
Shamanism & Sacred Reciprocity

As my Shamanic Teacher, Alan Waugh would say, “Welcome. We are the ones we have been waiting for.”

We have arrived at the precipice of The Old Paradigms’ Destruction and this is the opportunity for the Dawning of the Great New Earth. My Shamanic studies seem to be of paramount importance at this time.  We must renew our sacred relationship with the Earth or perish as a species.  Our generation and those below us are the Wisdom Keepers and Light Workers brought to Earth to save her and all living species.

As Alan’s great world-renowned Shamanic wisdom teacher, don Oscar Miro-Quesada states in his book, Lessons in Courage, “To harness the spiritual power of creation, as did our ancestral peoples, we need to return to a deep understanding of how sacred relationship works. “Feed the earth first and then you will have the strength to go out on the healing path, ” don Benito taught me. The more loving the energy that we can generate as we attend to these earth-honoring ceremonies, the quicker the transmutation of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies occurs…By doing earth-healing rites and ceremonies, we re-establish a conscious, awakened sacred relationship with the Earth. This encourages all the conscious beings who inhabit our beloved Pachamama to feel more comfortable revealing to themselves to nurture and support us. This is the nature of ayni (sacred reciprocity).

The Earth is our GREAT MOTHER, loving us daily unconditionally – offering us food, water, air and a place to live and grow our souls.  She’s our playground for evolution and yet we treat her like a dumping ground.   We must now walk our talk of loving relationship and take action.

We must learn the ways of the indigenous cultures to REMEMBER what it is to establish a loving intentional connection with our first mother and to live in the ways of the sacred.

How to get in connection with the Earth ways:
1) buying the book “Lessons in Courage”
2) signing up for a retreat with don Oscar Miro-Quesada
3) coming on retreat with Alan and myself to Mt. Shasta in July (yoga/shamanism)
4) attending Shamanism-inspired workshops (we lead some see below about February and there are many around LA)

These are ways to learn rituals and medicines of the indigenous and to deeply work on your inner healing which will change the world around you.

This February, Alan is coming to LA to offer a Shamanic Reiki Training for all that are Advanced Reiki (Reiki III).  This is a great introduction to the Divine offerings of Shamanism in combination with Reiki, a Shamanic Japanese healing modality.