
How to Love

by Alan Waugh, Sacred Valley Spiritual Retreat

This powerful sculpture entitled ‘LOVE’ and otherwise known as ‘Inner Child’ evokes the innocent child within us wanting to reach out and connect with the innocent, inner child within our partner.

It is symbolic of the deep yearning within us to connect with the core essence of our mate, despite the challenges and conflict that are so prevalent in miscommunication through projection or unrealized expectations.

It is a beautiful homage to that which lies within our own divine essence that is at its core our innate nature, wishing to touch the innate nature of our partner and ultimately all beings.

How many times have you had conflict with your partner, felt hurt, not seen nor heard, validated nor acknowledged? In those moments, have you wished to make it all right, forgive and let go of what appears to be so inconsequential or petty and yet has triggered you so strongly? In those times have you then turned away from your partner in anger and fear where you are pushed into a place of distrust or of not feeling safe?

How many times in those painful moments have you accepted responsibility for the miscommunication or even non- communication of your feelings or reactions before you quickly moved into the fight or flight mode, just wanting to get away, hide or even smash something? Probably not too many!

The sculpture ‘LOVE’ could also have been presented in a different way, in that it is really the Inner Child that is turning away, with the ‘parenting couple’ facing each other. Appropriately rigid and tense in their metallic form, they put an energetic guard, not just around their outer body but ultimately around their hearts, like a suit of armor to protect from all the perceived energetic and emotional arrows being shot at them via ill-placed words, actions or even critical looks.

It is the child within our sub-conscious self that that holds all the woundings and conditioning manifesting in our adult self that gets triggered and sends the message that we are in a place of conflict/ fear/un-safety.

Why would you respond with such a strong reaction with something that could be as petty as your partner saying that they are going out for a drink with their friends? Ultimately your partner just wants to go out with friends. But maybe your inner child is tapping into deep feelings of abandonment that happened as you were taken straight from birth to an incubator?

Or maybe because your Father left the family house when you were two? It is the deeply held unresolved memory of past experiences that hold most of the emotional/ mental or physical triggers for you that caused the present day reaction and not the fact that your partner was planning on abandoning you? Or maybe it is a past memory that somehow you believed that you are not good enough? So your partner going out without inviting you, triggers this inner belief or conditioned response that sends a wave of deep cellular patterning to create the re-action that your body/mind still believes?

Another term for this inner child within each of this is the Shadow Self. The very fact that they are referred to as ‘Shadows’ invokes the belief that they somehow are to be feared because they lie in wait for us hidden in the dark: unseen, unacknowledged nor cared for.

How can we be in Sacred/Conscious relationship unless we take care of all that is held within our sub-conscious experience that holds the limiting beliefs about ourselves, that we project onto the world outside ourselves?

Maybe you have more or less managed to create a safe container within your epidermal layer, that as long as you can live the life you believe to be authentically you, you can live a life of a form of inner peace. But what happens if one or some of those past traumatic or limiting beliefs get triggered by something that someone outside of yourself says or does, that seems like a hurtful gesture or action?

Guess what, that wounding that holds a personality with an associated inner voice kicks you and says “See, you’re not good enough! You will never be able to do that! You’re not pretty enough, they are going to leave you!”

So then what you do is push the responsibility for your pain or neurotic response onto the person that you feel caused that inner feeling of discomfort. “It’s their fault I feel that way!”

So in relationship work with another, the only way to release projections or blame on the ‘other’ is to accept accountability for the source of that blame. Yes, its good to learn communication processes through couples counseling and to better understand what hurts or displease your partner. But unless you learn to develop a better more loving, supportive and nurturing relationship with yourself, to yourself, nothing ultimately will change at the core.

Here at The Sacred Valley Spiritual Retreat, our skill-full facilitators help you gain incite into the originating cause of your triggers and conditioning and through a variety of powerful and transformative techniques, help you love that wounded child within you, that is the source of all love and help bring it out from the shadows.

This is the path of self mastery that the sages and gurus from ancient times teach as the path to inner peace. Maybe now, see the illuminated child in the above photo as an illumination of your heart center.

Look at it.

It is only through shining light into yourself that you can illuminate your capacity to fully love.

Big Love.

Sculpture By Ukrainian Artist Alexander Milov for 2015 Burning Ma Installation


Awakening to the Divine Self

I have a long-time client that has undergone massive transformation this year.

We will call her “Awesome” to give her a name because her story is.

At the beginning of last year, she set some intentions to dive into her deepest fears and get more in touch with her Higher Self + Purpose.

As a 20 + year yogi by passion and a high-powered music executive by profession, “Awesome” did not know what her intention and Spirit had in store for her.

We started the New Year with a Shamanic breathwork session that pierced the 3-D veil. “Awesome” shot into an alternate dimension to the feet of what looked like an Alex Grey version of Ganesha and back again.

Ganesha, is the Lord of New Beginnings and the Remover of Obstacles. And this is how the story begins.

Right after this experience “Awesome” came down with a rare condition that was attributed to a disease that she was most fearful of in her adult life. She couldn’t believe that her extraordinary out of body experience led her into the depths of this suffering. And with this came great fear.

