
The Empowered Woman Podcast: Celebrating Courageous Women Who Turned Struggles Into Success – Episode 1 with Arin Fugate

The Empowered Woman Podcast: Celebrating Courageous Women Who Turned Struggles Into Success – Episode 1 on Youtube.⠀Join Nicole and special guest Arin Fugate on an empowering journey as they discuss Arin’s incredible story of overcoming addiction, anxiety, and depression to support women in achieving their dreams. In this insightful conversation, delve into the depths of trauma, self-discovery, and the transformative power of spirituality. From challenging beginnings with addicted parents to finding purpose and healing through yoga, essential oils, and the wisdom of plants, Nicole and Arin share their unique paths to empowerment.


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My Dark Night of the Soul + How it Birthed Unleash the Priestess!

Are you done feeling emotions that trigger self-hatred, self-sabotage and other destructive patterns? When will you stop living the life of your past and change this?

I recall one of my dark nights of the soul.

I was working my ass off and doing what I thought were all the right things, but nothing seemed to get into alignment.

It was like I would take a step forward and two steps back.

I was successful in many ways. Getting what I wanted in many ways. Yet, I would make a bunch of money, then lose it all. I would get a great opportunity and something would go awry. I would have expansive breakthroughs through all the healing work I was doing and then everything would fall apart. I’d be wrecked for days. I thought I was in great relationship yet it turned sour. We broke up and my child was now with separated parents.

Things were in chaos.

I couldn’t see the shadows lurking in the dark.

The thing was when things were good, I was good.

Then when things would turn, and I was not so good.

What I realized is that when things were good, I subconsciously couldn’t receive it. When things started to show up or go my way, I would sabotage it. I would butt up against my old stories, lack mentality, money issues, fear, overwhelm, and pain.

My inner child chose not to believe things were good because I still believed I wasn’t worthy of any of it. I felt in some way that I needed to be punished for my past.

I also believed that healers and teachers are bound to never make money! (Ugh). I was out rescuing everyone to prove my worth, until I was so depleted I was labeled with chronic fatigue.

It was time for another consciousness upgrade!

I decided to get coaching and work with more intuitive healers.

I knew it was going to be a financial commitment, a big old fear of mine, which is what kept me from doing it. And, I’m so glad I did.

What I found was that I was stuck in some old patterns of feeling not good enough, and past conditions of abuse, criticism, and judgement. I was giving up so much of my power away subconsciously.

That’s why I couldn’t make money either. I felt I didn’t deserve it.

On top of that I packed on a few big resentments through all that rescuing and I didn’t feel loved or supported. And truly the kicker… I was suppressing my voice and not expressing my feelings out of fear of what others would think!

What I realized was that underneath it all, I was still a pissed off and pained little child that was screaming for self-love, attention and support. I was mad at what I couldn’t create in my life and was not able to see the way through.

I needed to make some real bold changes.

I had to take a stand for myself. I had been helping everyone but myself for too long.

I had to be willing to forgive, to commit to change, to create discipline and accountability. I had to truly love myself and take the time to do so.

What I realize now is that through this whole journey, I was being initiated into my sovereignty as a priestess!

I was being given my blueprint for my coaching programs, “Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive!”.

I just had to do the last final piece of really deep work!

If you are hitting up against walls, glass ceilings, money problems and not getting your relationships or work in alignment, what do you think is happening?

Is the world against you? NO. NO. NO!

Here’s something you don’t want to hear.

It’s your CHOICE to live there!!!! [Book a Power Priestess Session Now!]

It’s hard to create the abundant life that you imagine for yourself when old patterns and linked behaviors like procrastination, isolation, complacency, judgement, shame, guilt and fear are in the way.

Are you READY + WILLING to take the deep dive + heal?

What if you could up-level your personal + professional life through transformative self-care practices and discipline that work?

What if you could learn how to build your self-confidence and RECLAIM your POWER?

There is another side to your narratives and I know how to help you get there in a loving, compassionate way, with a proven methodology that works.

I have been helping hundreds + thousands of people heal over the last 15 years.

I have clients that have experienced such radical shifts that they CAN NOT EVEN IMAGINE their old lives after just 12 weeks!

They don’t even think the same way.

I’ve witnessed my clients experience radical shifts like leaving their big corporate job to follow their dreams; open new healing businesses; teach more classes when they had no voice; decide to divorce because their in a toxic situation; leave their parents’ home and live on their own; and move across states to be with a new love!

It’s amazing what you can do when you feel empowered, loved and supported.

When you have a cheerleader in life and you become the beginner again.

