Don’t let money prevent your happiness

I want to know your thoughts on this…my download that I wrote this morning.

For the majority of my life I used the excuse and societal programming “I don’t have enough money” to prevent me from doing things I wanted to do.  I’ve never made a ton of money. My largest income to date is $55K. I’m 42 years old. AND…I can pay all my bills, travel the world, be debt free, live on Venice beach, give to charity, have a new car, continually educate myself, get healings/massages, gift to my friends, play and eat well. I’m content and creative!

My message:  Don’t let money prevent your happiness and be the obstacle to getting what your soul really desires. Money is a mask for fear of taking risks and an excuse for not prioritizing yourself.

The lack mentality is so prevalent today. When your soul has passion for something, go for it and don’t let anything stop you!  The thing is, our society tricks us into believing that we need certain materials things. We have shifted our priorities away from our own healing, nurturance and ability to share.  We have become hoarders and slaves to material pressures. When you start to prioritize your heart, you can actually receive the gifts of true wealth, love and kindness.   Your heart recognizes the ability to share and when you can share, what follows is abundance of the heart, contentment and support.

In my experience, when I decided to stop running the scarcity program so many doors opened for me and what I needed appeared. I am still working on my relationship to money. I have had real fears and programming around it, instilled in me since birth.

I stopped hating money and using it as an excuse to shine my light.  I decided to treat it as an energy exchange only. I began to let it flow out naturally and to appreciate where it was going, to whom it was helping and would be grateful for it leaving my hands. I also began to let it flow in naturally because I could see that I truly deserved it coming to me for what I offer to the world as well. I tried not to get too entangled with it as being a symbol of materialism and viewed it as a symbol of exchange. Burning Man taught me about the gifting economy and I’ve begun to apply it more truly to all aspects of my life.

I’m learning that it represents an exchange that I co-create with just as much as I can co-create with the exchange of time. I can offer my services to people that help them feel well and they have talents that they can share with me. That in turn helps support me to give more and the cycle of love unites us. Time and money disappear, we become an exchange of love. When you give from your heart’s intention its energy is of the powerful Creator. Love begets more love.

What I have learned is that when you invest in yourself and your happiness abundance comes in many forms. If you believe you DESERVE happiness and you clear your vessel, the pathways will appear.  The universe co-creates and conspires with you if you BELIEVE in abundance.

Here are some things I have discovered around creating abundance:

1) Heal your wounds, limitations and relationship to the Self so you can believe you deserve abundance, love and money. You need to start with YOU.  Then you can help others.

2) What do you want to share with the world?

3) Do you have the skills/ability to offer this to the world?

4) Invest your time and energy into creating a toolbox that you can fill with all sorts of magical things to offer the world.

5) Don’t let anything stop you.  When there is a will there is a way.

6) Think creatively.  There are always creative ways to receive so you can give. Trade your time, assist a mentor, volunteer, share costs with a group.

6) Your happiness and abundance is not about money –  it is about your deepest desires!

7) Be clear about what your soul is here to do. The rest will come in time.

8) Your abundance and happiness depends on sharing it with those around you.

How do you create more abundance in your life?

I would love to hear your thoughts.

✨ Gracefully put yourself first

✨ Practice radical self love

✨ Free your authentic voice

✨ Create inspired actions 

✨ Clarify your vision

If you are ready to create breakthroughs and reclaim your
passions, power and purpose then I invite you to schedule a free 30 min chat to begin your journey.

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