{Free Meditation + Water Ritual} To Manage Fear of Change + The Unknown

Does this sound familiar to you?

…You want to trust in the flow of life, but there seems to be a boulder blocking your river of abundance.

…When someone tries to support you, you find it difficult to surrender, trust and let go.

…Your creative projects are at a standstill because you are not flowing.

…When change is on the horizon in your life, you feel anxious or overwhelmed.

…When you open yourself up to a partner, you can’t really ‘let your hair down’ because you have some feelings of guilt or shame in the way.

…You think to yourself, “OMG, that’s that same relationship pattern repeating itself.  Why do I always end up with these people?”

…You can’t access your emotions easily, or you can’t stop the damn that has broken and your emotions feel scary.

…Your libido is less than stellar and you can’t find ways to access pleasure.

These can be conditions/experiences present with a sexual chakra energy imbalance. 

This can be caused by:

  1. Disconnection with the Water element of flow,movement and change
  2. Early core wounds in your childhood experience with Masculine/Feminine energies outside of you + balance of your own masculine/feminine within
  3. Societal programming pressures around needing to have the ‘perfect’ relationship or fit a certain masculine/feminine archetype

What can you do to balance your energy system and heal your sexual center?

I am offering you a very simple practice today that can help you feel more purity in your body, detox some old emotional energy, and connect you with the water element and flow.

Qualities of the 2nd Chakra:

  • Water/Orange Color
  • Moon Element/Mamakia
  • Relates to your emotional body
  • Imbalances relate to issues with mother/father, balance of masculine and feminine energies (ying/yang), creativity, abundance, sexuality movement, healthy relationship to desire/needs
  • Shame
  • Fear around change/unknown

How do these qualities relate to me?

The unknown can feel scary. How do you manage it in times of life, relationship or career transition?

How do you leap and trust that the net will appear?

1.  First you need to get grounded, connected to the Earth and resourced from within. You need to remember that you are supported to fulfill your highest potential. You need to remember your “Why” – your right to be here!

2. Secondly, it’s important to connect to your sacral chakra’s energy of flow, water and the essence of “Who you Are” – your birthright to be YOU.

When you connect to your mission and your essence, you realize that there is a very divine blueprint that is within you. And part of the process of living your life’s mission is to surrender your pain and attachments and live in the now of listening.

The water energy relates to your emotional body and your ability to be fluid or not within. Emotions are energies much like water that are meant to move and transform. If you hold on to them with the stories of the past, you get stuck and rigid and start paddling upstream.

The sacral chakra is the dance of the Masculine + Feminine energies and your sexual life force energy. When you are balanced in the Yin/Yang, you will flow easier because you can access the appropriate energy to support the whole. You can be receptive and relaxed for creative inner guidance (yin) and take action and be motivated to produce (yang).

When your emotions get the best of you and you get trapped you can migrate into fear, shame, guilt and other lower frequencies that don’t support the knowing of life being for you. An imbalance in this chakra can show itself as fear of the unknown.

Here is very simple practice BELOW can help you cleanse, feel more purity in your body, detox some old emotional energy, and connect you with the water element of flow and trust.

Water Purification Ritual +  Meditation Practice (19 minutes)

  1. You can listen to this FREE meditation/lesson about the 2nd chakra from my dropbox HERE
  2. Take an Epsom salt bath* ( 2 cups/40 min). Could add essential oils. I like Citrus Bliss from doTerra for sacral.
  3. Connect with the purifying quality of the water
  4. Hydrate during and after. Then lather yourself with good oils to seal it all in.

*Epsom salts boost magnesium which regulates over 300 enzymes in your body. It reduces stress, eliminates toxins, pulls heavy metals. Reduces pain & inflammation. Helps regulate blood sugar.

If you like these processes, these are the types of tools that I might offer my clients during their highly customized 7- week Shamanic journey through each of their energy centers.

At each energy center we go through a variety of processes to find what is stuck at all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritually) and work to move it through the system.

With this knowledge, we can deprogram and re-balance the energy centers for overall life balance.

✨ Gracefully put yourself first

✨ Practice radical self love

✨ Free your authentic voice

✨ Create inspired actions 

✨ Clarify your vision

If you are ready to create breakthroughs and reclaim your
passions, power and purpose then I invite you to schedule a free 15 min chat to begin your journey.

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