What’s your addiction?Food. Sex. Drugs. Shopping. Facebook. Caffeine. I am familiar with them all.
Seems as if almost all of my clients have suffered from one form of addiction or another. That’s what brought me to my Shamanic work and to the plant medicines. I’ve been sober now since 2011.How can you release addiction?Recently, I had a huge breakthrough with a client, one of the issues she has with herself is being overweight.As we dive deeper into her family history, we are discovering that her core wound is a story of “needing to hide”. Her family instead of dealing with emotions, had a tendency to escape, hide and shuffle everything challenging under the rug.Our breakthrough is that she is also hiding beneath her skin, beneath the weight.In her family they did not express emotions. In fact, they rarely said, “I love you.” The only way they spent time was around a table with food. She said, “I think food was family.”Thus, food became her and her family’s way of relating and food was the addiction to hiding from themselves and their emotions.I looked up the word “addiction” on Psychology Today and found this quote rather fascinating:
“…most addictive behavior is not related to either physical tolerance or exposure to cues. People commonly use drugs, gamble, or shop compulsively in reaction to being stressed, whether or not they have a physical addiction. Since these psychologically based addictions are not based on drug or brain effects, they can account for why people frequently switch addictive actions from one drug to a completely different kind of drug, or even to a non-drug behavior. The focus of the addiction isn’t what matters; it’s the need to take action under certain kinds of stress.”
Some addiction is chemical dependency, but interesting to recognize that most of our society lives under the imprint of stress, so no wonder why we are all addicted at some level or another to these non-drug behaviors.What if we could unplug and remove the stress?
My client and I are working on creating great habits that she can use as her go to’s whenever she’s in a state of overwhelm, triggered or emotional and wants to reach for food or hide beneath the stress.As she has been managing her stress and meditating almost daily, she’s not only feeling way better, she’s loving herself more, making huge shifts in her life and releasing tons of judgement. She’s totally on fire.If you want to learn more about Shamanic Healing Arts practices that can help remove addictive behavior and manage stress — sign up for your FREE Shamanic Priestess session. In an hour you will shed light on your real obstacles. Click HereInfinite blessings on the path to awaken to the Divinity in all,
Nicole“Our power to manifest is equal to our power to generate our own evolution.”– Claire Zammit
Unleash the Priestess + Thrive!®
Breakthrough your limiting beliefs, unleash your power and share your healing gifts with the world!
Can you relate to the following?
You know you have great potential, yet you experience self-imposed limiting beliefs about your worth and what you deserve. Your “I’m not good enough” story prevents you from being in your power.
You know your current job is not working for you and that you want to work in service of people’s healing and do something you love, yet you get paralyzed with fear, worry, or doubt around money and stability.
You are experiencing a life shift (i.e. divorce, career, relationship), and you have trouble trusting yourself, your intuition and the unknown and need healing and mentorship.
You are awakening to your path of service as a full time mind-body healer or yoga teacher, yet you don’t know how to step forward into this role because you think you lack the skills or don’t trust your ability.
As a child you had visible, audible and tangible connections to Spirit, but you lacked the guidance in the physical world to work with these energies with purpose and intention.
You know intellectually that the Universe supports you, yet you may feel alone, unsafe, unaccepted and are seeking a spiritual community that supports and understands you.
You have many creative, entrepreneurial visions, yet you find yourself disorganized, overextending yourself, procrastinating, and overwhelmed and nothing gets done.
You have worked with therapy for traumatic experiences in your life, yet you are open to that one more therapeutic piece that creates the spiritual connection that finally shifts you out of guilt, shame and grief to truly forgive.
Do you know why these challenges are awesome, interesting and exciting to me?
It shows me that you are at the precipice of a true awakening
and ready to heal.
What if you could learn how to deprogram yourself?
What could you accomplish and how would you be different?
The Great News Is…You are the Creator of your Experience!
It’s time to heal your past, awaken your inner healer and take action!
Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive is a highly customized 1×1 integrative online coaching and personal healing course that combines the ancient wisdom teachings of yoga, shamanism, reiki, and empowerment coaching for a full body-mind-spirit transformation.
I would love for you to sign up for my “Waitlist” with your name + email. Enrollment opens soon.
Click here and write this in the subject! “Unleash the Priestess”
Why you will love it!
