For more meditations, here is my CODE for $25 off a subscription for YOGA WAKEUP APP which I have several meditations on for as little as: $6.99/mo. ($2 off).
Healing the Emotional Root Leads to Enlightenment
At the core of your being, your inner child is longing to be healed.
The little, playful, innocent child within you is hurt. When you get triggered that is her kicking and screaming to be heard, seen and loved in the way she wants to be. She’s asking for your help!
You keep trying to push her away. Sometimes you say, “That wasn’t such a big deal, I’m over it, stop whining and complaining. I’ve forgiven him/her.” Yet, avoiding and ignoring doesn’t feel supportive to a sensitive child who wants love and attention.
Imagine your own kids. See yourself as them. See your parents as inner children as well. This will bring about compassion.
The work you are here to do is to heal your inner child that is wounded so that you are no longer a victim of your own life who is not seen, heard, or loved in the way that you want to be.
If you can give that inner child a voice, what would she say?
Your inner child didn’t have ways to express herself in the way you do as an adult, so she internalized her pain and suffering. She believes that the world is against her. That things are not going to work out for her. She becomes a Victim because she has lost her knowing that she is love. She is separated from love.
Your inner child that is wounded develops this ego identity that believes she’s at fault. You may punish and sabotage yourself because you believe you are bad or wrong. In the end, you don’t ask for your needs to be met. And you may believe you don’t deserve or your aren’t good enough. You become the Martyr.
If you can give your inner child a voice, what needs would she ask to be met?
As a child, when you stopped asking for your needs to be met, you stuffed all this pain inside of you, how does that make you feel?
The inner child is angry, raging and sad and feels like she needs to blame and shame herself and others for these feelings of being trapped and mistrusting of the world.
She probably lashes out or criticizes or judges herself and others. She may even get outwardly reactive and triggered often by others and her relationships. She becomes the Perpetrator. The inner and outer judge.
She feels its her against the world, or she isn’t seemingly getting what she wants when she keeps trying to make things work. She’s in a tantrum and can’t see her way out.
If you can give your inner child a voice, who and what is she blaming for things not working out?
She really wants other people to get her, hear her and acknowledge her. She keeps pleasing others to make this happen. She expects that she can change or fix others so it all works out.
She keeps seeking relationships with people that will be ‘on her side’, ‘follow her path’, and get it. She feels safe and in control.
She’s taking on more than her fair share of responsibility and giving more than she needs to.
She’s feeling like other people’s pains are more important than her feelings and feels resentments building up because she’s suppressing her voice.
She becomes the rescuer, to fix, solve, change or control so that she can prove her value.
If you can give your inner child a voice, what would she say and feel like if she could drop all of her expectations and needs to please others and really take care of herself? What is really her responsibility?
If you resonate with any of this you are working in the programming of the 4 addictive ego behaviors – the victim, martyr, persecutor and rescuer.
These are the ego illusions.
In the end, these are stories that are created by the wounded inner child in efforts to survive with its pain and suffering.
What if this could shift?
What if your perception has been clouded by hurt and that’s why things aren’t in full flow?
What if you could express your feelings and be heard and loved in response?
What if you could heal your woundedness and live in internal peace and harmony, so much so that chaos could not touch you?
What if you forgave yourself and others to the extent that you could see beyond the illusion of comparison, competitiveness, wrong, right, blame, shame and rebellion?
What if you could live in so much internal love that you radiate out all needs met, all the time and you could resource from within and your connect with the Divine?
What if you could heal that inner child and experience victory and freedom at deep levels of your being?
What if you could sit in neutrality and let go of the attachments and expectations and live in synchronicities with the Universe and feel undeniably supported?
This is achievable.
This is a practice.
This is the truth.
Healing the emotional root of your traumas and releasing the triggers is the path of enlightenment!
If you want to learn how to to heal your inner child and breakthrough your limiting beliefs, step into your power and live the dreams that you imagine for yourself, contact me for safe and loving support.
(FYI…Photo above is me and my little bro.)
The Fires of Awakening
Today the sun is an orange glow through the smoke filled sky here in Ashland, Oregon. The earth is raging with her fires in the forests and cities of California and Oregon for over three weeks now.
There is a feeling of fear that crests daily as the fires leap from one mountain to the next. I can’t help but recognize this call to awaken to what is priority.
It’s nothing new that the earth purges, destroys and regenerates. But it is fairly new that we’ve woken up from our long collective deep sleep to the revelation that the outer world is simply a reflection of our inner one. We have become so separated, isolated and controlled in our environments over time that we have forgotten our role as children of this earth and that she’s a reflection of deep healing work.