I didn’t believe I could shift all these things until I did it for myself.

Then I watched the synchronicities flow.

I watched my business thrive.

I created my coaching programs because I am so passionate about healing and helping people see the common pitfalls, roadblocks and dark nights as initiations on the yogic path of self-realization. And with a mentor its so much easier to navigate.

I combined my personal trauma-informed emotional healing work with some kick ass visionary and practical tools from both East and West.

You need to heal your internal environment before the external one comes into alignment.

When you align with your power to find your purpose.

And once you heal and find that purpose, and power is present – YOU FLY!

There is nothing stopping you from living the abundant and amazing life that you imagined for yourself! Truly.

Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive is a highly customized integrative online coaching and personal healing program that combines the ancient wisdom teachings of yoga, shamanism, reiki, and empowerment coaching for a full body-mind-spirit transformation.

I’ve got a few 1×1 coaching spots opening.

Book a Priestess Power Session Now!

With gratitude,
xo Nicole Doherty


“The program with Nicole, helped me to take the phrase “you can do anything you put your mind to” and shift it to not just words, but a deep seeded understanding that I can truly do anything I put my attitude to. The tools you equipped me with by being a reflection of my own power helped me to realize that I had that power all along. When I started the program I was insecure, codependent on a unhealthy relationship, and grieving the loss of my father. Now after having completed the program I feel truly free to use life, my mind, emotions, and body as tools to create the life of my dreams. Instead of being afraid of the dark parts of my past I can use them as tools to understand how I relate to life and not let them define me anymore. “~ Sarah Vale



When will you stop hiding and playing small?

When will you stop hiding and playing small?

I want to tell you an inspiring story of my client Brandy.  Her willingness and curiosity gave way for deep healing, powerful transformation, and big shifts in her life.

Brandy called me to lose weight. She had been trying everything and someone said to try yoga.

As yoga teacher, energy medicine practitioner, holistic intuitive healer and coach, I told her that I look at all aspects of the body-mind system from an energetic perspective to see what’s collectively going on.

I told her that what was most interesting to me is what created the weight in the first place. I told her it wasn’t about losing the weight/lack mentality, but discovering the root cause of the condition.

Yoga asana is a great practice, but that’s not the only tool I would use to create mental shifts. Your life experiences and challenges can show up in any aspect of your being – physical, emotional, energetic and mental bodies.

What was at the root of this physical challenge for Brandy?

Brandy is a CFO of a Financial Institution. She’s got a big job and a lot of stress.

The weight gain was partially office habits and eating out, but it all started after her early childhood trauma. The only way she knew how to protect herself from the pain she was feeling was to pack on layers of protection and hide her shame and guilt underneath it.

This hiding was a familiar family pattern of escapism.

Food was a way to deal with her emotions and it was the only way her family knew how to continue to connect.

Here’s what she learned in the “Unleash the Priestess Within” 12-week program:

“My initial intention for coaching was with the goal of diet/food. I realized through the program that there were emotional and mental barriers that were much deeper that were the core issues.

I was hiding my power behind my pain and weight.

I began a meditation practice and now I meditate 15 – 45 min a day. This is one of the most impactful parts of the coaching for me!

Now, I am aware of my emotions and subconscious programming and how that affects my choices. I am now more conscious about everything in my life.

I know what I desire. I am visioning in all categories of my life and how they relate to my purpose.

I feel more trusting and safe around people and with myself and my intuition.

I can find compassion and forgiveness.

I have a much deeper connection to Spirit and my guides.

My experience with Nicole has greatly improved my life in many ways!”

She realized after these revelations that she could take better care of herself. That she could forgive and let go.  That she could shift her experience around food.


Not only is she losing weight naturally without that being the focus, she quit her job and started her own company not only a few weeks after we completed our 12 weeks together!

She had found the confidence and internal power again to create real change and align with her purpose!

She went through some major transformation after breaking through this core wounding pattern of hiding.

No more hiding.

She’s out in the world and aligned with her soul’s mission!

Find out how you might be hiding so you can live your purpose!  It’s time to stop playing small and live your dreams. Contact me for an opportunity to learn more about coaching and how my healing process works.

“Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive” is a highly customized integrative online coaching and personal healing program that combines the ancient wisdom teachings of yoga, shamanism, reiki, and empowerment coaching for a full body-mind-spirit transformation.

Breakthrough your limiting beliefs, unleash your priestess power and share your healing gifts with the world!!!!

Claim your priestess power and CONTACT ME for a free call!


Vulnerability + Bridging the Gap For Self-Love

In this very moment as I write, I’m in a healing process that feels extremely vulnerable.

