
9 Tools to Free Your Voice

What does it mean to free your voice?

It means feeling safe and grounded.

Freeing your voice is a deep dive into your childhood wounding to discover where you lost it in the first place.

It is to release the pain of our past ancestors, traumas, suppression and circumstances.

It’s about getting comfortable in your own skin and being honest with yourself.

Freeing your voice is liberating yourself from squelching your emotions and letting the rivers flow.

Freeing your voice is releasing projections, victim nature, martyrdom, blame, shame, guilt, gossip and lower frequencies.

Freeing your voice is a result of reclaiming your power.

It is being in right relationship with your heart and offering compassion to others.

Freeing your voice is to surrender to the Divine and love yourself.

It is having fine-tuned listening skills.

To free your voice is to be vulnerable enough to hear all the feedback and own what you are responsible for.

It is learning to speak your authentic truth.

Freeing your voice is creating healthy boundaries that protect you with a sensibility to uphold them with kindness versus defensiveness.

Freeing your voice is learning to communicate consciously and effectively which is truly is an art.

I’d say, at this moment, I am an artist that’s learning to develop her craft to live a more full heart-centered life.

Here are 9 tools along my path that have aided me in the art of communication and helped me free my voice.

1-  Getting Grounded, Breathing and Relaxing

When you are grounded, breathing and relaxed you heal.  When you heal, you have the space to turn inward and bring mindfulness and heart-centeredness to your communication.  Your tension is released and your voice is more powerful. Try this earthing meditation to get you started.

2 – Core Wound/Inner Child Healing Work

Your core wounds and the inner child within are holding your past.  As you hear her, listen to her, and love her you will regain your power and begin to learn that you are creating your life and everything in it.  That will change where you speak from, how you speak and will liberate you. Learn more about this deep journey work.

3 – Sacred Plant Medicines

The sacred plants speak through the human voice.  The medicinal songs of the plants have great power for healing. I personally have completely cured my vocal chords and received many spiritual surgeries in the mentorship of the plants and reclaimed my voice. I now sing ceremonially and transmit these songs in honor of this great gift. Check out MAPS for more information.

4 – Singing Kirtan/Yoga Chanting

Kirtan is a devotional singing and chanting practice that chants the names of the Divine to raise your vibration to the frequency of pure LOVE. It’s a beautiful practice that is a direct line to Source.  Check out my favorite studio, Bhakti Yoga Shala in Santa Monica.

5 – Creative Writing + Play

Being a beginner in life, in play, and innocence will connect you to the pure creative light within. Discovery and curiosity is where creativity lies. As you heal your sacral chakra and open up these energies it has a direct influence on your voice. After all, have you seen a picture of the Yoni and Vocal Chords? They align with what we create and express. One of my favorite books for accessing the inner creative is The Artist’s Way.

6 – Relationships – Those that trigger you the most!

Relationships are your mirror.  And the ones that trigger you the most will reveal your subconscious patterns, behaviors and past that is remain unhealed. This is a teaching relationship. What is beautiful about these teaching relationships is that they teach you what is important to you, your core values, and how to be a better communicator of healthy boundaries, desires and needs.  Practice the art of conscious communication.

7 – Amazing Coaches

Coaching and mentorship has been profound for me in my own shadow work which is why I now offer this gift to women. To have someone who can point out your deeper work in a safe and loving container catalyzes real change. It is priceless to liberating your voice.  Discover what you can work on now.

8 – Being in Community

When you have the opportunity to meet in sacred, safe space with other like-minded individuals it is so healing!  This is great practice for revealing your personal story and deep inner truths.  Circles provide great insight. It’s helpful to know that you are not alone in what you are going through.  Check out this coaching + healing women’s empowerment group.  And this Women’s Facebook group.

9-  Surrendering to Divine Love

The ultimate goal is surrendering and opening fully to Divine Love. It’s the pure ecstasy that we seek to return to. When we relax, surrender, and let go of our egoic nature that keeps us in suffering there is so much love to receive.

