years. If its time for you to take this deep dive into shame and creative blocks, reach out. I’m happy to help navigate these tricky waters to freedom.


Feeling overextended, depleted and frankly just burnt out?

Do you feel overextended, depleted and frankly just burnt out? Or maybe you feel a bit overwhelmed and disorganized, or have too many balls in the air?

As a mom with a 3.5 year old son and a soulpreneur running two businesses, I lead a full life yet I’ve learned to live in a very fulfilling way that feels abundant, healthy and passionate.

I am quite masterful at time management, creating healthy structures, discipline, efficiencies, foundations, accountability and consistency in my life.

And, of course, I’ll have my days, I am certainly not perfect.

I do have stressors sometimes, yet I am so in tune with myself that I can CATCH my SUBCONSCIOUS habits and programs before they get the best of me. [Want to learn how.]

I don’t allow myself to feel wrecked, depleted, or to be in a state of NOT LISTENING.

I know for me that much of my chaos in the past was masked as procrastination.

My little self was hiding out of fear of failing or being rejected. I was out of my power.

When I realized I was hiding it all shifted for me.

When will it be a good time for you to stop hiding behind your chaos and excuses about time so that you can become a successful entrepreneur?

Stop believing that you are not in control (somewhat) over your life and manage your time more efficiently.

Do you believe that overworking with prove your value or your worth?

Perhaps you might consider not rescuing others at the expense of your energy and let them step up to the plate.

You might also experience procrastination and inaction and feel that you are lazy and then you believe you have no time as you aren’t using it wisely.

It’s time to create accountability and consistency and to find and maintain spiritual practices that create a healthy foundation of support and discipline.

Instead of creating discord and disharmony in your life, or creating excuses, complaining or wishing for something to be different, DO SOMETHING about it now.

You can work smarter and that doesn’t even mean it has to be harder. You can make small changes and see big results.

You can be a better mom when you are taking care of yourself. When you create time for you, instead of feeling depleted and victimized you can feel empowered, strong and available.

You can stretch time and create a lifestyle that you choose and do what you love. You can learn to be financially independent and create what you wanted for yourself, including healthier boundaries.

You can dream about contributing more to the family and finding more balance in your parenting and relationship.
When you do what you love, you won’t feel like you are going to work either. You will wake up in gratitude that you got to imagine your vision into reality.

The more gratitude you practice the more love you receive. Life feels abundant, prosperous, and good!!!

If this resonates with you and you want to make great changes, ping me and we’ll chat!

I can take you through a powerful inquiry process that will help you see where you can be more empowered in your life and take back the reins of your success!

I use my decades of experience in Subtle Body Energy Medicine, Meditation, Neurolinguistic Programming, and Empowerment Coaching to get to the core patterns quickly.

In just an hour, we can begin to discover what’s keeping you out of alignment and flow.

“I began speaking with Nicole to gain guidance during a switch from a job that wasn’t working me and into a new entrepreneurial career, but ended up gaining something even deeper than this. My career change had me feeling very lost and unsure where to begin, so we began by deciding on weekly tasks to accomplish, which truly worked! Nicole also advised me on how to structure my day to accomplish these goals and organize my time, which had me feeling more purposeful, more clear-headed, and more confident within the first two sessions. Plus, Nicole acted as a great mentor and friend to turn to for advice on tough conversations and decisions during this process. But while Nicole was wonderful in helping me through this transition, she helped me in an even more important way by setting me down a path towards towards becoming a happier, life-loving person. Our conversations brought forth the fact that in order to transition to a career and life that made me happier than my previous job, I needed to practice self-love, something that I realized I hadn’t been doing. Nicole encouraged me to think deeply within myself in ways that I never had before to find the things that were causing this, which was my perfectionism and some self-esteem issues caused by past experiences. Nicole gave me wise strategies for dealing with these fears that I can use long-term and left me with an uplifted mindset that I know I will carry with me in the future. No matter the circumstances, every conversation with Nicole left me feeling positive and uplifted, and this feeling grew stronger and stronger as our sessions progressed. Thank you so much Nicole!!” ~Sara D.


It’s time to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, unleash your power and share your healing gifts with the world!!!! The world needs YOU!

Claim your priestess power and CONTACT ME for your free call!