Prayers Before the Birth of Yes

I sit at my computer today knowing that this blog is my last as a single woman.

And by single I mean no marriage (yet) and no kids (yet).  I’ve been quite comfortable being an independent woman for the past 42 years. I think at some level I was scared to commit to anything until I felt I could 100% commit to me – to truly loving and accepting myself first.

As I write this, tears roll down my face.

My tears today are filled with so many thoughts about preparation, my birth process, relationship, parental abilities, finances, career and the future. It can be maddening how much I over-think.

Then, I recognize that the only thing that matters is my heart, so I drop in.

My heart is absolutely humbled and overcome with gratitude and joy at the prospect of experiencing  unconditional love on a profoundly deep level. I am beyond thrilled to meet this little being that chose me and LLoyd to bring him here. I am also grateful for all the inner work I have done that places me at this point in time with a willingness to dive more fully into life.

With this, a prayer.

I stand before the altar of light that my plant teachers guided me to in January and before all the ascended masters I offer my prayers and my whole being to this process of truly awakening to the Divinity within me. To awaken to the Sacred Feminine Goddess. I stand before the altar asking that the boundaries around my heart be dissolved and that I fully connect to you, God as the Source that resides within me and all of us.  I ask for forgiveness, for being so hard on myself for all these years. I ask for courage, strength, support, guidance and love. I ask to release all notions of unworthiness, all belief systems and experiences that create fear, worry or doubt or that have led me to be unkind to myself or others. I ask for full connection to my intuition, and to my guides. I ask for healing powers and sacred medicines to radiate through me and with me for this birth. I ask to connect to my sacred sensuality and sexuality so that my birth may be ORGASMIC! I ask to be a mother that listens. I ask that you guide us to help this sacred spiritual being in the ways that will bring him to the fullest expression of his unique gifts, passions and purpose in this world.  I ask that Lloyd and I maintain the utmost integrity in our relations to his being and that we create a union and platform that fosters as much love and kindness as possible.  In the words of Astarius,  “I invoke, decree and dream awake the full cellular Ascension of our Beings –  physical, mental, emotional, spiritual in this NOW.”!  And so it is!

Willingly, I leap…

My next blog will be written by the very proud and honored Divine Mother Goddess of Yeshua Purnananda (meaning: Salvation + God), aka “Baby Yes“.

Nicole 😉

Full lyrics – “Spirit Rap/DNA Ascension” by Astarius

“I invoke, decree, and dream Awake the full cellular Ascension of my Being
Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual in this Now …

With the full support of God/Goddess, The Ascended Master realm to include: Our Ascended Master Self, father Saint Germain, Sananda, the Holy Mother Mary, Quan Yin/Goddess of Mercy, Archangel Michael and the Legions, Ashtar and the entire command, Babaji, Raphael, Gabriel, Clan of the Trumpet Angels, Aboriginal and tribal shaman, Goddesses of Fortune, Angels of Light, Alohim, Clan of the Serpents, Shiva, All Christ Frequencies, all animal totems, Elementals of Fire and Air, Water and Earth.

All divine beings of Light, Love and Ascension named and unnamed
To activate the cells within my Being, who are your counterparts with the Unified power of the One. I decree my Highest Good always operating in this Now.
I decree Grace & Mercy always operating in this Now.

I invoke, decree, and dream awake the full truth and reality of this ascension in this now
I invoke and dream awake with every breath that I breathe the VIOLET FIRE transmuting my whole being.
I invoke and dream awake the full current of ascension in every cell of my BEing
I am ascended.

I invoke and dream Awake expanded God Consciousness Fully Realized in Me as Unlimited Abundance fulfilling my every need and desire.

I invoke and dream Awake the ending of procrastination, tiredness, blockages and obstacles & unhealthy belief systems.

I decree immediate abundance in my life.
I invoke and dream awake my LIBERATION from all karmic debt
I am Infinite Opulence

I invoke and dream Awake my personal Empowerment in every instant that anyone is impacted by my Being & Creations.

I invoke and dream Awake the Infinite Empowerment of my sexual, spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and financial relationship with Life.

I invoke and dream Awake Sacred Sexuality, Erotic Innocence, and always express the Sacredness of the sexual force for pleasure, creativity and healing.

I invoke and dream Awake World Universal Healing from all sexual woundedness and shame.

I invoke and dream Awake worldwide release from all manipulating forces and beings who would control humanity; past, present and future.

I invoke the Angels and Ascended Masters to realign and heal all misused Energy to include the full restructuring of our DNA

I invoke and dream awake the transmutation of all negative and judgmental projections

I invoke and dream awake my constant ability to be centered and balanced in my psychic perceptions and empathic nature ~ all overwhelming psychic energies are released by me automatically, easily, effortlessly.

I Am Empowered by Everything!

I invoke and dream Awake my lucid dreaming each night I sleep and total remembering
When I awake

I invoke and dream Awake my Infinite Harmony with God/Goddess/I AM!

I invoke and dream Awake the full expression of my Miraculous Healing Power!

My life is a continuous stream of MIRACLES!

I invoke and dream Awake my infinite ability and willingness to receive ALL of LIFE’S BLESSINGS.

I invoke and dream Awake a constant Attitude of Gratitude for my Whole Life, all of my Accomplishments & Blessings, including the same for the Universe at Large.
I invoke and dream Awake the full Blessings of God/Goddess The Ascended Masters, Angels, Guides and Beings of Light to Bless this Earth.

I invoke and dream and Awake all my decrees, vocations and prayers – I have released to the Universe and opened myself to God’s Response, Support & Love in my Highest Good in my Life.

I invoke and dream Awake the release of all past, present and future lifetimes of decrees and vows which would bind me to limitation lack and density and anything not of Ascension in this Now.

I invoke and dream Awake the full reclaiming of my Eternal Self as Powerful Loving and Fully Aligned in ABUNDANT God Consciousness.
I invoke and dream Awake the total dissolving of all manipulating forces which would bind this earth plane in fear.
I invoke and dream Awake the influence of the Ascended Master realm and Angels to Intercede and raise the vibrations higher to bring the Darkness INTO THE LIGHT.

Raising the Frequency of LOVE and GOD CONSCIOUSNESS in this NOW!
I invoke and dream Awake the full ascension of planet Earth in this NOW!

~ Lyrics by Astarius *Spirit Rap/DNA Ascension*

✨ Gracefully put yourself first

✨ Practice radical self love

✨ Free your authentic voice

✨ Create inspired actions 

✨ Clarify your vision

If you are ready to create breakthroughs and reclaim your
passions, power and purpose then I invite you to schedule a free 15 min chat to begin your journey.

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