Amrita, Sacred Healing Mantras for the Soul, Ready for Download!

Track Info

Our souls collided to create this body of mantras in the hopes of inspiring, rejuvenating, and empowering others in their own yoga classes and meditations.

On a fall day in 2014, Evan Goldman found himself in a yoga class taught by Nicole Doherty. At the end of the class, Nicole turned down the lights and sang a sacred healing mantra, an experience Evan would never forget. Deeply inspired by Nicole’s voice and the power of the mantra, Evan approached Nicole about the prospect of working together and thus began this exciting collaboration.

A mantra is an instrument of the mind, a sound or vibration that you can use to enter a deep state of meditation. We are all made of sound and light and so in chanting these mantras, we are remembering who we really are. Mantras inspire gratitude, happiness, compassion, kindness, peace, beauty, wisdom, and truth.

We chose “AMRITA” as the name of our album as it means “immortality” and is often referred to as nectar for the soul, Atman, in ancient texts. It is our hope that these musical mantras will provide nectar for your soul, and help lead you to “Self Realization,” the recognition of your own immortality.

On a very personal note, I’m excited that we got to complete this project for the labor & birth of our son! I can’t wait to play these for him!

[button align=”right” link=”” target=”blank” round=”yes” size=”normal” color=”blue” flat=”no” ]Download at Bandcamp[/button]

Asato Ma Sadgamaya – Performed by Nicole Doherty/Music Produced by Evan Goldman Music

Hello Community!

I would love to get your feedback on my new recording of this amazing healing mantra.

Music Produced by Evan Goldman and Performed by Nicole Doherty.

Read about it in the below interview.

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How did you develop this track?

Evan Goldman approached me at the end of a yoga class at YogaWorks Main Street studio last year. I sing mantras in all my yoga classes while the students are in Savasana. Mantra is a sound healing vehicle and a way we can all share in offering gratitude to the practice of Yoga and Spirit that guides us.  He experienced a profound connection to Spirit and approached me to get in the studio with him to explore this more.  As an established music composer, he felt the creative call to compose the music behind my voice. I’m blessed to work with him. For his current projects check him out: h

What mantra are you singing?

This is one of the most famous mantras from the Upanishads, the sacred Vedic texts written in 1000 BCE. The Upanishads are considered by Hindus to contain the answers concerning the nature of ultimate reality and human liberation.

Asato Ma Sadgamaya mantra translates to:

Lead us from Unreality (of Transitory Existence) to the Reality (of the Eternal Self),
Lead us from the Darkness (of Ignorance) to the Light (of Spiritual Knowledge),
Lead us from the Fear of Death to the Knowledge of Immortality.
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

When did you discover you had a voice for music?

Throughout my life I’ve flirted with singing. I performed in a few musicals as a kid, sang in choir, was in a few bands in the 90’s, and was a theater actor for a several years in my 20’s.  But it wasn’t until I gained enough confidence in myself and heal life traumas, that I was able to express my Spirit through song. I thank yoga, mantra, shamanism, and Reiki as tools I used to uncover my light.

What is it that you want to express through your music?

Singing for me is an energy cleansing and healing. When I discovered that mantra was designed to stimulate and transform the chakra energy systems it blew my mind.  It was an a-ha moment.  When we chant mantras, we are clearing our energy and raising our vibration. When we sign Kirtan we are chanting to God and transmuting dark energy to light. I know personally when I sing from my heart, I feel a connection to Source energy that is undeniable. I want to express my love for this connection and help heal others.

What’s next?

I am working on many songs and guided meditations with various music composers. I will offer them for yoga classes, healings, and hope to sing live at festivals.

Make Better Food Choices

Yogi Seasonal Food Cleanse – Group Spring Cleanse



NEW GROUP CLEANSE DATE – Monday, March 31st  – Sunday, April 13, 2014

Join our professional team of yogis for the 14 Day Yogi Seasonal Food Cleanse & Yoga Program designed to align your physical and energetic bodies during the change in seasons.

You will learn how to detoxify and heal the body through the use of local, organic, sustainable vegan foods and use our yoga practice to further eliminate toxins and boost your immune system. This is the ultimate “foodie” cleanse! No starving here, just wholesome clean foods that will make you feel better than ever!

We hope that after participating in the 14 Day YSFC, you will attain the knowledge that will guide you toward long-term healthier practices and an enhanced life!

What’s included in the cleanse:

  1. Email forum answered once daily by cleanse program for cleansers to communicate their needs and support each other
  2. Three in-depth emails (helpful hints & suggestions) from the cleanse program that support your process
  3. PDF workbook including:
  • A detailed description of the cleanse
  • Expert advice on how to succeed and get the most out the program
  • Yoga practice and guidelines for you to follow during the cleanse
  • Food Journal templates
  • Two week sample menu
  • Shopping list
  • List of local farmers markets and organic markets
  • Delicious seasonal vegan recipes
  • Self Care Guidelines
  • Helpful instructions for cooking and preparing dishes
  • Ton’s of information on organic food, vegan food, raw food, processed foods, etc.

Testimonials from our past cleanse groups!

Pay here and sign up.