Could you imagine letting go of all the projections and stories and living in your authentic truth, speaking from your heart and revealing your whole being?

Freeing your voice is a lifetime practice of healing, surrender, sharing and loving yourself.

Freeing your voice is the conscious and truthful path of awakening.

Here is are two albums I’d love you to hear – Amrita and God’s Breath of Life – I’ve created these in a time when I was very much freeing my voice!!!



Photos from my workshops at Oregon Eclipse Festival.


{Free Video Meditation} For Empowerment

Does this sound familiar to you?

…You have all these projects and ideas yet when you go to take action inertia takes over.

…You are highly skilled and have many certifications in all sorts of modalities but you are not teaching or using these skills.

…You know you have a calling to serve, yet you say you don’t know what your soul’s purpose is.

…When attention is directed to you in a meeting or public setting you are overcome by fear, you avoid, retreat or procrastinate.

…When you get compliments you quickly deflect them and have difficulty receiving them.

These can be conditions/experiences present with a third chakra energy imbalance.

This can be caused by:

  1. Disconnection with the Fire element of transformation
  2. Early core wounds in your childhood experience around your confidence, self-esteem and power
  3. Societal programming pressures around scarcity consciousness and being told ‘what you are not’/fear of rejection

What can you do to balance your energy system and heal your power center?

I am offering you a simple 15 min empowerment meditation today that brings you into a past experience when you felt powerless and invites you to shift the ending of this story by taking a powerful action instead and inviting the support of your spiritual guides.  This will shift your energy and bring power back to you.

Nature is our reflection.

In Shamanism, Yoga and other ancient wisdom teachings we understand that Nature is our reflection.

Thus, we learn about our human energy centers through the qualities of the master energies/frequencies of Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Ether/Space/Center (depending on the traditions) and we heal through connecting with them.

Qualities of the 3rd Chakra:

•    Sun/Heat/Yellow Color
•    Fire Element/Inti Father Sun
•    Relates to your gifts/talent/purpose and action in the world
•    Imbalances relate to issues with power, esteem, confidence, energy, action, intertia, healthy digestion/agni
•    In Shamanic studies can relate to the old patterns stuck in the mind and your self-limiting beliefs
•    The demon of this chakra is guilt/blame + unhealthy ego

How do these qualities relate to me?

When we are healthy in our power center we feel connected to our action and purpose in the world based on the gifts and talents we know we have.

When we feel empowered we take action instead of sitting back and waiting for things to happen to us. We become the co-creators and manifesting generators of our experience.

We want to have a healthy relationship to the Ego and not be burdened by experiences that draw continually upon our energy.

The meditation from today will bring you into the past to re-write the scripts that result in empowered action which brings great healing and allows you to re-direct your energy to positive projects.

Empowerment Meditation  (15 min) + Breath of Fire

  1. Click my video above to meditate and learn the process (this is 15 min, but I invite you into a longer one another time).
  2. Before or after this meditation feel free to do a minute of Breath of Fire breathing to clear out any energetic residue.
  3. Breath of Fire – if unfamiliar with it, here’s a great video from one of my favorite artists Simrit who is also a kundalini yogi.

If you like these processes, these are the types of tools that I might offer my clients during their highly customized 7- week Shamanic journey through each of their chakra energy centers.
At each energy center we go through a variety of processes to find what is stuck at all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritually) and work to move it through the system.

With this knowledge, we can deprogram and re-balance the energy centers for overall life balance.

We do this through an extensive tool box of coaching, in-person and remote shamanic healings, shamanic journeying, meditations, yoga, breathwork, sound healing, and tantra.

Are you one who takes empowered action?

Or not?


A great way to know if you are a candidate for coaching or energy work is to book a 15 minute candid chat with me 😉

P.S. I now have a NEW GROUP PROGRAM as well as my signature
ONE-ON-ONE coaching program called “Unleash the Shamanic Priestess Within + Thrive”.

water element

{Free Meditation + Water Ritual} To Manage Fear of Change + The Unknown

Does this sound familiar to you?

