Young woman yawning, close up

My mom drives me crazy.

“My mom drives me crazy!”
How many times have you said this to yourself?
As a new mom, I cringe at the thought of my son saying this about me, but the fact is mom’s push our buttons.
And the other fact is, children push ours.
I don’t know a single person that I see in my healing & coaching practice that hasn’t had issues with their parents.
Isn’t that the Divine design really?
I believe that we choose our parents.  We chose a particular point in time and space to incarnate upon the planet.  And as karma would have it, your mom and dad were two people that you knew could offer you the lessons that would evolve your soul.
But we forget this.
You will spend a lot of time blaming and accusing your parents for all your stuff.
The point is this, just like coaching, the Universe can’t just give you the answers, or you don’t embody and learn the lessons. So you need to live it so you can be empowered.
Isn’t that brilliant?
God’s the ultimate life coach!
In Monday’s note I mentioned that we are programmed in our early years. We create belief systems about ourselves, then we create evidence, or experiences, that match what we think about ourselves to corroborate our stories.
What are your parents still doing to you? 😉 What do you need to forgive and move past so you can live your life? What stories do you hold on to from the past?
I’m happy to help you get over your parents — sign up for your FREE Shamanic Priestess session. I promise it will not be like talking on the phone with your mom. Click Here

Letting go of “I’m not good enough.”

“I am not good enough.”

“I am not important.”

“I do not matter.”

These are common limiting beliefs I hear as a women’s empowerment coach and intuitive healer.

I believed these stories at certain points in my life too.

Most of my clients suffer from similar forms of self-loathing or sabotage which is why they reach out for personal and professional transformation.

Do you want to change your belief systems and shine your light? 

Do you want to reclaim your power?

In healing and energy work, these narratives are related to a root chakra deficiency. You may feel unsafe, in fear and mistrusting of life which can create a sense of overwhelm, dismantle your power and skew your belief system away from YOUR RIGHT TO BE HERE.

In Western psychology and coaching this relates to inner child healing work and core wounding.  I also like to call this our ego’s victim nature.

In my version of East meets West coaching + energy healing, I will work with you on the ego/victim nature,  core wounds and emotional pains you suffered as a child.

As a team, we dive deep into your lineage to understand your modeling, emotional intelligence, belief systems and narratives that have led you to create these self-defeating patterns running in your subconscious mind.  According to research, about 95% of your thinking is old programming in the subconscious.

Your programming is creating discord, obstacles and resistance with the spiritual part of you that knows what it WANTS,  WHAT IT IS and WHAT IT DESERVES.

The way to overcome this resistance is to turn the conscious mind toward the subconscious and create a rainbow healing bridge. We can use tools like meditation, energy work, emotional clearing, emotional intelligence, healing, shadow work, affirmations, forgiveness, gratitude, and new disciplines.  This takes devotional intention, spiritual commitment and work!

Do you want to create the loving, joy-filled, abundant life that you imagine for yourself?

When is it the right time work on this resistance?

You might experience resistance in a variety of ways.  As an example, you may feel like you take a step forward and then you take two steps backward.  Or you may have big wins and then big contractions but nothing feels steady.  You may feel instability in your money or client streams. It might feel like you have huge ideas, but can’t execute them.

If you were to ask me when I was in the prime of my story of “I’m not good enough” what was happening in my life, I blamed or criticized anyone or anything for my problems. I was holding onto big resentments. I was in fear, pain and separation. Rarely could I own that I was creating these experiences in my life. I was living in my shadow. I didn’t see that my external experiences were a mirror for my own thinking patterns.

It’s important to look at our shadow and heal with support.

As a coach, I play a powerful neutral role as your reflective mirror to show you how you are operating subconsciously and to empower you to create change.

What if you could learn ways to deprogram these unhealthy patterns of your lineage, change your thoughts and manage them better?

According to the Upanishads, the ancient Yogic texts, we could change our destiny if we change our thoughts, “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny.”

If you would like to learn how to change your thoughts and belief systems, maybe it’s time to ask for support?

If you don’t, nothing changes.

What could you do if you truly believed in yourself?

What could you do if you were willing to let go of the stories of the past?

What if you felt like you were good enough or you did matter, what would you create and voice?

I’m happy to help empower your thinking through a FREE Priestess Power session. I promise it will be one of the most revealing calls you’ve ever experienced. Click Here

P.S. Join my free, private Facebook group #UnleashthePriestess to connect with other women who are empowering each other to evolve and thrive by sharing their deep healing processes!