As her coach, I empowered her to reframe the experience as exactly what she asked for in terms of her healing – to dive into her deepest fears. The key here was to not allow the fear to overtake her, but to let the fear be thy medicine.

We felt this was a grand opportunity to surrender and to learn how to trust her health, mind, and body. It was a lesson in learning how to address the inner child and to let go of some old emotions. It was an initiation to step into her power and break through old conditions of the past.

As she reframed her perspective, and to the doctors overwhelming surprise, the condition left her body within 2 weeks and she stepped into a deeper connection of trust with herself and her connection to the Divine Plan. It was an absolute miracle.

What was even more unexpected is that this pattern continued throughout her whole year.

Her husband became sick with a fatal disease. After we had coaching sessions accompanied by huge emotional releases, I helped “Awesome” realize again that this was addressing one of her biggest fears, which were being alone, and the co-dependency she felt with her husband.

Subsequently after her healing, her husband recovered and went into remission. Another miracle.

We were astonished.

It was like Ganesha + Kali were in a marriage cutting off the heads of every fear she had in her personal life and then it started to translate into her career.

Eventually the year ended with a work severance and release of her house!

The best part about the severance and the release of the house, was the time and energy for her next major healing discovery.

She realized many of the actions she was taking in her life were from her pained childhood. She was always proving herself. She had this addiction to seeking the top of the mountain that she could never reach. No matter how high she climbed, truly she could not reach it. Nothing was ever enough to fill the void that was missing inside of her from her childhood.

The biggest fear of all that she had to face was that she was unloved and unworthy and that she would not amount to anything.

“Awesome” recognized that the incredible success and material wealth that she built was based on actions created out of the pain of her inner child. She was unaware of the subconscious programs that were ruling her decisions and life. Again, fear set in. When your whole world is revealed to you and you wake up in it, conscious and awakened, this can be scary and surprising and slightly disorienting.

The silver lining in this discovery is that we were able to shift it and heal.

She is now aware that she can take actions and climb ladders of success from a more nurtured, loving and compassionate place within, connecting her to her heart, passions and purpose.

It gave “Awesome” an understanding of her priorities. It gives her a true understanding of the Spirit realms. Previously she would have called herself a bit of a skeptic.

It gives her a sense of fulfillment, heart-centeredness, compassion, forgiveness and motivation from a more healed and loving place. And moving forward, she will not need to do anything to prove her value.

What I gained in this process is a more embodied understanding of the Divine orchestration of life. I now trust at a deeper level in letting go. I have witnessed through the whole year what it means to surrender and be courageous. I see the importance of a guide and mentor through the process of awakening. I truly witnessed what receptivity creates – the most stunning synchronicities.

I deeply bow to “Awesome” for showing up. Her strength and consistency are unparalleled.

I tell this story to honor her Higher Self for the Divine dance she co-created with Spirit for all to admire.



Photo credit: Shawn Hocking


Healing the Emotional Root Leads to Enlightenment

At the core of your being, your inner child is longing to be healed.

The little, playful, innocent child within you is hurt.  When you get triggered that is her kicking and screaming to be heard, seen and loved in the way she wants to be. She’s asking for your help!

You keep trying to push her away.  Sometimes you say, “That wasn’t such a big deal, I’m over it, stop whining and complaining. I’ve forgiven him/her.”  Yet, avoiding and ignoring doesn’t feel supportive to a sensitive child who wants love and attention.

Imagine your own kids. See yourself as them. See your parents as inner children as well.  This will bring about compassion.

The work you are here to do is to heal your inner child that is wounded so that you are no longer a victim of your own life who is not seen, heard, or loved in the way that you want to be.

If you can give that inner child a voice, what would she say?

Your inner child didn’t have ways to express herself in the way you do as an adult, so she internalized her pain and suffering. She believes that the world is against her.  That things are not going to work out for her.  She becomes a Victim because she has lost her knowing that she is love.  She is separated from love.

Your inner child that is wounded develops this ego identity that believes she’s at fault. You may punish and sabotage yourself because you believe you are bad or wrong.  In the end, you don’t ask for your needs to be met.  And you may believe you don’t deserve or your aren’t good enough.  You become the Martyr.

If you can give your inner child a voice, what needs would she ask to be met?

As a child, when you stopped asking for your needs to be met, you stuffed all this pain inside of you, how does that make you feel?

The inner child is angry, raging and sad and feels like she needs to blame and shame herself and others for these feelings of being trapped and mistrusting of the world.

She probably lashes out or criticizes or judges herself and others.  She may even get outwardly reactive and triggered often by others and her relationships. She becomes the Perpetrator. The inner and outer judge.

She feels its her against the world, or she isn’t seemingly getting what she wants when she keeps trying to make things work.  She’s in a tantrum and can’t see her way out.

If you can give your inner child a voice, who and what is she blaming for things not working out?

She really wants other people to get her, hear her and acknowledge her. She keeps pleasing others to make this happen.  She expects that she can change or fix others so it all works out.