If I zone out while playing with my 2.5 year old son, he will turn to me and say loudly, “WAKE UP!”. In that moment, I laugh and snap back into presence. It feels as if our Mother Earth is asking the same of us. To get present, pay attention and go within.
We are a microcosm of the macrocosm. The whole Universe rests within us.
Can we look at the smoke as a reflection of the cloudiness that rests within us at this time in our collective?
Can we see the fires representing the powerful agni energy within and the tapas, or the heat, that is needed to purify ourselves?
Can we see the fires as energy that transforms and dismantles the old structures and ways of our past?
Can we see the force of Shiva, the destroyer, as the energy of momentum offering rebirth and new beginnings?
Does it feel like things in your life are in chaos and you can’t see a way out?
Let go. As things disintegrate, its a ripe time for creation, prioritizing what’s important and growth.
As a survivor of a fire that burned down my apartment in 2006 and left me with pretty much the shirt on my back, I certainly didn’t understand the beauty in it for a good solid month. At the time when it happened, I was not present in my life. Then, the smoke cleared when I went to the place that is famous for burning down things just built – Burning Man. It was there and then that I was able to see the absolute gift and magic of my fire, and the ways that my life would shift as a result of that experience.
I was humbled to my knees in a new found understanding of presence and priorities. Only months later I knew that I had received enormous gifts.
Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, I received a brand new life and opportunities that my Higher Self was begging for, yet my lower self was stuck in conditioned behavior. What I received was a greater sense of health, community, love, support, and a deeper connection to my yoga practice. It also created space for one of my most significant relationships to come into my life.
In the end, it was a true blessing and a total wake up call that needed to happen for me.
And this is not to discount those that have been affected and devastated by the fires. I send you and offer you love and support through an extremely challenging time often fraught with pain and suffering. Yet to help direct you to the larger plan that’s at work, what are you creating space for?
Today I invoke the fires (anger, rage, fear) within to be transmuted and released so that I can create. Today I dream awake the destruction of the limits that I place around my heart so I can love more fully. Today I establish a deeper connection with you, my Earth Mother, by asking for forgiveness for the ways that I’ve taken advantage of you or have been mistreating you. Today I clear the smoke in my own being, as I trust myself and my purpose even more. Today, I ask for great purging and healing for the planet and the collective, so that we may live in more peace and harmony. Today, I imagine dropping deeper into the Great Mystery.
How are you being called by the fires of awakening?
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.
Wahe Guru! Celebrate dark + light!
Today, we are in celebration of International Yoga Day and the Summer Solstice – both offering light to our world that feels quite dark.
What are we learning from these auspicious days?
Have you noticed, as I have, the juxtaposition of the juicy swellings of Divine Love in your own heart and the pangs of, anger, destruction, and judgement of your own mind served up by your past pains?
Some days, its as if I’d like to tear off my clothes and sing naked and wild at the top of my lungs and other days where my fear shuts me down and I hide.
We are all going through a collective re-birthing. We are being forced to go down deep in the dark well of our own emotional being to dig up the remains, so that we can release the wreckage that we’ve created, heal our lineage, minds, and bodies to reveal the Light within.
As Yogis we are often reminded of how pressure and heat turns carbon into a diamond, or the exquisite lotus flower that penetrates the muddy waters to bloom its essential beauty for us to see.
Now, more than ever, we are understanding this yogic process of tapas, the burning, purification, discipline and practice that leads us to the eternal God seed within.
This process was never stated to be easy. “Doing the work” as many spiritual aspirants say, is filled with challenge, obstacle and trauma, yet also with opportunities and triumphs.
In efforts to see the Great Light we also traverse the Great Dark.
Our society tends to focus on the dark. Perhaps its seems so magnified because we know in our hearts more than ever that Unity and Love are Truth and we are shamefully recognizing how far away we’ve strayed.
It’s as if we can’t believe it, so we keep talking about it. Yet if we know and practice the Law of Attraction, we need to re-direct and place focus on what we wish to amplify, Love.
It doesn’t mean we ignore. It means we take our anger, our hatred and disgust and we create action and solutions for the greater good. We don’t blame, but we rise up in ownership and responsibility and play our part in supporting radical change.
We are collectively moving through our first, second and third chakras to clear out fear and separation, distorted sexual energy, guilt, shame, and abuse of power.
We are moving to the heart chakra.
Today, we offer hope, unity and love in exchange for the suffering that is sweeping our collective consciousness.
We are being asked to spring forth at this time and celebrate and dance and be free!
Today, I’ve created a Despacho offering to the land and to the guardian spirits to ask for forgiveness for creating such an imbalance of resource on this planet. Personally, my sacred offering to the Earth will be better stewardship and more service to Her and the collective.