I wanted to share this because it came up twice today with my clients when we were talking about victim, shame, self-punishment, vulnerability, forgiveness and power. They found it very valuable for them as a way of leaning into their healing process for self-love.

As a yogi, trauma-informed intuitive healer and coach, I have been in the depths of shadow work learning how to create empowered ways to shift my perceptions and awareness in life. I’ve been a seeker in understanding the mind and the heart, and the pathway in between.

Today, I’m taking myself on a transformational shamanic healing journey that I know can move me through this event that just happened that triggered this shame spiral within me.

I share this as an example and small sliver of how I journey with my clients in efforts to illustrate an understanding of what I call “bridging the gap between the subconscious and conscious mind” so that my clients and I can step more fully into our power, present moment awareness and practice the art of vulnerability.

The subconscious mind harbors our core wounds from childhood, or any events in our past that may still be unresolved or need deeper forgiveness.

In one of my first moments of separation, or pain, my little self spun a narrative that became the root belief system I have about myself. This story is a core wound or inner child story, or in some sciences called the ‘victim’ story.

In this example, I was triggered over the weekend into my core wound through the most elevating experience I’ve had in quite sometime, ironically. I was at an incredible wedding for a couple I adore with some of my best friends in this world.

Yet as I got off the plane to go home, I felt the little girl inside of me rise up in a mini tantrum. I say mini thankfully because they used to be HUGE. LOL.

My conscious mind was just over the moon with joy, love and ecstatic dance and play.

My subconscious mind got stuck in my core wound story with my dad. “I’m abandoned. I’m not seen. I’m not important or good enough. No one loves me.” All the happy couples I watched enjoy their time that day triggered this response within me. Emotions came to the surface for healing.

The development of this ego story is an entirely other article, but what’s important now is how powerfully I can track my ego, say hello to this old story, and welcome the little girl and her pain from that originating experience into my arms.

When the originating trauma event occurred for me, I had deep emotions around it.

Today my little girl reflects those and feels vulnerable, tender and sad. She feels unloved and confused. I see the trauma moment in my mind’s eye and the feelings of abandonment and loneliness.

I hear the “I’m not good enough to deserve love” story that rears its head to self-sabotage, punish or perpetuate the story that “no one will marry me, or love me like that.”

What I used to do was shut these feelings down. Like most of us, I would shame and punish myself for having them. I would want to be ‘good’ and ‘positive’ so I would try to stop thinking about it and shove them further down.

Then, I would find myself in isolation; overworking or doing any of the myriads of coping behaviors I’ve strategically created to not feel pain. My addictive behaviors would show up to avoid and distract (eating, watching videos, etc.) and help me forget again.

Let me tell you something.

If emotions that are felt are not met, seen, acknowledged, heard or processed in real time, we hold on to them like a security blanket and develop more generalized belief systems and stories about others, relationships and the world that stem from that pain.

We call these unconscious patterns, which in turn become unconscious behaviors.

The crux of healing from this humble soul who writes this is getting to the core of the emotional root of our traumas so we can learn to forgive, heal and step more fully into understanding, awareness, perception, intimacy, vulnerability and our voice.

If we can speak forward and lean into what needs to be said and find a way to be honest and true, instead of pushing things under the rug out of fear of rejection and weakness, then we learn vulnerability, courage and compassion.

Triggers are always an opportunity to heal, understand, and love.

So today, instead of pushing my little girl to the side, I invited her into my Higher Love, support and voice. I hugged her with tenderness and care. I decided not to overwork and instead journal, emote and let go.

I practiced the art of surrender to the beauty of this Divine plan. I felt her. I adored her. I played and prayed with her. I became present to her needs for attention, care and acceptance. And, I forgave myself for holding on so tightly to this narrative.

I forgave my dad for he knew not what he did back then. To him (and understanding as a parent now) this incident probably would have been so minor; yet, I took it so personally. I practiced understanding and compassion for he knew not the impact of this experience. I sent him deep love.

When we understand the above process and begin to see everyone through the lens of Source, we can shift our perception. It’s important to realize that we are not alone. We all carry core wounds, beliefs and perceptions. We all have pain and suffering. We all deal with these stories and narratives.

When we practice tracking the ego and stories this is what it means to bridge the gap between the subconscious and the conscious mind.

This is how we learn the art of vulnerability. Vulnerability is when we risk stepping into the fire of the unknown, challenge our perceptions, and expose our raw emotions for healing. As Brene Brown tells us in the Call to Courage, vulnerability is courage. They walk hand-in-hand.

