
Reiki 1 & 2 Training & Attunements

Become initiated into the Usui Reiki lineage by a Master Reiki teacher and use this to heal yourself and others. Reiki means universal wisdom and vital life force energy and is guided by Pure Divine Consciousness.Once attuned, the Reiki practitioner becomes a clear channel for Reiki energy and the following benefits can be observed in the self and with others:


    • Balances the flow of energy for overall well-being
    • Provides relaxation and release of tension
    • Offers better and deeper sleep
    • Nourishes the physical organs and tissues
    • Supports the cells of the body and vital functioning
    • Shifts negative thinking and releases blocks that cause illness
    • Raises the vibration of the energy field
    • Cleans the aura
    • Clears the chakras, nadis and meridians


What you will learn in this training:

  • Learn about what Reiki is, the lineage and history
  • Receive an attunement to Reiki 1 or 2 (must have Reiki 1) energy
  • Experience Reiki with partner work and for self treatment
  • Learn how to work with Reiki in many different environments


Here are some testimonials based on healing sessions that will give you a sense of the Reiki experience:

“During my session I felt energy and colors moving throughout my body. She helped me …. areas that were blocked… to help unblock these chakras. I left feeling grounded, yet light…”

“I always leave appointments … feeling energized and inspired…”

“… incredibly intuitive and identified my main areas tension and depletion without my telling her.  The treatment itself was super relaxing ….having left the treatment I was able to see more openness and capacity to give in my interactions with others.”

“… I felt uplifted, as if the air around me became galvanized….personalized the treatment based on my bio-feedback… I literally felt the world dissolve away.  I experienced powerful emotion at times and left feeling grateful.”

“… dredged up and released stored anger and frustration in me, leaving me feeling like I am walking on air. “

“…the minute you placed your hands above my head I saw a white beam of light and so much warmth and relaxation…”


Training Dates:

Saturday, July 11th Reiki 2 (must have Reiki 1):  12:30p – 6:30p

Sunday, July 12th, Reiki 1 (no experience required) 10am -4pm



Nicole Doherty Reiki Healing Los Angeles, California

What is Reiki and How Does It Help Me?


What is Reiki energy healing?

When potential clients ask me what Reiki is I always ask them to simply book a session and experience it themselves. Describing an energetic healing session is like trying to describe Burning Man to someone who has never been.  You just have to experience it for yourself! Every session is different and the energy healing customizes to your bodies’ personal energy map.  That being said, I’ve described what it is, how it works, how it was discovered and its main benefits.

How Does it Work?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that is done through touch. A warm and soothing energy flows from the practitioner’s hands into the client and promotes relaxation and release of tension.

Reiki is a Divinely guided healing light energy that we all carry within us. Reiki practitioners get attuned* to this energy and become more available to the understanding that we all have the capacity to move and work with energy. We are all powerful, energetic beings.

Reiki is guided by Source. The practitioner does not guide the Reiki, the Reiki guides itself and the practitioner is simply a channel for its direction. As the client, your energetic body tells the Reiki practitioner where it needs assistance and the practitioner becomes simply a conduit.   The Reiki practioners also receive healing while giving healing, so it’s a beautiful exchange of energy.

Reiki is easy to learn and gets more powerful and attuned as you practice.   There are various levels of Reiki and in each level you receive symbols that help different aspects of the energetic system.   Once you are proficient and receiving good bio feedback using the first system/level, then you will feel confident to move to the next level, until you reach Master status, thus then attuning others to this energy.

Reiki practitioners practice deep meditation on these specific symbols during your healing based on downloads they are receiving from your energy field.

How Was it Discovered?

The symbols were discovered in the same way that enlightened masters throughout time have received downloads – through a meditation journey high up in the mountains.

Reiki is a practice that is referenced in scriptures from ancient Tibet and was rediscovered by Mikao Usui in 1922, a doctor of Theology with the command of the English, Japenese, Chinese and Sanskrit languages.

After a 21-day meditation in solitude at Mt. Kurama, he was spiritually awakened and delivered the ancient symbols that are keys and vehicles for Reiki healing energy. Usui began to create healing miracles with this energy the moment after their discovery.

He opened up healing clinics all over Japan and subsequently it has spread in popularity in hospitals, clinics and private practices around the globe.

What Are People’s Experiences?

Here is some feedback that I have received from clients, so you can understand the wide range of experiences you can have.

“ During my session I felt energy and colors moving throughout my body. She helped me …. areas that were blocked… to help unblock these chakras. I left feeling grounded, yet light…”

“I always leave appointments … feeling energized and inspired…”

“… incredibly intuitive and identified my main areas tension and depletion without my telling her.  The treatment itself was super relaxing ….having left the treatment I was able to see more openness and capacity to give in my interactions with others. “

“… I felt uplifted, as if the air around me became galvanized….personalized the treatment based on my bio-feedback… I literally felt the world dissolve away.  I experienced powerful emotion at times and left feeling grateful.”

