When will you stop hiding and playing small?

When will you stop hiding and playing small?

I want to tell you an inspiring story of my client Brandy.  Her willingness and curiosity gave way for deep healing, powerful transformation, and big shifts in her life.

Brandy called me to lose weight. She had been trying everything and someone said to try yoga.

As yoga teacher, energy medicine practitioner, holistic intuitive healer and coach, I told her that I look at all aspects of the body-mind system from an energetic perspective to see what’s collectively going on.

I told her that what was most interesting to me is what created the weight in the first place. I told her it wasn’t about losing the weight/lack mentality, but discovering the root cause of the condition.

Yoga asana is a great practice, but that’s not the only tool I would use to create mental shifts. Your life experiences and challenges can show up in any aspect of your being – physical, emotional, energetic and mental bodies.

What was at the root of this physical challenge for Brandy?

Brandy is a CFO of a Financial Institution. She’s got a big job and a lot of stress.

The weight gain was partially office habits and eating out, but it all started after her early childhood trauma. The only way she knew how to protect herself from the pain she was feeling was to pack on layers of protection and hide her shame and guilt underneath it.

This hiding was a familiar family pattern of escapism.

Food was a way to deal with her emotions and it was the only way her family knew how to continue to connect.

Here’s what she learned in the “Unleash the Priestess Within” 12-week program:

“My initial intention for coaching was with the goal of diet/food. I realized through the program that there were emotional and mental barriers that were much deeper that were the core issues.

I was hiding my power behind my pain and weight.

I began a meditation practice and now I meditate 15 – 45 min a day. This is one of the most impactful parts of the coaching for me!

Now, I am aware of my emotions and subconscious programming and how that affects my choices. I am now more conscious about everything in my life.

I know what I desire. I am visioning in all categories of my life and how they relate to my purpose.

I feel more trusting and safe around people and with myself and my intuition.

I can find compassion and forgiveness.

I have a much deeper connection to Spirit and my guides.

My experience with Nicole has greatly improved my life in many ways!”

She realized after these revelations that she could take better care of herself. That she could forgive and let go.  That she could shift her experience around food.


Not only is she losing weight naturally without that being the focus, she quit her job and started her own company not only a few weeks after we completed our 12 weeks together!

She had found the confidence and internal power again to create real change and align with her purpose!

She went through some major transformation after breaking through this core wounding pattern of hiding.

No more hiding.

She’s out in the world and aligned with her soul’s mission!

Find out how you might be hiding so you can live your purpose!  It’s time to stop playing small and live your dreams. Contact me for an opportunity to learn more about coaching and how my healing process works.

“Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive” is a highly customized integrative online coaching and personal healing program that combines the ancient wisdom teachings of yoga, shamanism, reiki, and empowerment coaching for a full body-mind-spirit transformation.

Breakthrough your limiting beliefs, unleash your priestess power and share your healing gifts with the world!!!!

Claim your priestess power and CONTACT ME for a free call!

✨ Gracefully put yourself first

✨ Practice radical self love

✨ Free your authentic voice

✨ Create inspired actions 

✨ Clarify your vision

If you are ready to create breakthroughs and reclaim your
passions, power and purpose then I invite you to schedule a free 15 min chat to begin your journey.

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