Benefits of doing this inner healing work are:
• Practicing ahimsa, or non-violence – not projecting your stuff onto others
• Reducing the time you are affected by the flow of your emotions
• Being responsible for your life, so that you can manifest and create
• Learning to speak and express your needs from a place of power and love vs pain
• Minimizing your downtime away from your passions, purpose and power
• Feeling abundant and in love with yourself and others

I’ll invite you to see what behaviors and belief systems you want to change and reverse engineer your life for healing. This is the transformational process of healing that will help you unleash your power and bring you into presence.

Just as you can heal your past, you can change your future. It’s all a matter of getting present to what is happening now and learning to resource support. It’s an opportunity to trust yourself and create safety through connecting your Highest Self with your Inner Child and bringing yourself back to Innocence, Wholeness and Sacred Union with the Divine.

This is the journey from the head into the heart. This is what creates great strength and compassion. This is the process of awakening to Divine Love.

Many blessings dear one on your healing path!


What to Do if You’ve Just Received a Chronic Pain Diagnosis

A diagnosis of a condition that causes chronic pain can be a truly life-altering experience. It’s shocking. It’s scary. It’s often confusing. The most important thing for you to know right now is that it is manageable. No matter how apprehensive you are about your future at this very moment, you will learn how to cope and things will get better. Here’s what you can do right now.

Take a breath and let the shock subside.

Your first challenge is to overcome the shock of the initial diagnosis. This is easier said than done, but if you allow yourself to feel — really feel — the wide range of emotions that come with it, you can begin to move on.

“You may feel you’re on a roller coaster of emotion — accepting one day, and angry the next. It may help to remind yourself that these feelings are normal, and will likely ease with time,” says the American Psychological Association. It’s okay to feel mad, scared, and even numb. Your plan of action can commence when you hit the acceptance phase of your emotional journey.

Start by creating a peaceful, stress-free home environment.

It’s hard to manage chronic pain in a hectic, cluttered, disorganized, stressful home. Since you spend the majority of your time in your home, it’s vital that you make it as peaceful as possible.

First, take some time to declutter, organize, and in some cases, downsize. Get rid of (or donate) items that you simply don’t use. Go through your closets and pare down your clothing collection by donating anything that you haven’t worn in a calendar year. Organize the clutter that rests on your tables and floor with organizational aids like stylish buckets, bins, wall cubes, and chests (more on that here). Check out this guide on great ways to make your home stress-free.

And once you’ve de-cluttered, you’ll have room in your home for a meditation space. Mindful.org notes that meditation is a tried and true method of coping with chronic pain. It may not actually reduce the pain you’re feeling, but it will teach you how to better cope with it. Your response to your pain is what you can control. Fill this meditation space with calming things – visuals, smells, and textures. Pro tip: make your meditative space one that’s filled with natural light.

Then move on to lifestyle changes.

There are many chronic pain sufferers who are able to manage their pain with prescription medication, and there are some who cannot. Even if you use medication to help deal with your pain, you can’t rely on it alone. You must make some lifestyle changes if you want to manage your condition in a healthy manner.

The first step is to limit the use of the big three: nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine. Smoking and excessive drinking exacerbate the symptoms of most chronic pain-causing conditions, and caffeine has also been shown to do the same (it can increase inflammation as well as interfere with restful sleep). During this time, many people also look for natural ways to help decrease inflammation, and some have found success with CBD oil. What’s more, cannabidiol can help alleviate feelings of anxiety, which often tend to accompany chronic pain. Of course, talk to your doctor before you begin taking CBD oil, and do plenty of research to find the best type of oil.

Another natural remedy for pain and anxiety is yoga. This ancient practice gives you an opportunity to connect with your mind and body. It also offers gentle stretching for your muscles, which can go a long way toward easing discomfort. When accompanied by meditation, yoga is a powerful and effective weapon against your own reaction to pain, and boosts your ability to control your feelings toward it. For even more relief, consider Reiki healing, which involves moving energy throughout the body to promote emotional and physical healing.

Next — and this is a lifelong commitment — is to focus on a healthy diet. This should be one that’s mostly whole foods (unprocessed), with a limit on red meat, dairy, and sugar and an emphasis on anti-inflammatory foods like fish and vegetables.

This is how you get started on dealing with chronic pain – something that you may have for years or even a lifetime. It’s not a sentence. It’s hard, but in the end, it can be an opportunity to refocus your life on being healthy, mindful, and stress-free.

By Guest Blogger: Jackie Waters
Photo by Vladislav Muslakov on Unsplash