Infinite blessings on the path to awaken to the Divinity in all,

“Our power to manifest is equal to our power to generate our own evolution.”- Claire Zammit


WTF?…Love & Light!

It’s time to wake up and get real raw!

One of my favorite comedians to date is JP Sears who pokes fun at the spiritual community for being “ultra spiritual”. He points out what I call spiritual bypassers – those that have made spirituality trendy and cool and have bypassed their inner work.

The spiritual community in LA can feel like people are just blowing a lot of “love and light” up people’s asses. There are loads of people running around offering their ‘healing energy’ without ever taking a moment to heal or look at themselves in the mirror. WTF?

What we don’t process becomes the unconscious at play in all areas of our life and the human collective. We need to own our shit and get real. How long do you plan on hiding?

It’s not funny anymore to pretend your shit don’t stink.  It’s not cool anymore to be dimming your light. It’s not appropriate anymore to tip toe around subjects that need addressing. It’s not helpful to say something other than what you mean. It’s not OK to avoid uncomfortable subjects. It’s time to let people disagree with you and to get into dialogue (check out my organic banana post and how absolutely people disagree with me!).

It’s time to wake up and take action in co-creation with Pure Consciousness. We don’t have time to sit back and wait for the Universe to save us.

There is a lot of chaos in the world on the macro scale, and this is purely a reflection of the inner turmoil that is ours to own and a reflection of the inner chaos. What we are seeing is the belly of the dragon – the unconscious masculine and feminine energies up for serious review.  It’s not time to ignore your role in all of it.

Here are the types of questions and statements that we can start probing ourselves with:

  • How do you back up your love and light claims?
  • Describe the consistent practices in your life that scare you.
  • Name the ways that you get out of your comfort zone.
  • In what ways do you give up your power?
  • What are you willing to let go of?
  • How are you leaking your energy?
  • When do you not speak your truth?
  • Who are you proving yourself to and comparing yourself with?
  • What bad habits do you hold that you can’t manage to break?
  • In what ways do you allow the virus of “I’m too busy” to control your life?
  • Can you describe what it feels like to believe there is no money or time available?
  • Who is your scapegoat?
  • When do you not speak up out of fear of rejection?
  • What are you doing in your life with intention?
  • Who is keeping you in a box?
  • What roles do you play that bring you out of alignment?
  • How do you ask for support?
  • What is your purpose on this Earth and who are you helping?
  • What are you doing with your gifts in service to humanity?
  • How do you love and nurture yourself?
  • In what ways do you practice compassion?

I’m on a roll, but you get the picture.  There is a deep inquiry here. Being spiritual is not a trend. It’s not a reality TV show. This is about doing the work internally, so you can help the others that are not awake, pop. We are talking about saving humanity and the planet.

Love & Light (I can say this because I can fuckin’ back it up!)
Infinite blessings on the path to awaken to the divinity in All,


“Our power to manifest is equal to our power to generate our own evolution.”
– Claire Zammit.

BADA-BOOM! Celebrate Your Infinite Grace

In the words of Michael Beckwith, the enlightened master of Agape International Spiritual Center, “Bada-Boom!” rings through my ear drums as I type today.

I love this acronym that he describes as:

BADAbelief + attitude defines your altitude!
BOOM = blessed observer observes magnificence!

It’s time in that celebratory tone of “Bada-Boom!” to revel in our Infinite Grace. 😉

We are complete, whole Divine Sparks of God. So what keeps us small, dis-empowered, and out of our Vortex of alignment?  It’s our BELIEF SYSTEM and ATTITUDE.

Where were these forged?

Unfortunately for many of us, belief and attitude has been fed to us through the powers that surround us – the media moguls, government, big pharma, and insurance companies.  The current “World Dominators” that repeatedly send messages of sickness, fear, doubt and worry so they can control our minds and create powerlessness.

We have gone into a deep sleep. Wake up!

We need to awaken to the understanding and belief that we are God, Light, Love and Infinite Grace and Celebrate Who We Really Are!  We are blessed with Consciousness and the ability to be an Observer.  With a healthy belief system, attitude and PRACTICE, we can observe the Magnificence of ALL THAT IS.   We need to Define our ALTITUDE and ascend.  We need to observe, understand and KNOW that we have the power within us, always.  It’s our choice and responsibility to access the Universal Mind of Pure Awareness through meditation and practices that quiet these external stories/forces that we are habitually downloading.