…You want to trust in the flow of life, but there seems to be a boulder blocking your river of abundance.

…When someone tries to support you, you find it difficult to surrender, trust and let go.

…Your creative projects are at a standstill because you are not flowing.

…When change is on the horizon in your life, you feel anxious or overwhelmed.

…When you open yourself up to a partner, you can’t really ‘let your hair down’ because you have some feelings of guilt or shame in the way.

…You think to yourself, “OMG, that’s that same relationship pattern repeating itself.  Why do I always end up with these people?”

…You can’t access your emotions easily, or you can’t stop the damn that has broken and your emotions feel scary.

…Your libido is less than stellar and you can’t find ways to access pleasure.

These can be conditions/experiences present with a sexual chakra energy imbalance. 

This can be caused by:

  1. Disconnection with the Water element of flow,movement and change
  2. Early core wounds in your childhood experience with Masculine/Feminine energies outside of you + balance of your own masculine/feminine within
  3. Societal programming pressures around needing to have the ‘perfect’ relationship or fit a certain masculine/feminine archetype

What can you do to balance your energy system and heal your sexual center?

I am offering you a very simple practice today that can help you feel more purity in your body, detox some old emotional energy, and connect you with the water element and flow.

Qualities of the 2nd Chakra:

  • Water/Orange Color
  • Moon Element/Mamakia
  • Relates to your emotional body
  • Imbalances relate to issues with mother/father, balance of masculine and feminine energies (ying/yang), creativity, abundance, sexuality movement, healthy relationship to desire/needs
  • Shame
  • Fear around change/unknown

How do these qualities relate to me?

The unknown can feel scary. How do you manage it in times of life, relationship or career transition?

How do you leap and trust that the net will appear?

1.  First you need to get grounded, connected to the Earth and resourced from within. You need to remember that you are supported to fulfill your highest potential. You need to remember your “Why” – your right to be here!

2. Secondly, it’s important to connect to your sacral chakra’s energy of flow, water and the essence of “Who you Are” – your birthright to be YOU.

When you connect to your mission and your essence, you realize that there is a very divine blueprint that is within you. And part of the process of living your life’s mission is to surrender your pain and attachments and live in the now of listening.

The water energy relates to your emotional body and your ability to be fluid or not within. Emotions are energies much like water that are meant to move and transform. If you hold on to them with the stories of the past, you get stuck and rigid and start paddling upstream.

The sacral chakra is the dance of the Masculine + Feminine energies and your sexual life force energy. When you are balanced in the Yin/Yang, you will flow easier because you can access the appropriate energy to support the whole. You can be receptive and relaxed for creative inner guidance (yin) and take action and be motivated to produce (yang).

When your emotions get the best of you and you get trapped you can migrate into fear, shame, guilt and other lower frequencies that don’t support the knowing of life being for you. An imbalance in this chakra can show itself as fear of the unknown.

Here is very simple practice BELOW can help you cleanse, feel more purity in your body, detox some old emotional energy, and connect you with the water element of flow and trust.

Water Purification Ritual +  Meditation Practice (19 minutes)

  1. You can listen to this FREE meditation/lesson about the 2nd chakra from my dropbox HERE
  2. Take an Epsom salt bath* ( 2 cups/40 min). Could add essential oils. I like Citrus Bliss from doTerra for sacral.
  3. Connect with the purifying quality of the water
  4. Hydrate during and after. Then lather yourself with good oils to seal it all in.

*Epsom salts boost magnesium which regulates over 300 enzymes in your body. It reduces stress, eliminates toxins, pulls heavy metals. Reduces pain & inflammation. Helps regulate blood sugar.

If you like these processes, these are the types of tools that I might offer my clients during their highly customized 7- week Shamanic journey through each of their energy centers.

At each energy center we go through a variety of processes to find what is stuck at all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritually) and work to move it through the system.

With this knowledge, we can deprogram and re-balance the energy centers for overall life balance.