She keeps seeking relationships with people that will be ‘on her side’, ‘follow her path’, and get it. She feels safe and in control.

She’s taking on more than her fair share of responsibility and giving more than she needs to.

She’s feeling like other people’s pains are more important than her feelings and feels resentments building up because she’s suppressing her voice.

She becomes the rescuer, to fix, solve, change or control so that she can prove her value.

If you can give your inner child a voice, what would she say and feel like if she could drop all of her expectations and needs to please others and really take care of herself? What is really her responsibility?

If you resonate with any of this you are working in the programming of the 4 addictive ego behaviors – the victim, martyr, persecutor and rescuer.

These are the ego illusions.

In the end, these are stories that are created by the wounded inner child in efforts to survive with its pain and suffering.

What if this could shift?

What if your perception has been clouded by hurt and that’s why things aren’t in full flow?

What if you could express your feelings and be heard and loved in response?

What if you could heal your woundedness and live in internal peace and harmony, so much so that chaos could not touch you?

What if you forgave yourself and others to the extent that you could see beyond the illusion of comparison, competitiveness, wrong, right, blame, shame and rebellion?

What if you could live in so much internal love that you radiate out all needs met, all the time and you could resource from within and your connect with the Divine?

What if you could heal that inner child and experience victory and freedom at deep levels of your being?

What if you could sit in neutrality and let go of the attachments and expectations and live in synchronicities with the Universe and feel undeniably supported?

This is achievable.

This is a practice.

This is the truth.

Healing the emotional root of your traumas and releasing the triggers is the path of enlightenment!


If you want to learn how to to heal your inner child and breakthrough your limiting beliefs, step into your power and live the dreams that you imagine for yourself, contact me for safe and loving support.

(FYI…Photo above is me and my little bro.)


Letting go of “I’m not good enough.”

“I am not good enough.”

“I am not important.”

“I do not matter.”

These are common limiting beliefs I hear as a women’s empowerment coach and intuitive healer.

I believed these stories at certain points in my life too.

Most of my clients suffer from similar forms of self-loathing or sabotage which is why they reach out for personal and professional transformation.

Do you want to change your belief systems and shine your light? 

Do you want to reclaim your power?

In healing and energy work, these narratives are related to a root chakra deficiency. You may feel unsafe, in fear and mistrusting of life which can create a sense of overwhelm, dismantle your power and skew your belief system away from YOUR RIGHT TO BE HERE.

In Western psychology and coaching this relates to inner child healing work and core wounding.  I also like to call this our ego’s victim nature.

In my version of East meets West coaching + energy healing, I will work with you on the ego/victim nature,  core wounds and emotional pains you suffered as a child.

As a team, we dive deep into your lineage to understand your modeling, emotional intelligence, belief systems and narratives that have led you to create these self-defeating patterns running in your subconscious mind.  According to research, about 95% of your thinking is old programming in the subconscious.

Your programming is creating discord, obstacles and resistance with the spiritual part of you that knows what it WANTS,  WHAT IT IS and WHAT IT DESERVES.

The way to overcome this resistance is to turn the conscious mind toward the subconscious and create a rainbow healing bridge. We can use tools like meditation, energy work, emotional clearing, emotional intelligence, healing, shadow work, affirmations, forgiveness, gratitude, and new disciplines.  This takes devotional intention, spiritual commitment and work!

Do you want to create the loving, joy-filled, abundant life that you imagine for yourself?

When is it the right time work on this resistance?

You might experience resistance in a variety of ways.  As an example, you may feel like you take a step forward and then you take two steps backward.  Or you may have big wins and then big contractions but nothing feels steady.  You may feel instability in your money or client streams. It might feel like you have huge ideas, but can’t execute them.

If you were to ask me when I was in the prime of my story of “I’m not good enough” what was happening in my life, I blamed or criticized anyone or anything for my problems. I was holding onto big resentments. I was in fear, pain and separation. Rarely could I own that I was creating these experiences in my life. I was living in my shadow. I didn’t see that my external experiences were a mirror for my own thinking patterns.

It’s important to look at our shadow and heal with support.

As a coach, I play a powerful neutral role as your reflective mirror to show you how you are operating subconsciously and to empower you to create change.

What if you could learn ways to deprogram these unhealthy patterns of your lineage, change your thoughts and manage them better?

According to the Upanishads, the ancient Yogic texts, we could change our destiny if we change our thoughts, “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny.”

If you would like to learn how to change your thoughts and belief systems, maybe it’s time to ask for support?

If you don’t, nothing changes.

What could you do if you truly believed in yourself?

What could you do if you were willing to let go of the stories of the past?

What if you felt like you were good enough or you did matter, what would you create and voice?

I’m happy to help empower your thinking through a FREE Priestess Power session. I promise it will be one of the most revealing calls you’ve ever experienced. Click Here

P.S. Join my free, private Facebook group #UnleashthePriestess to connect with other women who are empowering each other to evolve and thrive by sharing their deep healing processes!

Infinite blessings on the path to awaken to the Divinity in all,

“Our power to manifest is equal to our power to generate our own evolution.”- Claire Zammit