What can we do? 

Stop. Slow down. Be in communion with people who are awakened. Listen to their radio shows and telecasts. Go to spiritual centers.  Practice yoga. Meditate. Get healing. Turn off the TV. Stop the video games. Use herbs and natural plant remedies. Sing to God. Ask for guidance and pray. Read affirmative books. Drink clean water. Get off the sugar, caffeine, salt and processed foods. Shop at farmer’s markets. Commune with the land. Learn how to care for her. Reduce your impact on the planet. Be kind to yourself first, then others. Come back to your center. Find your passions. Get a coach or mentor. Ask for help. What is your Soul here to express? What Divine gifts & talents do you posses that can service humanity and the world?  Think big because You are.  Each of us is a unique emanation of God.

Let’s do this thing…together!



Yoga & Empowerment Retreat in Costa Rica with Nicole!

in COSTA RICA with Nicole Doherty
at Buenaventura Rainforest Wellness Center & Encantada Beach-Front Retreat

Join Nicole for her signature Yoga & Empowerment retreat in Costa Rica! Spend 4 nights immersed in the rainforest along a pristine river at the sacred wellness center of Buenaventura in the Savegre River Valley and 4 nights on a peaceful and relaxing beach at Encantada on Playa Esterillos. Connect your Soul and Spirit to the Earth and Dive into the Magic, Beauty and Adventures of Costa Rica’s remote Jungles and Beaches. About: |

Experience Nicole’s powerful “Empower to Evolve” workshop series that was created for personal transformation. This rejuvenating and regenerating week-long retreat is designed to give you effective, practical tools that will empower you to explore new visions for your life. Enjoy daily yoga, pranayama, meditation, farm-to-table organic vegetarian/ vegan meals,“Fountain of Youth” waterfalls, blue clay skin treatments, rock pools, nature hikes and epic sunsets, and optional workshops and activities including “Cacao to Chocolate Making Workshop”, canopy ziplines, surfing, horseback riding and more!

What’s included:

  • 8 Nights Lodging (4 at Buenaventura / 4 at Encantada)
  • All Meals
  • All Ground Transfers
  • Daily Yoga Classes & Meditation
  • 3 Yoga and Empowerment Workshops
  • Edible Food Forest Organic Farm Tour
  • Avatar Adventure Hiking Tour to Waterfalls & Blue Clay Mud Baths
  • Trip Planning Services by Tico Guide Travel

What past retreat goers say about Nicole & her retreats:

“WOW. I really don’t know where to begin. I’m sitting here eating my bland, boring, non Chef Robin made dinner and just reflecting on the weekend. This entire weekend was just incredible and I am so grateful that I was a part of it. You are so AMAZING and I can’t thank you enough for putting on a magical retreat that allowed me to reconnect with myself and also connect with other spiritual, curious, and open people. I look forward to the another retreat with you : )Thank you again Nicole!”
Allie K

“Ahhhh…  I am just reading this and drawing in a deep breath.  Thank you so much once again for the beautiful support and love during the retreat and after. Life has so many gifts!   I am moving forward and finding my glass half FULL and full of HOPE. With Gratitude and love…”
Ojai Retreat Fall 2014

“It was so amazing and empowering…and I feel so blessed that it was my first yoga retreat experience led by Nicole Doherty, I don’t have the words to even describe how i feel but just blessed!! Xo”
Goda Yoga Student, Ojai Fall Retreat 2014

Retreat Cost:
$1,662 USD (Double Occupancy) / $1,942 USD (Single Occupancy*)
Rates are Per Person / * Single Rooms only available at Buenaventura
$250 Non-refundable Deposit lock down the best rooms when you sign up early
Balance due by January 15th, 2015 so we can book best fares/accommodations/tours


Additional Expenses NOT included:
Airline Fare (~$650-$750 from LAX or SFO), Travel Insurance (~$150), Airport Exit Fee ($29), Tips, Alcoholic, Beverages, Lunch on 03/15, Optional Tours/Excursions not listed above, and Miscellaneous Travel Expenses (getting to/from LAX or SFO airports)

To reserve your space, first contact Nicole at:
[email protected]
or call 415.378.8547

After we talk you can pay directly here through Paypal $250 non-refundable deposit per person.

And for travel logistics/accommodations:
Harlow Newton
Tico Guide Travel
[email protected]