“… dredged up and released stored anger and frustration in me, leaving me feeling like I am walking on air. “

“…the minute you placed your hands above my head I saw a white beam of light and so much warmth and relaxation…”

What Are Some Benefits?

Here is list of benefits you may experience:

    • Balances the flow of energy for overall well-being
    • Provides relaxation and release of tension
    • Offers better and deeper sleep
    • Nourishes the physical organs and tissues
    • Supports the cells of the body and vital functioning
    • Shifts negative thinking and releases blocks that cause illness
    • Raises the vibration of the energy field
    • Cleans the aura
    • Clears the chakras, nadis and meridians
    • Brings up relationship issues to the surface for clearing

If you are interested in learning more about Reiki for your own healing, or interested in learning how to become a Reiki practitioner, feel free to contact me. As a Master Reiki practitioner, I can attune you to the Reiki energy or provide you with healing sessions.

*My next Reiki 1 Training & Attunement is on Saturday, January 31st 12:30pm to 7:30pm in a private residence in Venice.

Email [email protected] for more info.



life force energy

Life Force

Written by Nicole Doherty, Published by American Athlete Magazine (launched in their Winter 2014 iTunes edition)

Powerful. Mysterious. What is this enigmatic life force that yogis talk about?

If you look up the term “life force energy”, a variety of definitions appear from the more esoteric spiritual concepts to the more scientific descriptions of physical energy. In many healing modalities, it’s referenced by different names such as “prana” (Indian Yoga), “qi” (Chinese acupuncture), and “ki” (Japanese Reiki).

“Sometimes it is equated with the movement of breath in the body, sometimes described as visible “auras”, “rays”, or “fields” or as audible or tactile “vibrations”. (Wikipedia)

We know that every living being has a vital life force or a composition of energy.   Our current scientific knowledge can explain much of it and then there are the subtler parts that have no scientific basis.  Life force energy is coursing through our bodies and we are emitting an energetic field around us as well.


In Yoga, “prana” or “life force” is often paired with talk of the “subtle body”.

 “The subtle body is one of a series of psycho-spiritual constituents of living beings, according to various esoteric, occult and mystical teachings. Each subtle body corresponds to a subtle plane of existence in a hierarchy or great chain of being that culminates in the physical form.” (Wikipedia)

Our life force travels on the breath in this subtle body structure within a system of channels throughout our bodies like electric wiring. The physical form is a manifestation of characteristics of this invisible energy.  If we can understand our subtler energies, we can start to understand more deeply our physical manifestations.

 “The Yogic, Tantric and other systems of India, the Buddhist psychology of Tibet, as well as Chinese and Japanese esoterism are examples of doctrines that describe a subtle physiology having a number of focal points (chakras, acupuncture points) connected by a series of channels (nadis, acupuncture meridians) that convey life-force (prana, vayu, ch’i, ki, lung).” (Wikipedia)

In many healing modalities it is proven that when we unblock the channels that carry the prana, we maintain a very healthy long, vital life.  We can unblock energy in many ways for example through touch (massage), needles (acupuncture), manipulation of breath (yoga), meditation and sound.


In many cultures you may hear that we are “being breathed” by a universal presence of which we are all a part, which is our life force. This force is what unifies all living beings.  This prana is consciousness.  This unified field of energy and love is in all things and symbols of this love are all around us.



How can we describe consciousness?

Deepak Chopra explains consciousness as not material at all, but “a quantum reality… What we think of as tiny particles are actually not material at all, but waves of potential.  The waves represent different potential outcomes of reality. Only when observed does the wave collapse into one perceived outcome and is seen again s a particle. The physical world as we see it is not reality, but pure potential.”

If you can wrap your head around this concept for a moment you will witness the exquisite nature of the Self and become the Seer that is a creator of physical reality.

Our life force is pure potential. It has no beginning or end and exists apart from space and time. It is infinite.



Nicole Doherty is a 500-RYT YogaWorks Certified teacher, shamanic reiki energy and sound healer, wellness coach, singer and writer. Through the study of various healing arts and a disciplined yoga practice, Nicole spent most of her adult life on an extensive spiritual inquiry that empowered her to overcome multiple traumas in her life ultimately finding love, light and sustained joy. Her work included wide-spread travel to third world countries and studies with world renowned thought leaders in the areas of yoga, meditation, subtle body, Reiki, shamanism, women’s empowerment and life coaching.  What she discovered on this path to wholeness fuels her passion to inspire others to heal and find their highest potential. Committed to embodying her truth in service, Nicole encourages others to do the same with her contagious laughter, endearing smile and lightness of being.