This is for you if:
You feel ready to move past your limiting beliefs and programs to step powerfully into service
You feel committed to creating more prosperity and abundance
You want to integrate your wisdom and confidently lead with their feminine power
You are committed to breaking through your own glass ceiling, speaking your truth and living your soul’s calling
You will:
Create breakthroughs around your core wound stories and shift your perception
Reclaim your feminine power and move with inspired action
Practice radical self-love and resource from this well of wisdom
Free your authentic voice so you can express your needs, wants and desires
Vision and thrive in all areas of your life
Become a prosperous full-time healer now (if that’s what you desire)
What’s Included:
8 Live Calls
3 In person or remote Shamanic Healing Sessions (depends on location)
Personal 1 x1 Email + Text Support
Lifetime Access to a Fully Customized Shamanic Healing Toolkit
Facebook Group
Bonus One Month Follow Up Check In Support
Client Testimonials
“I came to Nicole at a time when I was spinning my wheels. I’d made some big changes in my life which unexpectedly brought on anxiety and confusion, rather than the predicted increase in day-to-day happiness. Working with Nicole, we teased out what truly fulfills me and brings me joy and peace. Not only that, she helped me make small changes and complete short exercises each week that ensured my anxiety decreased and I was making progress toward uncovering my truest of dreams. The weekly exercises are life long tools that I will not only continue to use, but also treasure. Most importantly, Nicole helped me to come up with an attainable plan to get me out of my current situation and doing what I love. All in all, I’m blown away by how much and how quickly Nicole was able to help me. The best part is she taught me how to better serve myself and my dreams for the future. If you have any inkling to try this, do it! This is one of the best things I’ve done for myself. Nicole is gifted not only in her ability to heal and nurture, but to make things happen. When I look back on the past 6 months, I view coaching with Nicole as the catalyst that re-united me with my purpose. Powerful stuff if I do say so myself!”
~Michelle Case, Sales Executive turned World Traveler
“I want to write a special massive dose of gratitude to Nicole, she’s been my coach over the last 12 weeks.
Nicole has been masterfully:
*helping me to reclaim my power
*guiding me back to my true vision for my life
*providing me practices and inquiries to get grounded and aligned with my truth
*unlocking strength and insight that felt dormant
*navigating with me a new sense of self that’s both softer and more expanded and true
*giving me permission to trust myself and my intuitionThis past year has been the most tumultuous year of my life …getting married, moving, launching The Pleasure Path business, letting go of most of my family in our current way of relating, doing deep healing work with my teachers, letting go of all yoga teaching and reiki healing clients, changing my name to Violet…
I’ve never felt so much loss and I’ve never felt such a call to belong to myself, to get clear on what I want to create, and to be at choice. Nicole has helped me to find my power internally and connect to earth and God…to celebrate who I am versus running away or jumping out…to persevere and build faith. Nicole your guidance and wisdom are incredible and I’m so grateful for you !!!”
~Violet Lange, Harvard Grad, CEO of The Pleasure Path
About Your Guide
My name is Nicole.
I’m here to share my proven methodology to empower you to close the gap on your subconscious programming, unleash your priestess power and actualize your visions.
For over 10 years I’ve been studying, teaching and mentoring with highly respected teachers in the US and Peru. I’ve worked with thousands of students and clients over this time in their healing process.
As a survivor of abuse and sexual trauma, I’ve come to understand through my own deep healing journey that we all have very specific core wounds programs in our subconscious mind that we need to work through with attention, accountability, compassion, sincerity, and love.
I’ve become highly adept sensitive and intuitive through this journey and thus very skilled at customizing programs with incredibly transformational results.
Your journey begins with a deep alchemical healing process to discover your subconscious programming or core beliefs.
These programs affect all levels of your development through the architecture of the chakra energy system.
Each week we examine a new chakra through this programming lens to create and understanding of our beliefs and how that’s affecting our body-mind-spiritual balance.
Let’s create your life vision with tangible, actionable steps so you can thrive.
This is a holistic and integrated approach to coaching and healing. These spiritual teachings are grounded in processes that create real tangible results.
I’m thrilled to be offering this program to you!
A 12 week one-on-one highly customized personal Shamanic journey to empower to close the gap on your subconscious programming, unleash your priestess power and actualize your visions!
I would love for you to sign up for my waitlist with your name + email.
Enrollment opens soon. Click here and write this in the subject! “Unleash the Priestess”
“A healer does not heal you. A healer is someone who holds space for you while you awaken your inner healer, so that you may heal yourself.” ~ Maryam Hasnaa
Shamanic Healing Arts Academy®
An Evolutionary Shamanic Healing Arts Academy to Empower Women to Thrive!
Shamanism & Sacred Reciprocity
As my Shamanic Teacher, Alan Waugh would say, “Welcome. We are the ones we have been waiting for.”
We have arrived at the precipice of The Old Paradigms’ Destruction and this is the opportunity for the Dawning of the Great New Earth. My Shamanic studies seem to be of paramount importance at this time. We must renew our sacred relationship with the Earth or perish as a species. Our generation and those below us are the Wisdom Keepers and Light Workers brought to Earth to save her and all living species.
As Alan’s great world-renowned Shamanic wisdom teacher, don Oscar Miro-Quesada states in his book, Lessons in Courage, “To harness the spiritual power of creation, as did our ancestral peoples, we need to return to a deep understanding of how sacred relationship works. “Feed the earth first and then you will have the strength to go out on the healing path, ” don Benito taught me. The more loving the energy that we can generate as we attend to these earth-honoring ceremonies, the quicker the transmutation of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies occurs…By doing earth-healing rites and ceremonies, we re-establish a conscious, awakened sacred relationship with the Earth. This encourages all the conscious beings who inhabit our beloved Pachamama to feel more comfortable revealing to themselves to nurture and support us. This is the nature of ayni (sacred reciprocity).
