How to Move From Your Head to Your Heart

It is said that the longest distance you will ever travel is the 18 inches from your head to your heart.

As an integrative coach and healer, I witness this challenge daily.

Let me tell you a story about one of my clients.

She is a high level corporate executive running a very financially successful business, she is in her head analyzing, computing and strategizing everything (including her personal relationships) with her masculine logic.

It was hard for her to de-stress and get her into her body. She was challenged by allowing her emotions to flow. It was difficult for her to feel. It was hard for her to receive the feminine ways of nurturing, love, and support for herself.

I brought her to the best healer, Nature. (Mama Gaia, feminine energy).

After hugging a few trees, meditation in front of a waterfall, hiking and lying on the celestial body of Pachamama, this connection with Nature started to help her unwind.

We also did other powerful self-care practices like intuitive energy healing, breathwork and coaching…then she started to feel all the things she was hiding from in her life by living in her head.

It took a few sessions but she finally gave herself permission to admit the scary parts she was avoiding.

We practiced forgiveness of her lineage patterns she was perpetuating.

She started to accept and appreciate herself and understand the ways she was operating from a place of compassion.

She was able to relax enough to connect with the little girl inside that was screaming for attention.

It is through relaxation that we can let go of our grief, shame, sadness and guilt that we hold in our bodies and our hearts.

When we live in our minds and heads we muscle our way through life re-creating the very things we are fearing in the first place.

It was in slowing down and connecting with heart that she had real honest breakthroughs and was able to see was stopping her in her life and relationships.

She was finally able to connect the dots and create a compassionate and truthful focus toward her self-healing path.

How beautiful this was to see her drop into her feminine essence.

In honor of the heart and the divine feminine we honor this energy for our emotional healing.

I received these beautiful gifts from her on Mother’s Day!




































Find out how you might be hiding so you can live in your heart! Set up a Priestess Power Session if its time to find the right path for you!

“Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive” is a highly customized integrative online coaching and personal healing program that combines the ancient wisdom teachings of yoga, shamanism, reiki, and empowerment coaching for a full body-mind-spirit transformation.

Breakthrough your limiting beliefs, unleash your priestess power and share your healing gifts with the world!!!!

✨ Gracefully put yourself first

✨ Practice radical self love

✨ Free your authentic voice

✨ Create inspired actions 

✨ Clarify your vision

If you are ready to create breakthroughs and reclaim your
passions, power and purpose then I invite you to schedule a free 30 min chat to begin your journey.

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