The Empowered Women's Mini Retreat - Breathwork Reset for Manifestation (3)

The Empowered Woman Mini Retreat – Breathwork Reset for Manifestation

breathwork ashland oregon

The Empowered Women’s Mini Retreat – Breathwork Reset for Manifestation
January 20th, 5-9PM at Lithia Loft, Downtown Ashland, OR

Ditch the Jan resolutions, ignite your daily revolution! Craft a reality where your heart leads, your purpose fuels your every step, and your joy blazes so bright in your authentic power!

This event is for purpose-driven, heart-led women ready to create greater impact in their lives of others. Let’s face it! Every January we set aspirational goals to establish healthy habits, unearth our potential, and prioritize self-care. Yet by February, those resolutions fade as we slip back into our familiar patterns & daily routines that lead to burnout or emotional drain.
What if we could create sustainable practices month after month for long lasting results?
This year, make lasting transformation! Join us for an evening of visioning, connection, and inspired action. Experience somatic breathwork and dance; transformational coaching; and manifestation practices to uncover your inner power and truly embody it so you can create the life you imagine!
What you’ll experience:
•Establish clear visions for 2024 and learn how to become a vibrational match to them
•Heart Opening Cacao Activation by Antonia Songbird
•Learn a 5 Step Power Process root out limiting beliefs for emotional well-being and mental clarity
•Tap into your body’s wisdom and intuitive guidance with a Tantric Womb Dance with guest faciliator Rene Jeffus
Transformational Breathwork for clearing, increased energy, vitality, and strength (1 hour lying down)
Integration and receive a life roadmap to be accountable to your authentic self
Manifestation tools that will expand your business and entrepreneurial endeavors
Leave with:
•A bold vision to step into your higher potential with confidence and resilience
•Renewed energy, vitality and joy
•Guilt-free self-care rituals for grounding, balance and enthusiasm
•Feeling more proactive to take actions in the face of uncertainty
•A community of support and accountability
No more excuses like time, kids or money! Let’s make 2023 the year you prioritize YOU and step into your most empowered self! Join us for this transformative women’s mini-retreat.
Date: January 20th
Time: 5 – 9PM
Location: Lithia Loft 144 Lithia Way, Ashland, OR 97520
Investment: $88 – Buy ticket in advance
Reserve your spot today for this gift of sisterhood, self-care, and personal growth.

Your Host: Nicole Ananda has been serving the health +wellness industry for 20 years as a Women’s Empowerment Coach, Reiki Master Trainer, Transformational Breathwork Facilitator & Trainer, E-RYT 500 Yoga Teacher Trainer & Co-Author of “Manifest Life a Goddess”.

What to Bring::  Journal, Pen, Yoga Mat, Water Bottle, Blanket, Eye Cover (optional). Please eat dinner before you come. For questions reach out to Nicole: or text her at 415-378-8547

If you prefer Venmo: Nicole-Doherty-66197

(For AHY members only click here):


The Journey is the Destination. Follow Your Passion. Let Your Heart Lead.


My friends in SF used to say I was the woman who had nine lives because I would change roles and identities over and over again. I had a thirst for adventure and exploration just like my dad.😀

In fact, I had a spiritual awakening after my dad’s death in March of 2001. In that moment, I gave myself permission to live my life by following my bliss. I am grateful for my dad’s incredible spirit of adventure. He traveled to just about every country in the world. I am grateful for his death too which taught me how I didn’t want to die – filled with sadness and regrets.

I wanted to explore all that life had to offer. I started post- Georgetown University, climbing the ladders of corporate America as an advertising executive and soon thereafter a marketing executive.

I then transformed myself into an actor, being on stage, performing, singing and doing indie films all over SF.

I shifted into event planner for weddings, parties and social events. Then quickly jumped into night club promoting and created 1000-person undergrounds + went to Burning Man and just about every festival I could for 8 years!

I burned myself out from overstimulation, lack of sleep, drugs and alcohol, and ended up in Yoga. I went full steam ahead to become a yoga teacher and eventually became a Yoga Teacher Trainer with 10K hours of teaching.

This led me to energy work, reiki mastership, healing and shamanism. I went deep into alternative healing arts and became a plant medicine facilitator for over 8 years embodying that wisdom too.

I became a Mother! Woo hoo (that one I forever in this life shall be!).

Right now (in this moment), I’m living my purpose as a women’s empowerment coach, intuitive healer, breathwork facilitator and still using all the skills from the last 15 years.