The Earth is our GREAT MOTHER, loving us daily unconditionally – offering us food, water, air and a place to live and grow our souls. She’s our playground for evolution and yet we treat her like a dumping ground. We must now walk our talk of loving relationship and take action.
We must learn the ways of the indigenous cultures to REMEMBER what it is to establish a loving intentional connection with our first mother and to live in the ways of the sacred.
How to get in connection with the Earth ways:
1) buying the book “Lessons in Courage”
2) signing up for a retreat with don Oscar Miro-Quesada
3) coming on retreat with Alan and myself to Mt. Shasta in July (yoga/shamanism)
4) attending Shamanism-inspired workshops (we lead some see below about February and there are many around LA)
These are ways to learn rituals and medicines of the indigenous and to deeply work on your inner healing which will change the world around you.
This February, Alan is coming to LA to offer a Shamanic Reiki Training for all that are Advanced Reiki (Reiki III). This is a great introduction to the Divine offerings of Shamanism in combination with Reiki, a Shamanic Japanese healing modality.
Life is Ceremony, Ceremony is Life
What if we lived our lives as if everything were ceremonial? What if we lived each day making offerings to the life-giving elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. What would the world be like if we took the time each day to bless the trees, birds, plants, rocks and all living things?
This is the path of the Shaman.
The Shaman wakes each morning with blessings and gratitude for the unseen realms that are always supporting and mentoring us. The Shaman offers rituals to honor that which gives us life. They co-create their realities with the presence of prayer and spiritual inquiry. They see the beauty and magic in all things God’s made. Everything becomes symbolic and placed in Divine order as messengers along a path of awakening to higher consciousness. All of life around us – the animals, herbs, crystals – they are guides, allies and healing companions.
We are inextricably connected to all of life on this planet.
Whatever we do effects the whole, no matter how small you think you are. Every thought, and word becomes an action that creates a wave of energy that changes the energy around you. It’s time for all of us to recognize how LARGE and IN CHARGE we really are. How responsible and accountable we must be for the distribution of our energy.
Wake up each day and burn off the negative dross.
According to the Artist’s Way, one of my favorite books of all time, the “Morning Pages” are a very valuable tool in releasing this energy and creating space for creativity to move through you. Place a notebook by your end table and write 3 stream of consciousness pages to release anything that’s accumulated from the prior day and dream state. Pay no attention to spelling and grammar, just write! Place it to the side and never read it again. Metaphorically burning it up. Or check out the YogaWakeup app for some of my meditations (see below!).
Practice ceremony daily.
A ceremony is an offering of blessings in our lives. It’s an opportunity to thank your guides, spirit allies, and all of those things around you that bring you life, joy, celebration, love and prosperity. A way that you can honor God in all things. Even those things that challenge you, are placed there for your own growth.
Ceremony Meditation
If you are unsure of how to start a ceremonial practice or if you want to share your practices with your community, come to Ceremony Meditation at 417 Rose in Venice across from Cafe Gratitude which will open in October.
Our mission as an intentional community is to provide a space where all beings can feel supported and safe within their spiritual practice(s), allowing them to step into the Trust of their own Evolution. We stand with open hearts and minds with all of creation. Ceremony is Life…Life is Ceremony.
Our Purpose: We acknowledge this World is flourishing with wisdom teachings, sacred practices and conscious raising traditions covering the Globe. At the core of these teachings, we know and understand ‘Paths are many, Truth is one.’ We honor and host all practices that are in agreement with our commitment to every being on the planet discovering his or her Authentic Self, in other words Self-Realization. We will guide all beings to an experience in their heart, where the source of all creation emanates from.
Shamanic & Ceremonial Retreats – Spirit Wisdom Healing Transformational Retreats
You also have the opportunity in September 2016 to connect to all of Nature, experience deeply healing mineral springs hot baths, yoga, meditation and learn Shamanic rituals and ceremonies in Mount Shasta. The Spirit Wisdom Healing Retreats will be an annual retreat offering. In 2017, you can join us July 27 – August 1st, 2017.
Infinite Blessings on the Path of Awakening to the Truth of It All,
“Sonic Shamanic”: Feb 15, 2014 Soundtrack w/ DJ Marques Wyatt
The live recording is up from our past event at The Source Spiritual Center in Venice on Saturday, February 15th. We are so proud of this event series that celebrates Shamanic Yoga, Dance, Music and Sound Healing. Fortunately, you can see our event live this year again for the third time at Lightning in a Bottle Festival.
This set is only the music without the teachings and weavings that accompany the music, but you can get the musical flavor and vibration. One day we will get the mic to run through the recorder! 😉
Here are pictures from this latest event at Source Spiritual Center.