I was recently offered a great gift to be a Melissae at a Goddess Temple here in Ashaland, Oregon at the Jackson Wellsprings. As a Goddess Temple Melissae I get to be in service to the Goddess through stewarding the land, water, altars and structures of the Temple. I plan to dedicate my time there to the virtues of love, safety, community, beauty, grace, kindness and compassionate support.
What can you do to be of service to the Light today on this longest light-filled day of the year?
What can you do to be in service of communing with the your own being filled with Light?
How can you practice more self-love and kindness?
Can we all celebrate the darkness too as the contrast that is needed and Divinely guided to reflect back to us our own inner work? The mirror of Nature is our Guru.
Today the Kundalini Yogis use the term “Wahe Guru”. Wahe is an exclamation of ecstasy like, “Wow!”. Guru is a teacher or guide. Guru takes one from the darkness into the light. Let’s celebrate the moment we recognized that God is within.
Blessings to you my community for honoring the path of the Yogi, seeker, light-bearer, steward, and champion of humanity.
May you be blessed and revered for your work.
Be the light that changes the world!
Wahe Guru!
xo Nicole
P.S. If you are a healer, yogi or spiritual entrepreneur and you feel like you need solid support traversing from dark to light in efforts to create your light-inspired business for this planet, set up a complimentary call with me. We need you to reclaim your power and actualize your visions NOW!
P.P.S. If you want to be a part of a growing spiritual community of incredibly gifted and spiritual women, please join #shamanicpriestess FREE Facebook Group.
When will you commit to yourself? 4 Simple Starters!
When will you commit to yourself?
How many times have you asked yourself this before?
You know how much better you feel when you commit to your practices, yet that’s the hardest thing to commit to.
What excuses do you observe ‘get in the way’ of your healthy habits like meditation, yoga, exercise, eating well, etc?
How is it that you know what is good for you, yet you do the bare minimum to get by?
What’s the best excuse you come up with?
As a Shamanic Empowerment Coach, my job is to empower people to commit to themselves and their well being.
Most people come to an empowerment coach not because they aren’t able to commit to external things (job, relationship, family), but rather because they have a tough time committing to the internal process of loving themselves.
I’ve heard every excuse in the book to prevent people from doing good things for themselves.
The most common I hear is “I’m too busy with _______(work, family, travel, kids, etc)”.
This excuse promotes that life is completely out of your control and that you have no say in your life.
Sometimes this means, “I don’t have the skills to prioritize my life.”
Other times this means, “I’m alone and I can’t ask for help.”
Or it could mean, “I need to feel important because I don’t feel good about myself.”
Or, better yet, “I don’t prioritize me.”
In the end, almost any excuse for not practicing your self-care really means, “I don’t truly love and care for myself.”
What’s your belief system around others that care for themselves?
I hear you saying things like that person is ‘selfish’, ‘lazy’ or ‘clearly not busy enough’ when you see them leave work at 5p and go to the gym.
I feel you getting jealous of others who dance in the fields, play in the woods, and sip coffee on the porch overlooking the mountain view.
I see you get mad at your partner when he goes out for a run and you are taking care of dinner.
You are judging and are in fact are upset that you didn’t set time aside for you.
What will it take for you to put yourself first? When will you finally commit to yourself?
What you don’t realize is that when you take care of yourself first, you will have more energy and love to go around.
When you fill your cup with prayer, meditation, affirmations, gratitude and self-care practices, you will have more patience and generosity available for others.
When you get clear on your priorities that fulfill your life, then your happiness is contagious and magnifies in others.
As your realize your dreams and actualize your visions, everyone around you benefits.
You don’t have to do it alone. Enroll, enlist, share and integrate your self-love and self-care practices into your life to include others and make it fun!
What’s stopping you from committing to yourself?
The next time you opt out from you, ask yourself what’s in the way.
Can you commit to yourself NOW?
Here’s 4 simple starters!
1. Notice your emotions and thoughts when you are NOT practicing self-care.
When you are not choosing YOU notice your emotions. What old stories, wounds, and habits are stopping you from loving yourself? What “can’t” you do and why?
2. In the moment, CHOOSE LOVING YOU!
What will bring you (and ultimately others) more love right now?
3. Prioritize.
What’s really important? What will make you more happy in the present and can the other things wait?
4. Schedule your self-care.
You book appointments for everything else, why not for yourself? Make non-changeable, non-negotiable commitments/appointments for YOU to meditate, exercise and fill your cup.
Bonus Tip: Have fun!! Your life is yours to have and do what you will with it!
#nicoledohertyyoga #nicoledohertyhealingarts #shamanicpriestess #unleashthepriestesswithin #commitment #health #wellness #yoga #yogaeverydamnday