As I write this I think F*CK YEAH what an amazing life I’ve lived. I always followed my bliss. And I have always excelled because I was in my passion.

Trust me, living has not always been FUN – I’ve had my dark-night-of-the-soul moments, but those have always been for my growth and more birthing.

I picked up a book about 10 years ago that said, “Wherever you go there you are.” I knew that the only relationship we truly have is the one with ourselves.

We are all here on this heroic human journey of self-realization to recognize our sovereign divinity as SOURCE CREATOR. We get to CHOOSE every single day how we’d like to LIVE our LIVES. Thank you Sophia for the gift of free-will.

If you live your life with passion, expansion and follow the stream of good feelings, you will always end up growing and evolving.

The JOURNEY IS THE DESTINATION and there is no HOW TO MANUAL to get “somewhere”. Life is about LIVIN’ – in LOVE and PASSION. If you do this, you will support your evolution and that supports the whole.

Are you with me?


3 Simple Steps to Liberate Your Womb!

It is time to liberate your womb, enhance your intuition, and reclaim your feminine power!

You are rising into your feminine womb sense, to heal yourself and the planet. This is for the children and future generations.

So many of my clients are dancing with this multi-layered congestion and subsequent desire to purge their dysfunctional parental relationships, sexual shame, abuse, guilt and complete disassociation to their womb space and sacral chakra.

There is so much lineage and patriarchal subconscious programming that’s in need of healing!

You may have fear opening to this deep dive, yet its absolutely imperative to create harmony in the world and so liberating for your body, mind and soul.

Women aren’t you done operating in your masculine? You are driving your body to depletion in a way that feels overwhelming, fearful and completely off balance.

It’s not what your body-mind-system naturally needs or desires as a woman.

Believe me I get this. I’m a doer too.

I was a corporate ladder climber who turned into a two-business, single mom entrepreneur!

I have been challenged in this area, which is why I teach disciplines and practices to my clients and in my classes to keep myself accountable to my healing and connected to my feminine essence.

The feminine energy is sweetness, movement, flow, emotions and connection with the Earth. It’s how we connect to our desire, feelings, ease, pleasure and delight.

We need to cultivate our feminine to allow the masculine enegery to meet us in the Divine Union of the Yin/Yang at the heart.

When our energies are balanced we feel energized, creative, flexible and willing to step into the unknown trusting that change is powerful, not fearful.

This is the natural energy of Mama Gaia, who is abundant and prosperous.

If you are having difficulty desiring, connecting with your womb, feeling creatively blocked or having money/prosperity issues, chances are you are in need of cleansing, clearing and opening up more space for your womb wisdom and feminine energy.

It’s through clearing your second chakra that you will overcome and release the lower frequencies like shame, guilt, sexual distortion that’s in the way of you reclaiming your feminine power.

3 Simple Steps To Liberate Your Womb:

  1.  Slow down. Get Softer. Be more tender with yourself. Listen.  The feminine energy is Yin, relaxing and receiving.  Most women I coach are not in their bodies, they are working too much and they are not really taking care of themselves.  Often this is because they are running from themselves and their versions of not feeling valued, loved or enough.  It may feel scary to slow down, but the only way to heal is to listen and practice patience. To be in in your feminine is to be receptive. You can still be doing things in the world. In fact, when you are taking better care of yourself, you will be a stronger, more grounded force in the world.
  2. Meditate with womb wisdom guided meditations like this one. Place your hands in an inverted triangle shape right below the navel pointing downward.  This is the feminine energy and is healing for the uterus and ovaries and also represents the energy current of manifestation.  From your heart to your hands send yourself loving, kind energy and open up our imagination to the endless possibilities that reside within this space.
  3. Sensual movement mirror gazing, vocalizing and touch. Start by dancing for yourself in front of the mirror. While you are dancing speak what you are doing out loud, move by move. Say out loud what your body is doing, how it feels and reconnect the physical body and its sensations with your emotional body. As an example, “my hip is swaying to the left and it feels tingly and it makes me feel happy.”  As you are vocalizing you are re-connecting sound and thought currents to your physical experience.  You can also add nurturing touch to engage your pleasure, desire and remembrance that the loving relationship you seek is with you.

These are very simple starters.

It goes so much deeper than this ladies, especially if you need to clear toxic energies.  That’s another post I’ll need to write.;)

If you wish to discuss how to clear energy, create rituals or bring more positivity and joy into your womb set up a time to chat.

